Manufacturer recommends 400w, will this 380w work?


Limp Gawd
Dec 14, 2005
This PC is for my nephew, it'll mainly be used as a music studio with the occasional light gaming/web surfing. The power supply is an Antec Earthwatts 380w LINK which I used for a couple years but it has been collecting dust for many years since. The hardware the PC is running is an AMD A10-5700 running hybrid crossfire with a Gigabyte 6670 (1gb DDR3 version, it recommends 400w) LINK and 8GB (2x4GB 1866) RAM. It runs a single 120GB SSD, a single 80mm exhaust fan, CPU heatsink is a Zalman with a 120mm fan and a single optical drive. The sound card is this one here LINK and I have no idea how much power it uses. It has the front plate with all of the connections for optical/coax etc..
The A10-5700 says it's 65w, I didn't overclock it, I just got him a copy of Windows 8.1, a touchscreen monitor and assembled it. Luckily the MB had a PCI slot, that sound card is old. I'd guess I've had it for at least 8 years but the new PCI-E ones are no better since PCI has plenty of bandwidth for audio(so I've read). The PC works great, but I haven't given it to him yet. Do you think it's something I should be able to trust long term? He lives a couple hours away so I'd hate to have to make a trip up there to repair it/replace the power supply. I'm afraid of what might happen down the road with me trying to do this with only recycled parts. I don't mind ordering a new power PS if it's necessary, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. I appreciate your help, sorry for being so long winded.
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Don't misunderstand the processor's tdp as wattage of power consumption, merely as measurement of dissipation needed for processor. The 6670 at full load consumes less than 100 watts and I would assume the processor overall would add another 170~ full load with it's iGP active for crossfire. You should be fine none the less as earthwatts series are quite durable.
I kinda thought it'd be ok, I just posted just in case. The PC was already up and running but aside from just getting the correct drivers installed/playing with the touch screen I haven't pushed it at all. I actually like the setup, it's much better than when I used that CPU with less ram, HDD, and w7 so no touchscreen.