Make a good game, still gets pirated

Wait... did someone talked about piracy AGAIN?

oh noes.
stop making thread about this, nobody cares lol
I care. Pirates suck, especially those too fucking cheap to pay for a low cost indie game. Constant reminders of just how much they suck are always welcome.
I actually didn't buy this, It looked good but they pulled the EU copy off steam before I could buy it, and wont re-appear until like Q1 next year. For some reason it really pissed me off, it was like a big F-U from them to the customers.
There's a lesson to be learned here - Make a good game, make it cheap, don't put draconian DRM in it, and people will still steal it.
yeah but at least those who do buy it won't get screwed. face it draconian drm will only get cracked anyways and the legit buyers are the ones to get screwed by it.
There's a lesson to be learned here - Make a good game, make it cheap, don't put draconian DRM in it, and people will still steal it.

this is correct. i dont know how some people think that GOOD things are less likely to be stolen, it's the opposite. Great games are pirated more, but they sell so much that few companies bitch about it because they are too busy swimming in cash.
Someone always has to go and ruin it for everyone. It's too bad that video games have become such a cesspool of snotty little ignorant pricks who think they deserve to "try before they buy".

If you try to justify piracy with "game developers are evil lolz, fight the man..." "stop making crappy games and we wont pirate" or "it's too expensive"

First, how would you like it, if someone came into your house and stole something valuable of yours?
Second, read reviews and play demos before you commit to buy a game, being a stupid impulsive shopper isn't a fucking excuse.
And finally, if you can afford a current gen console, or a current gen PC... you can afford to buy a $50 game, stop being a cheap prick and get a better job.

Pirates, people who make virus' and thieves in general piss me off... always out to ruin someone else' life... claiming to fight the man while pissing off his fellow man instead.
pirates would claim they couldn't afford a PC or a console if it was possible for them to pirate them. The truth is we as humans find a way to entertain ourselves. If games couldn't be pirated, people would work harder to get the money to get them. it's a funny world we live in.
OMG game is pirate!!!1 Har teh end of teh wordls this never happen!!


No shit Sherlock. Games/movies/music/software get pirated every day. Get over it.
...and this is the exact reason why developers are shifting resources to consoles, much to the chagrin of the enthusiast community.

Sure, publishers are not without their faults and mistakes, but good game or not, there is just too much piracy in the PC community. Note that piracy absolutely occurs with consoles, but it simply is far less common.

Sadly, PC gamers [of which I was a longtime member] are going to eventually pay even more for the sins of the [relatively] few....things will go from annoying DRM and weak ports to lack of development, period.
If they want to sell the game, they should advertise/promote it better.
I've never heard of the game so I was hardly able to support the company.
If a new game appears on a torrent site without prior knowledge, that is the wrong way for people to find out about it.
Blaming piracy when the basics havent been covered is a bit strong!
OMG game is pirate!!!1 Har teh end of teh wordls this never happen!!


No shit Sherlock. Games/movies/music/software get pirated every day. Get over it.

Exhibit A.

Why such vitriol toward the developer for mentioning piracy? If you put your time, energy and resources into a product, only to find that most of the interest has been from those stealing your hard you not have a right to be upset or take measures?

If you went to work for 40 hours and your boss only paid you for 10, how would you like it if he rolled his eyes at you and told you to "get over it?"

You likely don't pirate anything yourself, but this attitude here is also part of the problem.
Sadly, PC gamers [of which I was a longtime member] are going to eventually pay even more for the sins of the [relatively] few....things will go from annoying DRM and weak ports to lack of development, period.


Stealing games is just like masturbation... in the end you're only fucking yourself.
Now you answer me this:

OK, 90% of the game copies are pirated. But did he profit? Did the game made a profit? Yes or No? If No then it's a shame. If Yes then will everyone quit your fucking whining about piracy? It will NEVER go away, it has been around before you were even born and will be here long after you're dead.

Stop developing? Hardly. Do you see bands and musicians stop playing because of piracy? Do you see movie studios stop producing movies because of piracy?

This whole PC GAMING IS DYING rhetoric bullshit is really out of hand. Stop spreading FUD.
If they want to sell the game, they should advertise/promote it better.
I've never heard of the game so I was hardly able to support the company.
If a new game appears on a torrent site without prior knowledge, that is the wrong way for people to find out about it.
Blaming piracy when the basics havent been covered is a bit strong!

