Manuals R Gewd.


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2005
So I bought an OCZ 600w from the forums here and it didn't have a manual. But hey, I figured I didn't need one because they dummy proof stuff now, right?


The 2x4 pin BTX connector that splits up into P4 and P4+ and they're not interchangeable. Well darn it, they LOOK interchangeable. In fact, I didn't even notice the little + sign in the relative darkness that is ~3am in the morning. Unluckily, I chose to use the P4+ into the Aux Connector on my MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum. Luckily, I didn't try to force it in so it didn't actually make a good connection. When I turned my system on, it made an ear piercing shriek and I quickly shut off the computer and gave up for the night.

Then I went to the computer labs on campus and looked up some info on the PSU. Good for me! I should've done this earlier but I had already taken apart my computer before thinking about it... and I was too lazy to go back and do research.

Long story short, I plugged in the correct P4 connector and now everything's hunky dory.

Moral for the less literate:
you got lucky on that one!

From now on out, im going to measure the voltages on all my rails before I plug them into any computer component. I learned the hard way, I went through three optical drives, until finding out that the company had the 12v line and the 5v line in other words I was supplying 12v to a 5v connection, thus frying the boards. To say the least I was pissed :mad:

But now everything is fine, got a new PSU and everything is working like it should.

EDIT: Forgot that I also fryed the bay drive for my Audigy 2...
zenzog said:
they dummy proof stuff now, right?

well your example richly illustrates that is true :p

they are however not idiot proof,
idiots will force the keyed connectors
with a hammer if necessary :p