Male-Only Video Game Tournament Sets Off Controversy

I have a huge issue with this. Big time. These women shouldn't be bitching. Can you imagine the whining and bitching when a girl beats some guy? He got beat by a GIRL! That guy would be crying and whining and complaining that she cheated...

I'm actually fine with guys vs. girls. But, sometimes you just want a guys only event. No big deal. Sometimes, it's a guys night out. Sometimes, it's a girls night out. The rest of the time, it's a guys/girls time... No problems with any of that. It's life. It's like having that nagging wife when you want to go out with the guys once a month. She needs to quit her damn bitching and let him go play.
Amazing display of ignorance there. Lots of gamers across numerous genre are making probably more income per year "playing games" then you do in your "real job". I find esports entertaining, but I think Football, Soccer and other like sports are boring and pointless, does that make them any less legitimate? Nope.

The below statement pretty much sums it up. Lots of people make more money than me, but I don't measure the credibility of what they do based on their income alone. That'd be a silly headed way to think. Because of that, I still say - *snerk* eSports

Making good money at something =/= it being a sport.
everyone knows women aren't as good as video games as men, their brains aren't as developed as ours
Amazing display of ignorance there. Lots of gamers across numerous genre are making probably more income per year "playing games" then you do in your "real job". I find esports entertaining, but I think Football, Soccer and other like sports are boring and pointless, does that make them any less legitimate? Nope.

As others have mentioned, income doesn't make it a sport. I have nothing but respect for someone who can make a living playing games. HOWEVER, the classification of gaming into an eSport isn't about getting more money to the gamers (the good gamers already make lots of money as you noted) it is about the leagues getting more money (and that I couldn't care less about)
I mean there's shooting and archery in the Olympics for crying out loud, don't tell me that a man's natural stronger body has an advantage over women in these two "sports" yet they have both men and women events.

Well, for archery strength matters, but more to what you were mentioning:

In the brain there are high concentrations of male sex hormone (androgen) receptors throughout cerebral cortex, especially in the visual cortex which is responsible for processing images. Androgens are also responsible for controlling the development of neurons in the visual cortex during embryogenesis, meaning that males have 25% more of these neurons than females.
We find that male acuities exceed those of females both for essentially static and temporally modulated stimuli. Similarly, it has been reported, based on large samples and measured with static and moving stimuli, that males had significantly better acuities under all conditions [3,4]; we have found no studies that show the reverse.
The below statement pretty much sums it up. Lots of people make more money than me, but I don't measure the credibility of what they do based on their income alone. That'd be a silly headed way to think. Because of that, I still say - *snerk* eSports

As others have mentioned, income doesn't make it a sport. I have nothing but respect for someone who can make a living playing games. HOWEVER, the classification of gaming into an eSport isn't about getting more money to the gamers (the good gamers already make lots of money as you noted) it is about the leagues getting more money (and that I couldn't care less about)

Never said making money made it a sport, simply was one of the things I pointed out. Chess and other things like it are also considered sports. So if you can give me a reason that pro gaming isn't the same I would love to hear it.

Sport != physical activity only.
Well, for archery strength matters, but more to what you were mentioning:

Eh... while yeah some strength matters in that a flabby armed person would have a hard time, however with archery its not a matter of stronger translates to better performance especially with the modern compound bows they use, different sorts of pulleys (I'm guessing for mechanical advantage), counter balances so that it's almost effortless to hold it straight. The olympics are not about using traditional bows, they use those modern ones that make you go "huh that's not the bow I remember from dungeon's and dragons".
Eh... while yeah some strength matters in that a flabby armed person would have a hard time, however with archery its not a matter of stronger translates to better performance especially with the modern compound bows they use, different sorts of pulleys (I'm guessing for mechanical advantage), counter balances so that it's almost effortless to hold it straight. The olympics are not about using traditional bows, they use those modern ones that make you go "huh that's not the bow I remember from dungeon's and dragons".

Dexterity is the governing stat for bow use in Dungeons and Dragons.
The reason why "legitimate" sports are separated by gender is because there is still the outdated thinking that females are always going to be less physically-adept than males, so it would not be fair to mix the two genders. In video gaming, one does not need to be physically-adept to play competitively. This separation of genders in a video gaming competition is archaic backward thinking. What needs to happen is to stop using the term "e-Sports." The word "sport" has a very specific connotation that commonly attaches physical exertion to competition. I have always hated the use of the term, anyway. It's such a '90s thing to attach the letter "e-" to something to signify an electronic version of a common process.