Just because you were unaware of the game doesn't mean that the marketing was poor. There had to be at least some initial interest for the torrent to spread.
Now you answer me this:

OK, 90% of the game copies are pirated. But did he profit? Did the game made a profit? Yes or No? If No then it's a shame. If Yes then will everyone quit your fucking whining about piracy? It will NEVER go away, it has been around before you were even born and will be here long after you're dead.


Whether or not they made a profit is irrelevant, because had all of the people who tried the game actually paid for it legally they would have made more. Your example is like the equivalent of working and getting paid $15/HR when you were hired for $20. Sure, your bills were probably paid with 15, but you'd still make more had you been paid as agreed.

Whether or not they made a profit is irrelevant, because had all of the people who tried the game actually paid for it legally they would have made more. Your example is like the equivalent of working and getting paid $15/HR when you were hired for $20. Sure, your bills were probably paid with 15, but you'd still make more had you been paid as agreed.

You would have to take into account that nobody doing that job has previously made what they were promised.

It doesn't make pirating right but it is a reality.
Piracy = excuse for a bad game

good games get purchased and make millions and millions still, period even though many pirate it, the same many who would not of bought it anyways so it is all BS.

Also, how do they know %90 of it was pirated? that is like when EA claims "we lost 5millin sales on x game!" again BS and a number that can not be proven.

First, how would you like it, if someone came into your house and stole something valuable of yours?

it is not the same thing, i wish people would stop making this type of comparison of physical property vs copyright infringment,

And finally, if you can afford a current gen console, or a current gen PC... you can afford to buy a $50 game, stop being a cheap prick and get a better job

and if they could walk into a store and get the hardware for free they would, again not the same thing

If someone can get something for free, they will, period, and i think this applies to %99 of people out there, problem is the internet seems to remove the concious of guilt and they think they can get away with it, cause it is the internet and they are doing it in the privacy of their own homes.

i would bet money most people on here who put down those who download things illegally, have done so themselves on more then one occasion.
The reason the piracy happened to such an extent imo is that they put it up for EU customers then took it down after a day. Word spread, a bunch of people bought it and talked about it, but then it was taken down. Once it was no longer on steam, the easiest way to get it was to pirate it. I managed to get it on the day it was out, but I know a few people who ended up pirating it even though they would have bought it on steam, which is sad.
Piracy = excuse for a bad game

good games get purchased and make millions and millions still, period even though many pirate it, the same many who would not of bought it anyways so it is all BS.

Also, how do they know %90 of it was pirated? that is like when EA claims "we lost 5millin sales on x game!" again BS and a number that can not be proven.

it is not the same thing, i wish people would stop making this type of comparison of physical property vs copyright infringment,

World of Goo is not a bad game, your logic is seriously warped.

You cannot have a functioning free market economy if customers get to choose how much they pay for something. If people can use a product or service and pay for it on a voluntary basis, the incentive to provide that product or service would be much lower (even if it's not non-existent).
Wait... did someone talked about piracy AGAIN?

oh noes.
stop making thread about this, nobody cares lol

pirates make PC game developers turn their game into having console friendly interfaces and gameplay or PC game developers might decide to just make console games

you should care if you care about PC gaming
Just because you were unaware of the game doesn't mean that the marketing was poor. There had to be at least some initial interest for the torrent to spread.

Seems to me there was little advertising and no hype from gamers as I havent heard of it before and I regularly buy games so keep my eye out for good releases.
It comes as no suprise that they didnt make many sales.
World of Goo is not a bad game, your logic is seriously warped.

persona opinion, but i was just using that as a refernce more so of past makers complaining of bad game sales and in the end you read every review and everyone says it was a bas game.

good games get pirated as well, but they also make a crap ton of money.

Seems to me there was little advertising and no hype from gamers as I havent heard of it before and I regularly buy games so keep my eye out for good releases.
It comes as no suprise that they didnt make many sales.

dido, i am on steam every day, i read the steam update page that pops up and i have never heard of this game.
People just don't seem to understand a couple of things:

1- Piracy will never go away. Every game will be pirated. Period. But if it's good (or face it, hyped) it will sell well regardless.
2- People defend "indie" stuff like rabid dogs. Support indie games! Support indie music! Why? Just because they are "indie" they automatically give a shit about you? They are automatically good and/or deserving of all your hard-earned dollars? They could be no better than corporate grease-balls. And for that matter, "corporate grease-balls" could be better people than them.
Also, how do they know %90 of it was pirated?

They compared the number of unique ip address on the leaderboard to the number of copies sold.

