Mass Effect 2 DLC


Mar 8, 2008
Does this shiznaz ever go on sale or is it perpetually overpriced? I went ahead and bought the Shadow Broker for $10 and, while I had fun, it wasn't even close to being worth $10. I'd like to grab Arrival, overlord, and Kasumi but that all gets expensive.

Also, apparently Arrival bridges the gap between ME2 and 3. . . so is it necessary to play?
There was actually a pricing error on the UK Bioware site last week where people were able to get the Bioware points for cheap temporarily until they released the mistake and fixed it. Beyond that, I'm not really aware of sales on the DLC. I'm still sort of annoyed that they haven't released a GOTY edition of the game (and also that I made the mistake of assuming that the Digital Deluxe edition is a GOTY*). It's kind of depressing when you buy the base game for $4.99, and the DLC ends up costing many times that amount :rolleyes:.

*by GOTY, I mean a "complete", final edition with all expansions and DLC
Does this shiznaz ever go on sale or is it perpetually overpriced? I went ahead and bought the Shadow Broker for $10 and, while I had fun, it wasn't even close to being worth $10. I'd like to grab Arrival, overlord, and Kasumi but that all gets expensive.

Also, apparently Arrival bridges the gap between ME2 and 3. . . so is it necessary to play?

It's not necessary to play, but the start of ME3 will involve it. Shepard will be on trial for his decision in the Arrival. (Which is an example of one of the very few unavoidable, rather no choice situations in the series.) I'd recommend a play through of the Arrival before playing ME3. Also, the Shadow Broker DLC isn't "necessary" but it's awesome. It's easily the best DLC I've ever purchased for any game period. Even if your Commander Shepard wasn't in a relationship with Liara, it's a nice DLC to play through. If your Shepard was in a relationship with Liara, or you wish to rekindle it, the DLC allows you to do so. The other DLCs are all good as well with Firewalker being the worst of them. (Still not bad.) I rather enjoyed Project Overlord. It's pretty much stand alone though and absolutely unnecessary. Still a damned good add on though.
If you didn't find Shadow Broker to be worth the cost, then I doubt you would with the other add-ons. SB is by far the best value of them all.
The Xbox DLC has gone on sale at least once, which is when I bought most of it. I don't know about the PC version.
I seem to recall a deal on the ME2 DLC at one point which is where I picked them all up.
If you didn't enjoy Shadow Broker then don't even bother with the rest. Shadow Broker is the best of the bunch.
when was this deal? I have been waiting for well over a year and not once have I seen it go on sale.
This is probably the best reason to lament the rejection of Steam's DLC policy by EA. Their add-ons never seem to go on sale on the PC, which is BS, since they regularly do on the console versions. I shouldn't have to pay more on an open platform.
You guys need to post on Hot deals when Bioware Points goes on sale. I've been waiting just about 2 years for a deal. lol
You guys need to post on Hot deals when Bioware Points goes on sale. I've been waiting just about 2 years for a deal. lol

I think it was a DLC half price sale and on Steam I got ME2 for $19.99. Some of the best money I've ever spent on a game. :) Nearly 400 hours of entertainment. :cool:
Shadow Broker lasted around 3 hours, though it was an entertaining 3 hours. 3 hours of gameplay for $10 may not be that bad for a game generally as good as Mass Effect, but I think I only paid $10 to $15 for the standalone ME2!

I could understand the high price of the DLC if there were frequent sales. As it is, I could spend $31 for 6-7 hours of DLC as opposed to $10 on ME2 at 30- 40 hours for a single run (heck, the non-sale price of ME2 is $19.99).

I'll probably just end up grabbing Arrival and maybe Overlord or Kasumi. I'm sure they'll all go on sale within a week after I make my purchase. Anyway, I think I have a best buy gift card someplace so I'll see if I can get one of those "EA game cards" and use that to redeem for bioware points.
FWIW, Overlord was also very well done. It would be one of the better missions in the base game. Arrival is nice for the plot, and it kind of brings back the ME1 atmosphere which I loved, but it does feel underdeveloped. If I had to skip one, it would be Kasumi. The mission is only okay, and I avoided using Kasumi herself in other missions as she was pretty overpowered.
FWIW, Overlord was also very well done. It would be one of the better missions in the base game. Arrival is nice for the plot, and it kind of brings back the ME1 atmosphere which I loved, but it does feel underdeveloped. If I had to skip one, it would be Kasumi. The mission is only okay, and I avoided using Kasumi herself in other missions as she was pretty overpowered.

I rather enjoyed Kasumi and Zaeed's DLC's. I didn't really take her on missions too much until my later play throughs. Mainly because she has more in-game dialog on missions than most of your crew does. Alot of it is actually funny and it's based on the other people in your party at the time.
Hmm.. I may have to try that as I enjoy the planet side chat. Still, her abilities are definitely imbalanced so I'd have to up the difficulty to compensate.

Zaeed's mission itself was good and interesting... but man outside of that he is one 1D dull character.
Hmm.. I may have to try that as I enjoy the planet side chat. Still, her abilities are definitely imbalanced so I'd have to up the difficulty to compensate.

Zaeed's mission itself was good and interesting... but man outside of that he is one 1D dull character.

He's not deep. That's for sure. But he can be quite entertaining. I think he's actually intended to be the way he comes across. As for Kasumi being overpowered, I never found that to be the case. I will say she is more effective than the others given that her behavior is more aggressive when she's not managed manually. Also, if you want to cripple her abilities, the Locust SMG actually doesn't work right with her. Many DLC weapons are bugged with the companion AI. She'll shoot a lot less at enemies and hit far less often when she does. the Geth shotgun is one of the few weapons not buggy with the companions and is actually a great choice for them as they tend to fire shotguns at greater distances than a player would. The Geth shotgun has far greater range than other shotguns. So it's win-win.

The game is brutally easy on Easy-Veteran difficulties. I don't think Kasumi changes that. Her talents don't really work that well on Hardcore or Insanity difficulties as they don't necessarily fit the mission. There are usually better choices such as Zaeed and a biotic like Jack or Samara if you are a soldier. Or Zaeed and Garrus work well together if you are. I haven't actually played many of the classes beyond the adept and the soldier. On those difficulty settings very careful planning is required to get through the missions. A given weapon, specific ammunition powers, and of course whatever you lack that your companions have should all be planned for.