Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Where is everyone?

So I'm finally getting close to the end game.

I just got through my battle with
Kai Leng
on insanity, took me nearly 10 attempts to get that punk. What a bitchin battle. So was the one where it's just you and a
reaper destroyer
although I would've preferred they made that battle a little more dificult.

I was really worried that the game was going to end right there, as there was an extended cut scene afterward but because that was such a climactic battle and I enjoyed everything up to that point so much, I was ready to excuse it. Still, that would've left ME1 as my favorite of the bunch. Needless to say I was quite delighted to find another chapter awaited.

Haven't finished it yet, I believe I'm at the final battle and at this point it's safe to say ME3 is the best game in the series and one of the best games of all time. It just has too many areas of technical superiority over ME1 not to get the nod, and an insanely epic feel to it. Even more epic than the collector base. They brought the guns back, the gun mods, and the ability to upgrade every weapon several times. It's got epic boss battles, tons of mini-stories, and plenty of reason to do a 2nd playthrough. I can't think of anything bad to say about this game. Bioware hit this one out of the freakin park. Games like this are so few and far between.

I'll be back in a couple hours to give you guys my impression on the ending(s). I've got a total galactic readiness of 6971, hopefully that will be enough for the 'good' ending...
I didn't think Kai Leng was that bad. Honestly, the hardest fight in the game for me was the one where you have to dodge the Reaper beam on Rannoch.
Where is everyone?

So I'm finally getting close to the end game.

I just got through my battle with
Kai Leng
on insanity, took me nearly 10 attempts to get that punk. What a bitchin battle. So was the one where it's just you and a
reaper destroyer
although I would've preferred they made that battle a little more dificult.

I was really worried that the game was going to end right there, as there was an extended cut scene afterward but because that was such a climactic battle and I enjoyed everything up to that point so much, I was ready to excuse it. Still, that would've left ME1 as my favorite of the bunch. Needless to say I was quite delighted to find another chapter awaited.

Haven't finished it yet, I believe I'm at the final battle and at this point it's safe to say ME3 is the best game in the series and one of the best games of all time. It just has too many areas of technical superiority over ME1 not to get the nod, and an insanely epic feel to it. Even more epic than the collector base. They brought the guns back, the gun mods, and the ability to upgrade every weapon several times. It's got epic boss battles, tons of mini-stories, and plenty of reason to do a 2nd playthrough. I can't think of anything bad to say about this game. Bioware hit this one out of the freakin park. Games like this are so few and far between.

I'll be back in a couple hours to give you guys my impression on the ending(s). I've got a total galactic readiness of 6971, hopefully that will be enough for the 'good' ending...

Really the game should have ended there. It goes sharply down hill from that point on.

I didn't think Kai Leng was that bad. Honestly, the hardest fight in the game for me was the one where you have to dodge the Reaper beam on Rannoch.

It was tough until I got the timing down on it. Now I can do it without any difficulty or dying once, regardless of the difficulty level. The 3 Geth Primes you fight before that are much more difficult than that battle on harder difficulty settings. They cut down your squad it seems no matter where you put them. The Geth Spitfire weapon helps, but for it to get going you really have to stick out from cover for far too long. Not that it matters. They'll close in until they are right on top of you. So you have to stay moving.
WELL Free ending DLC fix is incoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BioWare Announces Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut

Free* DLC Pack to Provide Additional Cinematic Scenes to the Ending of Mass Effect 3 this Summer

P.S. This means they admit they fucked up hardcore. They SHOULD of used the same writer who did the first and second one.

The problem is, the entire final act pretty much sucks compared to the one in the first two games. It's so bad I'm skeptical about a fix like this actually doing something satisfying.
The problem is, the entire final act pretty much sucks compared to the one in the first two games. It's so bad I'm skeptical about a fix like this actually doing something satisfying.

I totally agree. At least its Free.

Imagine if they made people pay $4.99 for this DLC lol
I totally agree. At least its Free.

Imagine if they made people pay $4.99 for this DLC lol

I think the fact they aren't charging for it covers two potential issues.