If someone can get something for free, they will, period, and i think this applies to %99 of people out there, problem is the internet seems to remove the concious of guilt

The problem is that there is no fear of punishment. You don't go into a store a steal something because you know you could be thrown in jail. Stealing games is against the law, but because there is no fear of being caught people still do it. When the law catches up with the thieves (like France is doing right now) you'll see less people pirating. I would not be surprised at all if the U.S. sees new legislature about piracy passed during the Obama administration.
People just don't seem to understand a couple of things:

1- Piracy will never go away. Every game will be pirated. Period. But if it's good it will sell well regardless.
2- People defend "indie" stuff like rabbid dogs. Why? So just because they are "indie" they automatically give a shit about you? They could be no better than corporate greaseballs. And for that matter, "corporate greaseballs" could be better people than them.

People who defend the rights of games companies to be from from piracy don't care about the actual corporation or 'indie developers' themselves. We care about the system which provides our games, and are concerned that piracy undermines that system and lowers the incentive for people to make good games to make money.
You would have to take into account that nobody doing that job has previously made what they were promised.

It doesn't make pirating right but it is a reality.

You're right. Piracy is always going to exist on some level. I'm also positive that publishers take that into account when forecasting sales. However, the rate of piracy on PCs is still much higher than it is on consoles, period. If PC and console piracy was similar, all of this would be a moot point, but and I are both aware that it is not. If you are a publisher, it all boils down to this: as trends continue most of them are going to choose to play ball in an area of less risk [consoles] than an area of greater risk [PCs].

Look, I really want the PC community to do well. Note only has development largely forstered innovation and development, but it should be a viable platform for those that choose to game that way. However, I honestly only see the trends I mentioned previously [weak ports, excessive DRM, console-only titles] continuing. And it doesn't help whatsoever that so many passionate PC gamers happen to be blind to the fact that, while piracy does certainly exist across any platform, it is most prevalent in their own back yard.

It's simple folks: you have two neighborhoods - one with a high crime rate and one with a lower crime rate. Many of us will pay a little extra to live in an area of lesser crime, right? Despite all the PC hate, it is costlier for publishers and developers to create on consoles due to all of the licensing fees and devkits from Sony and Microsoft [and Nintendo]. They're making a prudent business decision to spend more upfront to prevent this very thing from happened [or being severely reduced] down the road. And yet, we have people that simply say "Get over it?"

Perhaps they should try their hand at developing games themselves, because it certainly is not cheap and companies are going to move into markets in which they have the best chance at success.
They compared the number of unique ip address on the leaderboard to the number of copies sold.

Oh really? That made me chuckle. They go on the Internet claiming 90% PIRACY!!!1 using that logic? Oh My God...

How many people use the same Steam account on two or more different computers? One at home, one at work (it happens!), maybe another at a relative's house.
People who defend the rights of games companies to be from from piracy don't care about the actual corporation or 'indie developers' themselves. We care about the system which provides our games, and are concerned that piracy undermines that system and lowers the incentive for people to make good games to make money.

Wrap this up and stamp it - you win the thread.
i would bet money most people on here who put down those who download things illegally, have done so themselves on more then one occasion.

I bet that everyone here has downloaded illegal stuff at least once in their life so far. its easy to pirate a game then it is to go to a shop a steal it
and once all developers go to console, watch the piracy rat esky rocket there as people make more accesible mods for by passing pirated games

and i was tihnking that, most home ISP offer dynamic IP's which change frequently
Oh really? That made me chuckle. They go on the Internet claiming 90% PIRACY!!!1 using that logic? Oh My God...

How many people use the same Steam account on two or more different computers? One at home, one at work (it happens!), maybe another at a relative's house.

i use my steam acount at work, home and on the go on my laptop :)
Just a quick comment about the trying before you buy poster earlier, and a note that I do not condone or am involved with pirating. That said almost everything else is a try before you buy, houses, vehicles. If the product is not a try before you buy you can almost always swap for something that suits you better or return it outright. Not the case with software, if the game blows or will not run you are stuck with a $50 paperweight. And we have seen that some demos of games are inaccurate. The game gets changed significantly between demo and release.

Bah, whatever. People who keep on making these piracy threads are simply trolling waving around flamebait and should be treated as such. Have fun, this repeats over and over and over again. What's the point.


There. You can get on with your lives now.
Bah, whatever. People who keep on making these piracy threads are simply trolling waving around flamebait and should be treated as such. Have fun, this repeats over and over and over again. What's the point.


There. You can get on with your lives now.'re an idiot. Seriously, because nobody has said this at all. But you keep thinking that way...