Man Arrested For Threatening To Shoot iPhone

I just want to say to the guy who was complaining that you should have killed the guy because you work at an apple store and have to put up with pain in the ass customers (hence, apple people) and only make 8$ an hour, that is bull on so many levels

*they make much more than 8$, I know cuz I have a buddy who works at THAT store (although he only pulls ~30 hours and wasnt there that day)
*They are not that busy there, so its not like you have a line of customers all day long, again, I know, see point 1
*They are apple customers, would you epect anything but snobs and pains in the asses cuz their apple's dont "just work" anymore? kinda like, you know, anything else that has an electrical plug can do
I don't think he was flashing his gun at his phone do you? Brandishing a holstered weapon at someone is a threat of violence itself and is covered by many laws. You could get yourself shot for that (in self defense) and/or fined.

For instance, walking up to a bank counter and revealing a weapon under your coat while saying "I'd like all the money in the world" would get you in serious trouble. If you cant comprehend that, I don't know what to tell you.
Now that you have. If you wouldn't mind, please provide a link. I have been reading through this page and as of yet, have not seen anything referencing aggravated menacing in relation to CCW laws besides it being an exclusionary offense.
I don't have a link and I'm not going to spend my time looking for one. I'm simply repeating what the officers in my CCW classes went over. Brandishing a firearm is illegal and considered a threat. Every state's laws are different.
I just want to say to the guy who was complaining that you should have killed the guy because you work at an apple store and have to put up with pain in the ass customers (hence, apple people) and only make 8$ an hour, that is bull on so many levels

*they make much more than 8$, I know cuz I have a buddy who works at THAT store (although he only pulls ~30 hours and wasnt there that day)
*They are not that busy there, so its not like you have a line of customers all day long, again, I know, see point 1
*They are apple customers, would you epect anything but snobs and pains in the asses cuz their apple's dont "just work" anymore? kinda like, you know, anything else that has an electrical plug can do

I'm sorry, I fail to see where your viewpint would invalidate any of the arguments I made. I used $8/hr as a randomly selected figure based on the very well validated premise that retail employees for large corporations are typically paid poorly and have to deal with such issues.

To clarify for the ignorant:
Do I care if they make $8/hr? No.
Do I care if they make $823469872345/hr? No.
Do I care if they are busy? No.
Do I care if their customers are assholes? No.
Do I care if some shithead walks in complaining about a product, then brandishes a firearm? Yes.

Your points are irrelevant to the fact that anyone who did this to me within a distance of five feet would be in an armbar and a snapped neck within five seconds... except for that monster in the MMA video. I'm pretty sure he'd kick the shit out of me.
Just to throw my $0.02 into the ring... I think the guy's an idiot (that's been established as fact by now) and I think he did something very stupid (again, established as fact) I, for one, have been taught that, unless you are showing someone your weapon at an appropriate place and a agreed time (even if it's "Hey I just got a new colt .45, do you want to see it?" "Sure, go get it" both parties have to know what's going on) Otherwise you ONLY pull out your gun when you are GOING TO KILL SOMONE, not threaten, not "intimidate" you ONLY pull it out when it are GOING to use it! Explain to me what the point of a CONCEALED CARRY permit is if your constantly pulling it out and showing it to people!

Now, is this a reason to ban guns? No! Is this a reason to ban stupid people? If only there were a way...

And to the people saying if we take away guns there wont be gun crimes, a very simple analogy:
we took away cocaine, Meth, Heroine, even Pot... but who has it? Any F'in criminal that wants it! All that making something "illegal" does is keep it out of the hands of HONEST people!

Outlaw guns, and that just means the burglar will point his ILLEGAL 9mm at you and you have to smile and... I dont know.. throw lamps and books and crap at him? Pull out a knife or maybe a sword?! (yeah, those 133t Jedi skills are gonna let you deflect the bullets, I've heard that one... :rolleyes:) Kinda ridiculous...

On a side note, I do agree with his frustration, there are many, many electronics I feel like putting a bullet through... and I have heard people say and said myself "I'd like to shoot the damn thing!" but I dont... especially not in public...
I don't have a link and I'm not going to spend my time looking for one. I'm simply repeating what the officers in my CCW classes went over. Brandishing a firearm is illegal and considered a threat. Every state's laws are different.

And these are the biggest liars of the bunch. They interject PERSONAL feelings vs. actual law. Consult an attorney for a real interpretation of the law.
Laws should be comprehensible to the laymen and thinking otherwise smacks of elitism at its very finest. Having laws on the books that can not be 'understood' on a base level without a degree in law should be in and of itself...criminal. Like our tax code for example....but hey, our muddy and incomprehensible tax codes sure do keep a lot of lawyers in business and that's good right? ....Right?!

As a tax attorney, I have to say... RIGHT! :D To your point though, the tax code in particular has to be confusing as hell because people find ways around it otherwise. They are constantly adding things to close loopholes that people like me find and advise our clients to use. The more crap they add on, the fewer ways there are to avoid paying. They will get you one way or another. I personally wish we would go to a Fair Tax or Flat Tax of some kind, but that will never happen. Only the rich should pay tax!!! But that is an issue for another day/thread.