1.) If it's still not satisfying, they can at least say; "It's optional and at least it was free."
2.) It's good PR for them to address the fan reaction in a positive way. Even if their efforts aren't well received, they can say they tried. Though at that point they'll take us even less seriously probably reacting as if we just can't be happy with anything.

In Mass Effect, one of my favorite parts of the game is going outside the Citadel tower and making my way to the council chambers with Sovereign in the background with Geth and Krogan trying to stop me. In Mass Effect 2 one of my favorite parts of the game is assaulting the Collector base and choosing who leads the second team, who goes into the vents, and literally who will live and die. The long walk music playing in the background really adds ambience to it. I liked fighting within the biotic barrier and cutting down bad guys. While the Reaper battle itself could have been done differently and a whole lot better, all the cinematics and choices in the final act are great.

In Mass Effect 3 I dread everything after the assault on the Illusive Man's base. The Priority Earth mission just sucks on so many levels. Endless frustrating hordes, no real objectives, bland backdrop, depressing music and the last part of it before reaching the Citadel is almost just like the end run to the conduit on Ilos except slower. Then you go into a confusing mess of crap after that. Seriously, the ending act needs more than cinematics to explain it. They need to revamp the entire final mission. It's terrible. I'd rather have gone back to Vancouver as it was far more interesting than London. You have two really simple objectives and a boring backdrop with no satisfying pay off. I hate to be that guy but the fact is the last part of ME3 is so weak that it needs to be completely redone in order to be satisfying and to match the quality and the excellence generally seen in the previous two games. It isn't just a matter of the ending sucking, but the final act being devoid of choices. You don't get any at all really. You choose your squad mates and everyone else is uninvolved from that point. Like you brought this awesome team from ME1 and ME2 to just show up on Earth and fade into the backdrop like common soldiers.

Ugh, I hate that part of the game so much.
Cool, i'll probably just wait to beat it then. The ending is kicking my ass on insanity anyway.
BioWare blog said:
An official press release went out today announcing how we are re-prioritizing the Mass Effect 3 post release content schedule to provide a more fleshed out experience for our fans. For many of you the “Extended Cut” will help answer some questions and give closure to this chapter of the Mass Effect story. Oh and it’s at no cost to you – the fan.

Here is a mini FAQ to help you understand what the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut is and isn’t:
What can fans expect from the Extended Cut DLC?

For fans who want more closure in Mass Effect 3, the DLC will offer extended scenes that provide additional context and deeper insight to the conclusion of Commander Shepard’s journey.

Are there going to be more/different endings or ending DLCs in the future?

No. BioWare strongly believes in the team’s artistic vision for the end of this arc of the Mass Effect franchise. The extended cut DLC will expand on the existing endings, but no further ending DLC is planned.

What is BioWare adding to the ending with the Extended Cut DLC?

BioWare will expanding on the ending to Mass Effect 3 by creating additional cinematics and epilogue scenes to the existing ending sequences. The goal of these new scenes is to provide additional clarity and closure to Mass Effect 3.

When will the Extended Cut DLC be available?

Currently the Extended Cut DLC is planned for this summer, no specific date has been announced at this point.

Why are you releasing the Extended Cut DLC?

Though we remain committed and are proud of the artistic choices we made in the main game, we are aware that there are some fans who would like more closure to Mass Effect 3. The goal of the DLC is not to provide a new ending to the game, rather to offer fans additional context and answers to the end of Commander Shepard’s story.

So there you have it. Are we proud of the game we made and the team that made it? Hell yes. Are we going to change the ending of the game? No. Do we appreciate the passion and listen to the feedback delivered to us by our fans? Very much so and we are responding.

Summer is coming…

They don't say much here, but I'm rather convinced that this extended content will be incredibly weak.

Dropped the ball, BioWare.

Apparently "artistic vision" means that everyone should die.
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They don't say much here, but I'm rather convinced that this extended content will be incredibly weak.

Dropped the ball, BioWare.

Apparently "artistic vision" means that everyone should die.


They are only going to "explain" (as if that were somehow possible), what those nice 3 color endings mean with some additional cinematics.

Big fucking deal.

I don't want it "explained" to me like I'm a 6 year old asking why the sky is fucking blue.

I want BETTER endings to pick from that don't need an "explanation".