Be glad its not i-Sports.
I have a huge issue with this. Big time. These women shouldn't be bitching. Can you imagine the whining and bitching when a girl beats some guy? He got beat by a GIRL! That guy would be crying and whining and complaining that she cheated...

I'm actually fine with guys vs. girls. But, sometimes you just want a guys only event. No big deal. Sometimes, it's a guys night out. Sometimes, it's a girls night out. The rest of the time, it's a guys/girls time... No problems with any of that. It's life. It's like having that nagging wife when you want to go out with the guys once a month. She needs to quit her damn bitching and let him go play.

Agreed! At the same time is nice when you are able to freely burp, fart, and act like a pig amongst other pigs without being called a pig.
Makes sense. It probably would have been considerably more expense to rent a venue with a dedicated kitchen.
Oh my God the horror!!!

First the Supreme Court rules that women can't have sex anymore without paying for their own birth control (though 16 other kinds are still covered :rolleyes: ), then an eSports tournament won't let them play with boys!

Next you'll tell me that there are no women in the NFL, NBA, MLB and they segregate Olympic sports by gender!

I... can't... possibly... go... on...
Truth right here. Particularly in twitch games, I noticed a huge difference from when I was 16 to when I was 25. If anything, it should be Masters (Under 18) and go down from there. ;)
Hand/Eye co-ordination peaks in the late 20's, and I concur. Maybe its a PC mouse thing.
There are lots of Female only tournaments in eSports and have been for years. No one has a problem with these, why is this any different? If someone thinks they have good reason for why what is good for the goose isn't good for the gander that isn't just as sexist, I would love to hear it.

I'm waiting..


It is only equality when another gender or race besides a white male wants it...when a white male wants i, it is racist.
Hand/Eye co-ordination peaks in the late 20's, and I concur. Maybe its a PC mouse thing.

yeah I'm about to hit 40... there's a reason why I don't like playing these fast paced games. I'll play games like Far Cry 3 when it's me verse AI, and then I can be all slow and calculating rather than just going in blasting :D

Notice I also went on to say "always." Physical ability is not only limited to strength and muscle mass.

Exactly, there is athleticism and grace, look at acrobatics or parlour games like snooker or bowling.
Or perhaps those have a sexist swing as well.?
Won't someone think of the poor oppressed white male? It's so awkward walking through life with a leg up.
yeah I'm about to hit 40... there's a reason why I don't like playing these fast paced games. I'll play games like Far Cry 3 when it's me verse AI, and then I can be all slow and calculating rather than just going in blasting :D

I like the strategy of the games more as well ... although I can appreciate the skill required to play these games quickly (especially games like Starcraft 2), it is diametrically opposed to my playing style (I am really more a Turtler in RTS and an Uber Hero player in TBS) ... in RPGs and FPSs I am an explorer (living to experience the world) ... this is why MP doesn't work for me .. However, if these tournaments had different age brackets (instead of gender ones) I think we would see a much wider array of player skills and styles ... I played my first computer game in '81 and have been hooked ever since ... I think these tournaments cater too much to the young and are missing out on an enormous mature gaming audience :cool: ... looks like they resolved this the smart way ... they retained the female only tournament but the other tournament is open to all (chess does appear to work the same way) ... interesting that part of this requirement was driven by the international sports registration bodies that require women to participate in a sport for it to be internationally recognized ... the female only leagues used by other sports were the easiest way to accomplish this goal ;) ... looks like they resolved this the smart way ... they retained the female only tournament but the other tournament is open to all (chess does appear to work the same way) ... interesting that part of this requirement was driven by the international sports registration bodies that require women to participate in a sport for it to be internationally recognized ... the female only leagues used by other sports were the easiest way to accomplish this goal ;)

If by smart you mean they allowed sexism and hypocrisy to win again, sure. Because that is exactly what happened. Actual Equality once again takes a back seat.

No the Smart solution would of been to eliminate the female only tournament and make it a single tournament male/female.
If by smart you mean they allowed sexism and hypocrisy to win again, sure. Because that is exactly what happened. Actual Equality once again takes a back seat.

No the Smart solution would of been to eliminate the female only tournament and make it a single tournament male/female.

