Man Burns Down Trailer in Online Feud

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Holy moly! This story ought to make people think twice about talking smack on the internet. I wonder if he was a Mac owner?

"I didn't think anybody was stupid enough to try to kill anybody over an Internet fight," said John G. Anderson, 59, who suffered smoke inhalation while trying to put out the 2005 blaze that caused $50,000 in damage to his trailer and computer equipment.
it just proves my point once again. people living in trailer parks and owning haunted houses should not have internet access.
"Sensitive nerds, you all need hugs"

Proves my theory about some of these inetnert fanboys being psycho.

Well I mean the guy shouldn't have talked smack on the net when he knew his address was posted on hsi website.
Tavares was discharged last year from the Navy, where he earned several medals _ including the pistol expert and rifle expert medals _ in his nine-year career, said Navy spokesman Mike McLellan.

If those are the only 2 medals he had after 9 years of service, The he fails at Navy!

Those aren't even worth talking about they are practically given away.
Well I mean the guy shouldn't have talked smack on the net when he knew his address was posted on hsi website.

Hell, if that was the case...this would be the line of people wanting to "kick my ass" outside my house :D :

Hell, if that was the case...this would be the line of people wanting to "kick my ass" outside my house :D :


Come on now, there aren't that many Mac fanboys in the world! :D


What a NOOB! Everyone knows that you are supposed to board the doors and windows shut before lighting the house on fire.:rolleyes:
Hell, if that was the case...this would be the line of people wanting to "kick my ass" outside my house :D :


Where am I in that picture? That must be the end of the line :D

Anyone who wants to be that stupid to burn my house down over a stupid internet argument are welcome... just be prepared to have your ass kicked.

Seriously, what are people thinking, so this internet argument resulted in 7 years in prison, nice one :rolleyes:
If those are the only 2 medals he had after 9 years of service, The he fails at Navy!

Those aren't even worth talking about they are practically given away.

I worked with the guy, and he did lots of things to get out of going to sea which is where you earn your medals.

No, expert pistol and rifle are not practically given away. How did you earn yours?
I worked with the guy, and he did lots of things to get out of going to sea which is where you earn your medals.

No, expert pistol and rifle are not practically given away. How did you earn yours?

They are candy medals. The are NOT worthy of saying, Oh hey I have a Expert Pistol Medal, that's why they are the lowest ranking medals. You don't have to do anything really special other than shoot straight to get them.

Rifle Medal shoot was fairly challenging using open sights.

I rank them right up there with National Defense Medals. You really don't have to do much to get them.
I had a buddy that went to basic and came out with those expert gernade, pistol, and rifle.. He said I just threw and shot.