Fuck EA/BW from this point forward.
They don't say much here, but I'm rather convinced that this extended content will be incredibly weak.

Dropped the ball, BioWare.

Apparently "artistic vision" means that everyone should die.

I dont think anything they said would have made you happy.
I dont think anything they said would have made you happy.

He isnt the only one who feels that way.

everyone who bought the game feels ripped off. I mean 3 games, at minumum $49.99 a piece, not including DLC's we bought Deserve better then the POS ending in ME3.
I dont think anything they said would have made you happy.

The ending is pretty bad. It's hard to see how they can fix it without adding something that changes the outcome dramatically. I think anything BioWare / EA says on the matter should be treated with some skepticism though.
They don't say much here, but I'm rather convinced that this extended content will be incredibly weak.

Dropped the ball, BioWare.

Apparently "artistic vision" means that everyone should die.

This X1000.

It's a damn shame really; the game was great until about Thessia. Then it turns into a steaming pile of poorly written shit. Artistic direction my ass.

I’m sure I’ll buy a Bioware game in the future, but I’ll never buy one at launch ever again I forsee Bioware being added to my year later 50% off sale list. Dragon Age 2 was bad enough….
Disappointing. I'll try to reserve judgement until it's released. But those statements above don't leave much hope.
This X1000.

It's a damn shame really; the game was great until about Thessia. Then it turns into a steaming pile of poorly written shit. Artistic direction my ass.

I’m sure I’ll buy a Bioware game in the future, but I’ll never buy one at launch ever again I forsee Bioware being added to my year later 50% off sale list. Dragon Age 2 was bad enough….

I actually liked the mission on Thessia. Everything in the museum is pretty awesome as well. Especially if you take Javik with you. Plot wise I thought it was good and for Shepard to actually get defeated was also interesting. If you think about it, not everything goes according to plan and some things turn into a cluster fuck, but Shepard never really suffers defeat until this battle with Kai-Leng. Shepard has never just totally failed to complete a mission or secure the objective. Shepard doesn't take that well regardless of your choices in conversations afterwards. I really liked the Cerberus base assault as well and the battle with Kai.Leng. What I didn't like was everything that comes after that.

Disappointing. I'll try to reserve judgement until it's released. But those statements above don't leave much hope.

Sadly I don't have a lot of hope for it either. On one hand, it's hard for them to make it worse unless the ending confirms that all the planets, people and star systems are literally destroyed by the Mass Relay explosions. That's about all they can do to make things suck worse at this point. So yeah, if artistic vision means everyone has to die and essentially Shepard fails, then fuck you BioWare. You can cram your artistic "vision" up your ass. They'll have to make extra room in there right next to their heads because that's obviously where they are at since deciding the initial ending was a good idea.
I actually liked the mission on Thessia. Everything in the museum is pretty awesome as well. Especially if you take Javik with you. Plot wise I thought it was good and for Shepard to actually get defeated was also interesting. If you think about it, not everything goes according to plan and some things turn into a cluster fuck, but Shepard never really suffers defeat until this battle with Kai-Leng. Shepard has never just totally failed to complete a mission or secure the objective. Shepard doesn't take that well regardless of your choices in conversations afterwards. I really liked the Cerberus base assault as well and the battle with Kai.Leng. What I didn't like was everything that comes after that.

Sadly I don't have a lot of hope for it either. On one hand, it's hard for them to make it worse unless the ending confirms that all the planets, people and star systems are literally destroyed by the Mass Relay explosions. That's about all they can do to make things suck worse at this point. So yeah, if artistic vision means everyone has to die and essentially Shepard fails, then fuck you BioWare. You can cram your artistic "vision" up your ass. They'll have to make extra room in there right next to their heads because that's obviously where they are at since deciding the initial ending was a good idea.

Hmm I thought (been awhile) that the DLC from ME2 that leaded up to ME3, was kinda like shepard failing a mission?

Or am I wrong?
Hmm I thought (been awhile) that the DLC from ME2 that leaded up to ME3, was kinda like shepard failing a mission?

Or am I wrong?

