Man Hospitalized After Droid 2 Screen Explodes in His Ear


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
This story gives new meaning to the wireless phone advertisement “Can you hear me now”? The question now is “can you hear at all”? For no apparent reason, a brand new phone just up and exploded in the man’s ear. I suppose you could just chalk this one up to Droid Rage :p
Man is gonna get "paid"

On another note, All them iphone users will be talking about this on why iphone is king :rolleyes:
I am interested in the investigation, I find it interesting that the phone is still working, I'm wondering what actually happened.
I'm calling BS on this. He just got laid off work, no insurance. Yet the phone still works?...Sureeeeeee..
Man is gonna get "paid"

On another note, All them iphone users will be talking about this on why iphone is king :rolleyes:

Yeah because no Droid users would ever do that, especially on this forum, right?

Sucks for the guy, hope he gets taken care of.
If the battery was still intact, how does a phone explode? Sounds suspicious to me.
based on the picture, the phone doesn't look like having any sign of explosion. which seems very awkward to me if you ask me..
Looks like he hit himself as hard as he could with the edge of the phone.
I'm on the suspicious fence here. Is there any recorded history of this? Definatley Suspect....

There's an XKCD for that!
that's what he gets for buying a motorola phone *grumble grumble* fuck you motorola.

Care to elaborate or you just like to randomly bitch about old grudges? Just got my first motorola/smartphone, a Droid X and I freaking love it
Unless a speaker has the ability to suddenly explode...I think this dude is full of it and seeking money in light of having no job...There is nothing that could possibly explode in that part of the phone. he was probably on the phone and was upset and like many kids having a temper tantrum, gave himself a whack in the head with the phone, then after he started to bleed out, said..oh crap! i cant let anyone know i hit myself with a phone. Someone afterwards know you could sue, so now he sticking with the exploding phone story. Well enough speculation.. I call foul on that bogus junk. He seemed slow enough that he may just have hit his head quite a few times.
The only thing that makes sense would be if the glass was say a little bit too big, but stressed into a tight case. Then, theoretically, the shearing force might cause it to shatter.

But from the looks of it, I would say its just a stunt to get paid. He will probably get something out of it too. Motorola would be happy to just pay him $15k to get the whole thing behind them. But if he's faked it, I hope his ass gets caught.
Only HTC phone I ever had was a piece of shit. I'll take a Motorola over any of them and an LG over all the rest. :rolleyes:
I'm calling BS on this. He just got laid off work, no insurance. Yet the phone still works?...Sureeeeeee..

If the battery was still intact, how does a phone explode? Sounds suspicious to me.

based on the picture, the phone doesn't look like having any sign of explosion. which seems very awkward to me if you ask me..

Looks like he hit himself as hard as he could with the edge of the phone.
Yeah, this.
I'm calling BS on this. He just got laid off work, no insurance. Yet the phone still works?...Sureeeeeee..

I haven't been back to work for about a year now, I have no insurance, and I still keep up to date with all of my phone payments.
I haven't been back to work for about a year now, I have no insurance, and I still keep up to date with all of my phone payments.

Are you @ Walmart standard worker income lvl ?

Just saying tho that i am on the "BS" side of this fence. I don't see any proof about an explosion on that shattered screen.
B) I thought "Apple did this" right when I saw it on the local 6oclock news update
C) If NOT (A) or (B) then I bet he bought a Chinese "extended" battery that everyone says to pickup from ebay. I bet it was a China battery if not A or B.

I highly suspect it was A though. As others said, the guy is jobless too.

Something don't look right here.....

The path of blood splatter and the exploded area where the cracks on the screen go down aren't in the same direction together.
The only thing that makes sense would be if the glass was say a little bit too big, but stressed into a tight case. Then, theoretically, the shearing force might cause it to shatter.

But from the looks of it, I would say its just a stunt to get paid. He will probably get something out of it too. Motorola would be happy to just pay him $15k to get the whole thing behind them. But if he's faked it, I hope his ass gets caught.

then jailed for fraud.
Only thing behind that section is the speaker and antenna

Neither of which can have enough stored energy to cause a serious injury AFAIK. Anything that would really hurt him that bad would have blown out some of the glass, and it appears the glass is cracked but not actually blown out at all. I'm not going to say 100% for sure either way (soon as you do; if you happen to be wrong it might happen to you), but that picture just doesn't look like the phone's glass came outward at his ear.

Wouldn't this be slander too if he's lying?
On another note, All them iphone users will be talking about this on why iphone is king :rolleyes:

[beating dead horse]

Steve Jobs will call and tell him it probably exploded because he was 'holding it wrong'. Droid don't like to be touched like that.
4 stitches .. big deal. What a pussy.

He looks like he stormed the beaches of Normandy and took the Nazi machine gun tower out with that head treatment.

Looks like he hit himself with the phone, it doesn't even look like anything is missing... if it did explode in his ear.