Man Puts New iPhone 3GS on RC Plane

Thats really cool, I wonder is that the original video quality or the they did some encoding. If not them I am impressed. I got to play with my friend 3G last night I am in love, it may be to time to give into the dark side....
Now just to add a couple of missile launchers and a transmission unit, and you have a very cheap combat drone.
should have a second video from the ground , but def cool lil mini spy plane
Now if you could link the iphone to your computer you could play Flight Simulator with photo-realistic graphics :)
Spy plane?? Where are the fly bys of girls at the pool or something? ;)
would have been even more interesting to see the tape give out and it drop and still beable to get the video plus the look on the guys face. lol
Cool deal, although I think they could have tried to muffle the mic on that damn thing!
It must be all the twisting and turning, but I damn near vomited watching that video :eek:
I gotta admit, I am pretty damn impressed by the video quality at the distances it was showing.
Now if you could link the iphone to your computer you could play Flight Simulator with photo-realistic graphics :)

sprint is gearing up to launch video-chat phones for its 4g network. it would be way, waaayyy too cool to hook a phone like that to the plane, and write a program that controls the plane through internet controls. basically, you would have unlimited range.... as far as the gas tank holds anyway...
Cool deal, although I think they could have tried to muffle the mic on that damn thing!

Yea no kidding, the audio on that phone is jacked up. I think my hearing needs to be fixed after that! :eek: Even with the youtube bar all the way down as low as it would go and my speaker knob at 20% it was flapping in my speakers. When the plane landed I couldn't hear them talking at all. Is it really that hard to do some sort of normalization of volume with a mic? Many mic's are like this I notice and it's so silly and irritating.
That's real stupid. But anyways, find out where this guy flies, shoot the plane down and get a free phone.
the lengths att customers have to go to get decent signal :p
the lengths att customers have to go to get decent signal :p

Hehe, could it work? In an area with too little reception for an actual call, a queued text message might connect if you give it a toss straight up! XD
Freaking cool.

Would have been much cooler if he flew over a building where there was a woman sunbathing in the nude. :D
That was really fun, they even landed successfully.
Yeah, would never have though it to be an iPhone if not stated, quite good quality.
put one of these in rc helicopters and have a traffic copter instead of flying real people up into the sky. seems like a really good method to cut cost for the local news radio
Yea no kidding, the audio on that phone is jacked up. I think my hearing needs to be fixed after that! :eek: Even with the youtube bar all the way down as low as it would go and my speaker knob at 20% it was flapping in my speakers. When the plane landed I couldn't hear them talking at all. Is it really that hard to do some sort of normalization of volume with a mic? Many mic's are like this I notice and it's so silly and irritating.

Sounds like the problem is with your sound card or speakers. Sound was just fine on mine. Sounded just like a normal RC aircraft and a mic having wind blown over it should sound.