Marines, Police Prep For Mock Zombie Invasion

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Before anyone starts complaining that the military and police training for a mock zombie invasion is a waste of tax dollars, read this:

"We obviously are concerned about any expenditure that might seem frivolous or a waste of money but if they tie things together, there is a lesson there," Newman said. "Obviously we're not expecting a zombie apocalypse in the near future, but the effects of what might happen in a zombie apocalypse are probably similar to the type of things that happen in natural disasters and manmade disasters. They're just having fun with it. We don't have any problems with it as a teaching point."
Riot control practice so the money spent on all those fancy new FEMA camps doesn't *ehem* go to waste?
In a disaster like scenario, zombies, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc would be the LEAST of my worries.

My greatest fear in such an event: Gov't military and law enforcement.

Gov't military and police aren't preparing for an armed zombie outbreak or an influx of a thousand PCP drug users all at once.

Think about it.

The VIP is wounded and his team must move through the town while dodging bullets and shooting back at the invading zombies.

Zombies shooting guns? really? More like.. what would happen if the gov't delcared martial law in the event of a large disaster (natural or man-made)
Sounds like preparations for an uprising of normal non-zombie folk who are fed up with being jerked around by a government that can't get past partisan politics to take care of the people they have sworn an oath to take care of. Just sayin.
Riot control practice so the money spent on all those fancy new FEMA camps doesn't *ehem* go to waste?

I'm okay with a FEMA camp. It's like all expenses paid living which means I can totally just bum around and hang out with other people. That'd be awesome!
Basically, citizens of the state are zombies. They are the unwashed masses who can't think on their own (and needing the experts to think for them). And in a sense it's kind of true when natural disasters hits.

If you play as a zombie apocalypse, then the unwashed masses won't feel offended when you are preparing for military vs. the people scenarios.
Interesting to say the least. In the event that there is martial law declared can anybody point me towards any group of citizens who could take on our military. People are acting like the military needs training against civilian groups. While some groups have some weapons unless these groups are massing tanks, helicoptors and jets they stand no chance. Ask yourself at this point in time how well do you think any group without our military resources would do trying to overthrow it?
Other groups not so well americans? Quite well at the end of the day people in our military are not "other people" they are americans also and I have had friends prep for these types of evens and eve had a buddies unit get ready for "riot control" during rodney king riots. Military is not equipped for natural disasters also I don't think the majority of them would be for killing citizens but there are always dumb ones.
What concerns me is all of this talk of zombie's and such lately from official groups, makes me wonder how soon until some government agent drops some new bio-chem bomb for testing on some random population

Groundskeeper Willie is ready for the invasion!
Other groups not so well americans? Quite well at the end of the day people in our military are not "other people" they are americans also and I have had friends prep for these types of evens and eve had a buddies unit get ready for "riot control" during rodney king riots. Military is not equipped for natural disasters also I don't think the majority of them would be for killing citizens but there are always dumb ones.

It would be interesting to see if there would be dissension or more within the military ranks if things went haywire Syria style.
Sounds like preparations for an uprising of normal non-zombie folk who are fed up with being jerked around by a government that can't get past partisan politics to take care of the people they have sworn an oath to take care of. Just sayin.

Well done Sir.
Interesting to say the least. In the event that there is martial law declared can anybody point me towards any group of citizens who could take on our military. People are acting like the military needs training against civilian groups. While some groups have some weapons unless these groups are massing tanks, helicoptors and jets they stand no chance. Ask yourself at this point in time how well do you think any group without our military resources would do trying to overthrow it?

Depends on how smart the citizens are, the NVA didn't seem to have much trouble fighting like a ghost.
Sounds like preparations for an uprising of normal non-zombie folk who are fed up with being jerked around by a government that can't get past partisan politics to take care of the people they have sworn an oath to take care of. Just sayin.

Atleast some of you guys are awake......just the rest of them to go now :)
Sounds like preparations for an uprising of normal non-zombie folk who are fed up with being jerked around by a government that can't get past partisan politics to take care of the people they have sworn an oath to take care of. Just sayin.
If people would just open their eyes they'd see it too.

I'm okay with a FEMA camp. It's like all expenses paid living which means I can totally just bum around and hang out with other people. That'd be awesome!
Why did I know who commented w/o looking at the name?
And just think. they're called CAMPS, so it must be a good time.

Interesting to say the least. In the event that there is martial law declared can anybody point me towards any group of citizens who could take on our military. People are acting like the military needs training against civilian groups. While some groups have some weapons unless these groups are massing tanks, helicoptors and jets they stand no chance. Ask yourself at this point in time how well do you think any group without our military resources would do trying to overthrow it?
If everyone in the military actually knew what they were being trained for many would resist, but since it's just zombies it's all fun and games. Once the target mob is changed to real people it'll be too late to protest. Sort of along the lines of "to fool your enemies you must first fool your friends".
Ah, yes, marines and police training together...always a good sign that nothing's wrong...
I don't think this is just to make it "fun" for them, I believe this is for the sake of the American people.

It sounds lighthearted to prepare for a mock-zombie invasion, compared to the reality of the situation that the US government is preparing its police AND military forces for large scale riot control.

If they said, "We're training our military and police to control riots in American cities" it would likely negatively impact confidence in the administration, the state of the US economy, and also spike ogjection and outright indignation that the US would consider the use of Marines against its own people.
It's still good practice. You can never be too ready.