Unfortunately, if they had an insufficient number of female participants they would be denied the recognition of being a sport (which they want very badly) ... it is all about the Benjamins here, not about equality or justice ... and the international sports bodies determine the rules of the game (requiring a minimum number of female participants to be recognized) ... the article indicated this is why chess has a woman's league also (it is the easiest way to guarantee the minimum number of female players for official recognition) ;)

Personally, I am not sure what they gain by being an official sport vs an unofficial one ... why don't they just do what they want and give up on the international registration? ... is it really that much more valuable to be an official sport or is it just ego?
I think they are creating their own controversy where none was needed ... the female gaming community is small but vocal and proficient ... their best bet would have been to allow a mixed competition and a female only one ... if women want to compete against men who cares ... if women want their own competition without men who cares there also ... a male only and female only doesn't make sense

Or have a final round where the top X players from each half compete against each other. Of course that's harder to do when they only have one game in common. I guess it really depends if men have some inherent traits that make them better at video games. In sports, it's physical and so far, it appears that genetics give the best men an advantage against the best women in those cases, but is that the case with games? I'm not sure. I'd think that eventually it'd be a much more level field.
I have a huge issue with this. Big time. These women shouldn't be bitching. Can you imagine the whining and bitching when a girl beats some guy? He got beat by a GIRL! That guy would be crying and whining and complaining that she cheated...

So top level gamers are thin skinned and sore losers?
There was never a time that a good woman that was fairly good at an FPS couldn't have kicked my ass. Losing is offputting, but the sex of who beats me is irrelevant. This isn't like a woman beat up a boy (not that there aren't women that could kick a lot of men's butts. I've seen women literally kick the shit out of men (and these weren't girly men...though they probably weren't girly girls either). I'm talking face bash nose breaking knock down brawls.
Or have a final round where the top X players from each half compete against each other. Of course that's harder to do when they only have one game in common. I guess it really depends if men have some inherent traits that make them better at video games. In sports, it's physical and so far, it appears that genetics give the best men an advantage against the best women in those cases, but is that the case with games? I'm not sure. I'd think that eventually it'd be a much more level field.

The clarifications that came out yesterday and today were this was strictly a function of their desire to get official registration as a sport. The bodies that officially register you require that you have a certain level of participation by both male and female players (or they will not recognize your sport officially). In sports where most players are male (pool, chess, gaming, snooker, etc) the easiest and surest way to accomplish this is to create a women's league ... for physical sports like track and field this necessitated keeping both leagues separated due to physical constraints ... for sports where there was no physical reason to separate them (like Chess) the main league was not restricted to only male players (but the female league existed primarily to guarantee the proper level of female participation in the sport)

The bottom line is, if you want to complain about the female league you can complain to the esports leagues for attempting to get registered as a sport (which requires female players) or to the international registration bodies (which are the ones that require female participation since they refuse to register a gender restricted league as an international sport) ... their final solution (main tournament is not gender specific while they retain a female only tournament in addition) may not be everyone's cup of tea but it is the best compromise given the requirements they have to meet (female players) and their ultimate goal (international registration as an official sport) :cool:
So top level gamers are thin skinned and sore losers?
There was never a time that a good woman that was fairly good at an FPS couldn't have kicked my ass. Losing is offputting, but the sex of who beats me is irrelevant. This isn't like a woman beat up a boy (not that there aren't women that could kick a lot of men's butts. I've seen women literally kick the shit out of men (and these weren't girly men...though they probably weren't girly girls either). I'm talking face bash nose breaking knock down brawls.

I was joking on that part. :) Gamers don't really care. Just sometimes, guys want to hang out with other guys and call each other s, bitches, faggots, dickwads, douchebags. They want to drink, fart, scratch their nuts. Sometimes guys just want to hang out with other guys. Kind of like girls do with other girls.
It looks like the IeSF has reversed its decision to ban female players from the Hearthstone tournament in Finland.

Following a flurry of online controversy, the IeSF has opened its doors to all players. However, this does not mean the IeSF has entirely reversed its stance on sorting Hearthstone players by gender. Instead of merely opening all tournaments to everyone, the games which were previously open only to men will now be open to all players, while the female-only tournament will remain sans dudes.
Won't someone think of the poor oppressed white male? It's so awkward walking through life with a leg up.

There will come a point where that is not the case, and even when it is, people will still say that anyway in order to continue their self-victimization and to also keep white people down.

It sounds ridiculous, but in a few generations, we may be heading towards a legit role reversal and white people, in particular white men, fighting for equal treatment in a society where they have been demonized and treated poorly.

Things unfathomable in one generation have a way of occuring several generations later.