As far as criminal law goes, I think the problem is that there is simply no way laws can cover every possible circumstance where punishment is warranted. As a result, they have these broadly written laws such as "menacing" and use it in a wide variety of circumstances. Criminal law certainly isn't my area of expertise, but this situation seems like it is certainly a grey area. Will be interesting how it turns out.
I don't think he was flashing his gun at his phone do you? Brandishing a holstered weapon at someone is a threat of violence itself and is covered by many laws. You could get yourself shot for that (in self defense) and/or fined.

For instance, walking up to a bank counter and revealing a weapon under your coat while saying "I'd like all the money in the world" would get you in serious trouble. If you cant comprehend that, I don't know what to tell you.

No matter what he was flashing the gun at the guy is still a moron that was being very irresponsible with his gun.
Your points are irrelevant to the fact that anyone who did this to me within a distance of five feet would be in an armbar and a snapped neck within five seconds... except for that monster in the MMA video. I'm pretty sure he'd kick the shit out of me.

Actually, I have to wonder how relevant your points are with what you've said right here and in at least one other post.

Just for your information, in your scenario there you would be arrested and charged with murder. The weapon was in a holster and could do no harm. The man did not have the gun in hand and therefore was not using deadly force against you. The man did not even make a verbal thread against you. It would be the exact same thing if someone showed me they were carrying a firearm and I pulled mine and shot the person killing them.

Just like others, I'm not defending the stupidity of the man. He was clearly in the wrong in what he did but your interpretation of events in your little fantasy are far different than the actual event.

And these are the biggest liars of the bunch. They interject PERSONAL feelings vs. actual law. Consult an attorney for a real interpretation of the law.
Considering that they were referencing the actual statues I'll take their word over yours.
Considering that they were referencing the actual statues I'll take their word over yours.

Show the actual statute please.

The closest I can find for Ohio is this reference but its specifically dealing with a school zone.

Illegal conveyance or possession of deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance or of object indistinguishable from firearm in school safety zone.
(2) The person indicates that the person possesses the object and that it is a firearm, or the person knowingly displays or brandishes the object and indicates that it is a firearm.
Actually, I have to wonder how relevant your points are with what you've said right here and in at least one other post.

Just for your information, in your scenario there you would be arrested and charged with murder. The weapon was in a holster and could do no harm. The man did not have the gun in hand and therefore was not using deadly force against you. The man did not even make a verbal thread against you. It would be the exact same thing if someone showed me they were carrying a firearm and I pulled mine and shot the person killing them.

Just like others, I'm not defending the stupidity of the man. He was clearly in the wrong in what he did but your interpretation of events in your little fantasy are far different than the actual event.

I'm sorry, I don't think that your interpretation of what a threat against someone's life would be is correct.

Sure I'd be arrested for killing him, but I think the likelihood I'd get convicted would be 0% considering the circumstances.

The man did not even make a verbal thread against you. It would be the exact same thing if someone showed me they were carrying a firearm and I pulled mine and shot the person killing them.

Whether or not this guy directly threatened anyone is irrelevant. The simple fact is he walked into a store as an unhappy customer, then showed a firearm to get what he wanted done. You can interpret however you'd like, but I would see that as a threat against my life and I'm pretty confident that a jury would agree. In your scenario, you are correct--since your scenario has nothing to do with a disgruntled person walking in to a business. However, your scenario is not the scenario that occurred.
I wouldn't have called the cops on him, I would have killed him.

You scare me far more than the guy who got arrested, for making a statement like that. I think I read the same article you did, and your "scenario" didn't seem to take place either. Did anyone else on this thread think the guy showed his gun to "get what he wanted"? I was under the impression he was just proving he could shoot his own phone if he so wanted.

To me, "I'm going to shoot my phone" = threat. "I am so angry at my phone I could shoot it" = not a threat. I don't own a gun but I could say something silly like that.
You scare me far more than the guy who got arrested, for making a statement like that. I think I read the same article you did, and your "scenario" didn't seem to take place either. Did anyone else on this thread think the guy showed his gun to "get what he wanted"? I was under the impression he was just proving he could shoot his own phone if he so wanted.

To me, "I'm going to shoot my phone" = threat. "I am so angry at my phone I could shoot it" = not a threat. I don't own a gun but I could say something silly like that.

Yes, you could say this and NOT show a complete stranger your gun and they'd probably know you were screwing around. Or, you could say this to a complete stranger, show them your gun, and hope that someone like me isn't nearby to make god damn sure you aren't pulling it out.

A lot of you naysay, but I'm pretty sure if you were in that situation, the first thing that would go through your mind isn't "this man is displaying his gun at me to be humorous. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I'm going to have to tell my kids this one ROFLMAOLOLOLOL. This guy should do standup; he's fucking hilarioius!" No. What would go through your mind is "holy shit, this crazy asshole has a gun and he's mad that his phone doesn't work. I'm about to get shot."

I'm sorry, you guys can argue your illogical, irrational, and irresponsible viewpoints all you want. Nothing you say will change the fact that a displeased customer walked into a store, wanted his phone fixed, then flashed his gun. Why don't you take your viewpoints and write the lady this happened to in order to explain to her why she shouldn't have been afraid in lieu of such an obvious attempt at humor?

I think I'm done with this thread since it's a pretty big waste of my time to continue arguing against morons.