Besides, remember Black Hawks Down where the soldiers were chased from street to street by a large mob or angry Somalians? They could be practicing in case of another event like this.
It's still good practice. You can never be too ready.

Besides, remember Black Hawks Down where the soldiers were chased from street to street by a large mob or angry Somalians? They could be practicing in case of another event like this.

OMG, that was like 20 years ago wasn't it?
If people would just open their eyes they'd see it too.

Why did I know who commented w/o looking at the name?
And just think. they're called CAMPS, so it must be a good time.

If everyone in the military actually knew what they were being trained for many would resist, but since it's just zombies it's all fun and games. Once the target mob is changed to real people it'll be too late to protest. Sort of along the lines of "to fool your enemies you must first fool your friends".

If our professional military soldiers can be fooled by such a ruse, then our soldiers are stupid.

They train with the mentallity right now that they are fighting real people. We train our soldiers to both follow orders, but also think on the battlefield. IF a CO goes down or communication lines are broken or spotty, we don't want soldiers to be stuck suspended animation until someone reboots them.

It's more for the masses and a press release. How would it sound if the headline read: "US Military and law enforcement prepare for civil unrest and us rebellion."?
If our professional military soldiers can be fooled by such a ruse, then our soldiers are stupid.

They train with the mentallity right now that they are fighting real people. We train our soldiers to both follow orders, but also think on the battlefield. IF a CO goes down or communication lines are broken or spotty, we don't want soldiers to be stuck suspended animation until someone reboots them.

It's more for the masses and a press release. How would it sound if the headline read: "US Military and law enforcement prepare for civil unrest and us rebellion."?

Actually, there might be a grain of truth to the "it's for the soldiers" part too though: While the zombie setting obscures the purpose of the training in the eyes of the public, it might not be a coincidence that they're specifically training the military and police to put down civil unrest and rebellion using training/conditioning that completely dehumanizes their opponents (zombies, really?). Somehow I get the feeling that's not a coincidence, and that it's being used to promote the "video game" mentality toward war in an effort to overcome soldiers' potential inhibitions and resistance to killing Americans. We already see this mentality in videos of Apache helicopter operators, but soldiers on the ground have more skin and the game and see the consequences of war more up close, so they don't fall into that mentality quite as quickly or naturally...but if it's deliberately ingrained in them, I don't know.
Actually, there might be a grain of truth to the "it's for the soldiers" part too though: While the zombie setting obscures the purpose of the training in the eyes of the public, it might not be a coincidence that they're specifically training the military and police to put down civil unrest and rebellion using training/conditioning that completely dehumanizes their opponents (zombies, really?). Somehow I get the feeling that's not a coincidence, and that it's being used to promote the "video game" mentality toward war in an effort to overcome soldiers' potential inhibitions and resistance to killing Americans. We already see this mentality in videos of Apache helicopter operators, but soldiers on the ground have more skin and the game and see the consequences of war more up close, so they don't fall into that mentality quite as quickly or naturally...but if it's deliberately ingrained in them, I don't know.
I think there's a lot of truth and logic in what you've said.
Why did I know who commented w/o looking at the name?
And just think. they're called CAMPS, so it must be a good time.

Wow, how did I miss that?! :eek: Anyway, I really don't think :rolleyes:that it's a big deal to be l:eek:cked away in a FEMA camp. There's gonna be lots of political ranting which is sort of like this forum in certain threads so there'll be funny things going on and they'll probably have institutional food service so I don't have to wash dishes or anything after I eat. That's like double-awesome on a kabob stick!
Wow, how did I miss that?! :eek: Anyway, I really don't think :rolleyes:that it's a big deal to be l:eek:cked away in a FEMA camp. There's gonna be lots of political ranting which is sort of like this forum in certain threads so there'll be funny things going on and they'll probably have institutional food service so I don't have to wash dishes or anything after I eat. That's like double-awesome on a kabob stick!
Just meant that it sounded like a very Skribbelesque (read smartass) comment. :p
Just meant that it sounded like a very Skribbelesque (read smartass) comment. :p

My backside is probably the only thing on me that's really got any right to make smart comments anyhow. It knows all about Marines, Police, and Zombies that get stuck in FEMA summer camps. :p
I don't think this is just to make it "fun" for them, I believe this is for the sake of the American people.

Yes, the military learning how to put down American citizens rebelling/rioting is definitely for the sake of the American people.:rolleyes:

man that site is a great entertainment site :D

but really.. you think your government would not try some stunt like that? i mean they let you drink fluoride...

OK, I don't see a roll eyes or anything so am assuming your meant something with the fluoride comment. Fluoride is absolutely harmless and helps protect teeth when used in low dosages, the only downside to fluoride is if there is too much, and then it only causes splotchy teeth.
OK, I don't see a roll eyes or anything so am assuming your meant something with the fluoride comment. Fluoride is absolutely harmless and helps protect teeth when used in low dosages, the only downside to fluoride is if there is too much, and then it only causes splotchy teeth.

Actually, the dental fluorosis is supposed to be the only adverse effect for normal dosages contained in water, NOT for high dosages. High dosages can be quite toxic all-around...for a quick rundown,

IIRC, small doses of fluoride has also only been scientifically shown to help teeth when applied topically (e.g. toothpaste), not when ingested (as in fluoridated water). I could be mistaken about that part, but on the balance, I get the feeling the anti-fluoride crusaders have this one right.
small doses have*, not has
Subject-verb agreement is essential to zombie fluoride discussions.