Making the most out of my 6800GT



I've had my setup for about a month and a half, and Im really pleased with it. UT2004, Call of Duty: UO, and other games that came out in 2004 or before run pretty much perfect with all the settings on highest.

However, some of the newer and more graphically demanding games I've noticed some inconsistancy.

In Doom 3, Half-Life 2, and Battlefield 2 on high quality, it can run at 50-60fps on 1280x1024 about 95% of the time. But in that other 5% of the time, it studders and goes as low as 10fps. Not much of a problem in single player, but alittle bit annoying

I do have the very lastest drivers for my card. But Im wondering if there is anything I can do to iron out that studdering and... anything I can do to make the most out of my card?
Maybe it's your memory holding you back. I play the same games on my 6800GT and never had that problem. Maybe occasionally, or once I get into a level, but rarely.

Running games on max settings at 1280*1024 is a little straining on memory. So that's all I can figure. You may find that another 512MB will make all the difference.
Yeah I do plan on getting another stick of 512... is there anything else that I can do? Im not sure if I have my BIOS settings perfect...
You shouldn't have to change anything in your BIOS. I would likely say it's the 512MB of ram that's making the difference.

Maybe someone can prove me wrong.
Is there anything that can be done to keep the paging file out of the question because we all know this can contribute greatly to decreased game performance when game data is constantly having to be read from a hard drive (in my case a 5400rpm hard drive >=(

Maybe an extra gig of RAM could cure me of this evil paging file problem? If Windows would better map it's virtual memory to the RAM this would not be a problem but we all know, that's Windows for ya.

Maybe I need to get RivaTuner again. Gotta love these 6 series overclocks!

I truly believe that 2gigs is the new minimum for hardcore gamers.
Leviathann said:
I truly believe that 2gigs is the new minimum for hardcore gamers.

Minimum implies the least amount you can get away with. There's a whole lot of gamers that get by with less than that. :)

If 2 GB is the minimum, what's optimal? 4 GBs?

2 GB might be optimal, but it can be the minimum.
pandora's box said:
2 things are holding the 6800 GT back, 512MB of ram and the athlon xp.
The XP is definteley not the bottleneck. He needs more RAM. BF2 demo on medium/high settings uses up almost all of my gig. He needs more memory.
You're right, I guess 1.5 would be more or less a minimum for smooth performance.

BF2 also uses my gig up when on high settings