The Arrival? I wouldn't call that a defeat. Like many of Shepard's other choices, it involved sacrifice, but the goal of delaying the Reaper invasion is ultimately realized. This allows the Alliance to at least try and prepare for an eventual Reaper invasion. In fact dialog in ME3 confirms that they kept Shepard around as kind of an advisor (and to keep the Batarians from starting a conflict with the Alliance) and did prepare for a Reaper invasion. They knew it was coming. So Shepard succeeded on multiple levels.
The Arrival? I wouldn't call that a defeat. Like many of Shepard's other choices, it involved sacrifice, but the goal of delaying the Reaper invasion is ultimately realized. This allows the Alliance to at least try and prepare for an eventual Reaper invasion. In fact dialog in ME3 confirms that they kept Shepard around as kind of an advisor (and to keep the Batarians from starting a conflict with the Alliance) and did prepare for a Reaper invasion. They knew it was coming. So Shepard succeeded on multiple levels.

Very good point, when you put it that way.
Very good point, when you put it that way.

The worst part for Shepard has to be that he/she wasn't defeated by something like a Reaper or any number of other horrifying things in the series. Kai-Leng is just another guy. One with a somewhat similar background to Shepard's, but just a guy.
I'm surprised at BioWare. They actually managed to piss people off even more. They let people get their hopes up that the ending was an indoctrination attempt or something else clever like that, and now they've basically confirmed that they were giving us the finger all along. This ending has been botched so badly. Honestly, they should have delayed the game and added this "closure" from the onset.

Or they should have someone start a credible rumor that the ending was rushed. Put the blame on EA. Shit, I still give Obsidian a free pass for KOTOR 2 because of Lucas Arts.

I'm sure the people who like the depressing ending are happy ... err ... I'm not sure how that works.
I'm surprised at BioWare. They actually managed to piss people off even more. They let people get their hopes up that the ending was an indoctrination attempt or something else clever like that, and now they've basically confirmed that they were giving us the finger all along. This ending has been botched so badly. Honestly, they should have delayed the game and added this "closure" from the onset.

Or they should have someone start a credible rumor that the ending was rushed. Put the blame on EA. Shit, I still give Obsidian a free pass for KOTOR 2 because of Lucas Arts.

I'm sure the people who like the depressing ending are happy ... err ... I'm not sure how that works.

Well, if they are proud of their non-sensical, plot filled, canon-contradicting, deus-ex copying and un-imaginative ending; then I can understand how they think their video dlc is a fitting response.
I'm surprised at BioWare. They actually managed to piss people off even more. They let people get their hopes up that the ending was an indoctrination attempt or something else clever like that, and now they've basically confirmed that they were giving us the finger all along. This ending has been botched so badly. Honestly, they should have delayed the game and added this "closure" from the onset.

Or they should have someone start a credible rumor that the ending was rushed. Put the blame on EA. Shit, I still give Obsidian a free pass for KOTOR 2 because of Lucas Arts.

I'm sure the people who like the depressing ending are happy ... err ... I'm not sure how that works.

Well, if they are proud of their non-sensical, plot filled, canon-contradicting, deus-ex copying and un-imaginative ending; then I can understand how they think their video dlc is a fitting response.

Yeah, I'm not happy about the implications of this upcoming DLC either.
There is no free pass for Obsidian.

As Doyce Testerman said, if everyone is praying that "it's all a dream" is the real ending, then you've failed. Bioware has failed with this ending.

ME3 is excellent until the last 5 minutes. I've been holding out hope, but this most recent announcement gaurantees they won't be a day 1 purchase anymore.
The 3 Geth Primes you fight before that are much more difficult than that battle on harder difficulty settings. They cut down your squad it seems no matter where you put them. The Geth Spitfire weapon helps, but for it to get going you really have to stick out from cover for far too long. Not that it matters. They'll close in until they are right on top of you. So you have to stay moving.

I'm at that part right now, on Hardcore. I've breezed through much of the game so far, but this fight seems to be a significant step up in difficulty.

