Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Fan Page Hacked

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I have an idea, let's hack a famous person's Facebook page and then say something really this:

The message read: "Let the hacking begin: If facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn't Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a 'social business' the way Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus described it? [LINK] What do you think? #hackercup2011"
The hijacked post could have been so much better! I guess some hackers lack creativity.
Meh, I would just write: "Guys, I'm bored with Facebook already, I'm closing it down soon"
one could say You have been [H]acked....

or Baba-Booey Baba-Booey Baba-Booey Howard Stern's Penis! over and over again.

First question was: Who's Mark Zuckdrberg?

So I followed the link....

Still didn't know who he is...

then I looked at the bottom of the page and saw something about a CEO with some picture of a dork in a T-shirt above it.

So now I know and I still say...

Who's Mark Zuckerberg??

Facebook, the Hustler magazine of the 21st century...Everyone looks at it but nobody really cares...
More facebook "hidden" free advertising for themselves.... sigh, how pathetic is it that the only way that facebook can get attention and in turn, investors, is making little news stories about its own self for people to talk and post about. ... ? The sheepish facebook puppets (and mainstream media outlets) eat it up and "like" it so they really feel like they are a part of the "new world".....since a majority of them don't in actuality.

I can't wait to hear all the clueless investors crying online and TV because they put all their money in a falling fad (that they clearly don't see) and it tanks..... hahaha, watch and learn suckas! Really though, I can't wait til they go public if they do, I am instantly going to short the SHIT out of facebook and make a heap of cash when its stock tanks soon after.
More facebook "hidden" free advertising for themselves.... sigh, how pathetic is it that the only way that facebook can get attention and in turn, investors, is making little news stories about its own self for people to talk and post about. ... ? The sheepish facebook puppets (and mainstream media outlets) eat it up and "like" it so they really feel like they are a part of the "new world".....since a majority of them don't in actuality.

I can't wait to hear all the clueless investors crying online and TV because they put all their money in a falling fad (that they clearly don't see) and it tanks..... hahaha, watch and learn suckas! Really though, I can't wait til they go public if they do, I am instantly going to short the SHIT out of facebook and make a heap of cash when its stock tanks soon after.

if it goes public, i doubt many people would be able to buy more than a couple shares, unless youve got 1000's your willing to throw at it. I mean shit, look at google.
Google actually serves a purpose, many purpose if you think about it though while facebook does not serve much besides serving small business little ads that people buy on the side of their site to display to users. which is why they have so much money on paper and not in their pockets for the most part. facebook should have sold when they had the billion dollar offer I think
Yeah, what will people do with their meaningless, boring lives when they can't snoop on their neighbor's friends on his facebook page! OH GOODDDDDDDDDDD, THE HORRORS
More facebook "hidden" free advertising for themselves.... sigh, how pathetic is it that the only way that facebook can get attention and in turn, investors, is making little news stories about its own self for people to talk and post about. ... ? The sheepish facebook puppets (and mainstream media outlets) eat it up and "like" it so they really feel like they are a part of the "new world".....since a majority of them don't in actuality.

I can't wait to hear all the clueless investors crying online and TV because they put all their money in a falling fad (that they clearly don't see) and it tanks..... hahaha, watch and learn suckas! Really though, I can't wait til they go public if they do, I am instantly going to short the SHIT out of facebook and make a heap of cash when its stock tanks soon after.

Good luck with that plan. Just remember who is now standing behind that curtain.

Goldman sachs

And I bet anyone who tries to short facebook will be the ones going bellyup.