mass effect 3 multiplayer trend


Mar 16, 2002
I'm now seeing everyone and their mother who plays Gold difficulty just picking engineer or infiltrator, or occasionally turian sentinel and just spamming overload/energy drain

i get that they're good skills, but it's bad enough that snipers are constantly sniping my potential warp-bombs when there are plenty of other enemies to shoot next to them, but now they just sit back and chain spam overload and it's really unbalancing the game.

anyone else notice this lately? i hope they tone down the skill with the next batch of skill balances
I haven't played a ton of gold but when I have played it I've observed the overload/energy drain spamming that you're talking about. Its is a bit frustrating(if you're not the one doing the spamming) but I feel like if they toned those skills down, then that particular difficulty would be a lot harder...for better or worse. I'll have to play some more gold and get a better feel for it before I pass final judgment.
Adepts/Human Sentinels can still get tons of XP from killing the armored enemies. Play Reaper forces on Gold as an adept and you'll get all the XP you can stomach. As an adept I would usually hang back on the early rounds against Reaper and then become more aggressive as the harder baddies came out to play.

Against Geth an adept isn't as effective. Quarian Infiltrator is far and away the best here. For me anyway. No Overload or Energy Drain. Just good old headshots + hack.
Bronze is for learning.
Silver is for playing.
Gold is for farming.
My Salarian Engineer on Gold is all about Decoy for the most part, with some energy drain and some headshots mixed in.

Best Gold farming I've found so far is:
Firebase White against Geth. You need a Salarian Engineer, any Infiltrator, and any 2 others. Run down to the basement at start and hold the position. Engineer stays near the door with Decoy to pull aggro.
[UPS] Sorce;1038590269 said:
Bronze is for learning.
Silver is for playing.
Gold is for farming.
That's about the truth of it. It seems like you're limited to classes that allow you to pick up the slack for someone else in gold, which makes the 1 man army classes even more appealing since it's not uncommon to get 2 people who really aren't ready to leave silver yet.
I've been playing mostly Gold lately and only use my Asari Adept. Stasis Bubble is just invaluable at that level, especially against Phantoms, and I couldn't imagine playing without such a powerful crowd control ability.

I don't often see infiltrator-engineer spam; but then again, I usually play with a full party of my friends.
I've been playing mostly Gold lately and only use my Asari Adept. Stasis Bubble is just invaluable at that level, especially against Phantoms, and I couldn't imagine playing without such a powerful crowd control ability.

I don't often see infiltrator-engineer spam; but then again, I usually play with a full party of my friends.
It might help if we had text chat. A lot of people don't seem to have mics. Might allow better party building when you don't have friends.
I've been playing mostly Gold lately and only use my Asari Adept. Stasis Bubble is just invaluable at that level, especially against Phantoms, and I couldn't imagine playing without such a powerful crowd control ability.

I don't often see infiltrator-engineer spam; but then again, I usually play with a full party of my friends.

Stasis Bubble is good on Gold for controlling mobs, but I most often find myself detonating via Warp -> Throw. It's all you can do against armored opponents, anyway, and it's a good way to scatter a crowd of little guys.

Had a Gold Firebase White basement run last night with a good team. One of the guys was an N7 lvl 18- just got the game that night. I don't know why we didn't kick him at first, but when we got into the game he listened to what we had to say and actually participated very well.

The best moment of that match came in a late wave. He had seen me (Salarian Engineer- Door position) getting grabs and said he really wanted to get one. He took cover next to me and, after explaining how he could get a grab, I moved my Decoy further into the room to draw in mobs. Took a couple tries, but after about a minute he got his first grab and he was excited about it. Very awesome game.