Mass Effect 2 Trailer!!

Awesome... Can't wait. Though I suspect Iwill have to for like another year in the least.
Wow! I just started playing Mass Effect last week. Can't wait for ME2!!
I know...I have a feeling he doesnt and this is just to stir up the hype...But damn!

And we have to wait a year for it. :(

I need to replay ME.

But wait...from

Confirmed Facts
Decisions made in Mass Effect will impact its sequel, most notably those made on a personal level.
Certain characters are set to return - provided they weren't killed off in the first game.
Casey Hudson has therefore recommended keeping saved games from the original Mass Effect.
You will be able to carry over your characters from the original Mass Effect.

If Sheppard is dead...we can't port him over. At best, SPOILER Ashley, Urdnot and Kaidan will or will not appear. I don't want to speculate too much, but I suspect its just some sort of a ruse on Bioware's part...either a plot twist (faked his death to go undercover?), or a way to generate hype as noted already.
Figured this would happen, using your choices from your character to influence the next game.

What do the people do that played through 3 times (on each difficulty, and using different team-mates [achievements]) do? Guess I'll have to pick which save i want to continue with...although I didn't hit the highest level until my final (3rd) playthrough. Ugh.
pfft, 3 times? i've played through 8 times, and have another save game halfway through the game
I have to go back and play through this again. My game drive crashed and I lost all my saves :-( At least I already know where all the cool stuff is.