Bummer to hear everyone hates the ending. I've tried to avoid spoilers, but it sounds like it's a downer. I've really enjoyed the game so far, although there are still some parts that feel a little too much like "work". I actually think I like the second game the best right now, partially because there were so many characters to choose from.
I don't know if this chick actually knows anything about the game; she apparently works for BioWare: (Spoiler)!/MrBlazenGlazen/status/187948439148052480

Game over for IDT. And this is good: I can finally start getting some real work done instead of reading the ME3 speculation! I'm going to revert to my idea that Shepard is really a Replicant. It makes as much sense as anything.
Hmm, those 3 Geth Primes didn't give me too much trouble on hardcore. Soldier Shep, Garrus and Tali...blasted through them pretty quick.

I'm interested in how the Kai Leng fight goes. It seems to me like it bugged out my first playthrough on Normal...I didn't seem to be doing much damage to him, then all of a sudden he was dead. Was kind of a WTF moment and kind of sucked.
I don't know if this chick actually knows anything about the game; she apparently works for BioWare:!/MrBlazenGlazen/status/187948439148052480

Game over for IDT. And this is good: I can finally start getting some real work done instead of reading the ME3 speculation! I'm going to revert to my idea that Shepard is really a Replicant. It makes as much sense as anything.

Spoiler alert on the twitter feed.
Game over for IDT.

I don't see how this is the case. Bioware has yet to confirm or deny anything. Expanding on the ending, which is what Bioware has been saying all along, fits exactly in with the theory.

The theory just needs more ending, which is exactly what Bioware is going to give us. PAX is tomorrow, so hopefully we'll finally hear the truth at Bioware's panel. In the mean time, I carry on with IDT as my "headcanon"
I don't know if this chick actually knows anything about the game; she apparently works for BioWare: (Spoiler)!/MrBlazenGlazen/status/187948439148052480

Game over for IDT. And this is good: I can finally start getting some real work done instead of reading the ME3 speculation! I'm going to revert to my idea that Shepard is really a Replicant. It makes as much sense as anything.

I like how she ignores
the fact that the relays should have eliminated basically everyone anyway, as prettymuch everyone was near earth or another mass relay point and was unaware that the explosions were coming
but goes on to say that
there are dead/controlled/synthesized reapers everywhere so we can rebuild the relays!
More B/S that just further deepens the plot holes and other crap.
I like how she ignores
the fact that the relays should have eliminated basically everyone anyway, as prettymuch everyone was near earth or another mass relay point and was unaware that the explosions were coming
but goes on to say that
there are dead/controlled/synthesized reapers everywhere so we can rebuild the relays!
More B/S that just further deepens the plot holes and other crap.

She's been toying with people since the start...
I'm at that part right now, on Hardcore. I've breezed through much of the game so far, but this fight seems to be a significant step up in difficulty.

Bummer to hear everyone hates the ending. I've tried to avoid spoilers, but it sounds like it's a downer. I've really enjoyed the game so far, although there are still some parts that feel a little too much like "work". I actually think I like the second game the best right now, partially because there were so many characters to choose from.

I dropped it to normal for that part. I won't lie, it's one of the most difficult parts of the Mass Effect series. Not because it's well designed or filled with a challenging boss, but because of the poor layout of the area and the number and speed at which they throw enemies at you.

It's just bad design.
I dropped it to normal for that part. I won't lie, it's one of the most difficult parts of the Mass Effect series. Not because it's well designed or filled with a challenging boss, but because of the poor layout of the area and the number and speed at which they throw enemies at you.

It's just bad design.

I never had to change the difficulty, I just died a lot. But also, being an infiltrator helps a lot during that whole final sequence, it makes it easy to hop from side to the other. That goes for the final Geth sequence and the end of the game.

On the whole though I thought 3 was a lot easier than the others (on hardcore). I find myself dying all of the time playing through 2 again.
I never had to change the difficulty, I just died a lot. But also, being an infiltrator helps a lot during that whole final sequence, it makes it easy to hop from side to the other. That goes for the final Geth sequence and the end of the game.

On the whole though I thought 3 was a lot easier than the others (on hardcore). I find myself dying all of the time playing through 2 again.

Playing 2 on Hardcore I have died two or three times and I'm at the Reaper IFF mission now. Everything is done save for that, the Suicide Mission and the Arrival DLC. I think ME1 is the hardest game by FAR.