Mass Effect...performance


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 22, 2004
Ok, this i've been waiting for this game for a while now. I was tempted to buy a 360 strictly for it but I figured it would eventually come out for PC :)D) Anyways, I had plans on upgrading my PC but I ended up buying some car money to blow away just yet. I'm currently running a Opteron 170 ( stock for now ), 2GB G.skill, and a X1900XTX 512MB. I don't care about AA but i'm hoping to run it at atleast 1680x1050 with high settings. Its using the Unreal 3 engine, so assuming how well Bioshock and UT3 ran, i'm guessing Mass Effect should be somewhat similar? As long as it runs better than Crysis...I should be in the clear :cool:
Similiar build, game ran like crap for me. Borrowed a freinds copy, jaggedy lines to the max, coudltn properly play on 1280x1024. Not fun. In light of that, the sotry seemed awesome. Ill buy it and play it when AA is enabled in game/new v-card. The lack of AA killed it for me.
It doesn't run like Crysis, thats for sure. I think it runs OK for the most part, but there are some areas in the game that just run like shit for the level of graphics that I'm seeing. I like the art style and the story but overall I was expecting a little bit more graphically. Aside from that, it's a good game.
Graphics aren't everything you know. Sure there may be some jagged lines and dynamic shadows creates lots of glitches on the characters during dialog but the gameplay makes you forget all that. I'm replaying FF7 on my PSP right now because it is just a really great game that is fun to play. I'm not refusing to play it because the graphics are 11 years old making the blocky characters seem so unrealistic.
the problem w/ mass effect is that the level of graphics doesn't quite account for why the performance is low. i think.
From all the videos i've seen the graphics look amazing....the entire game looks so cinematic. Time will tell...I just need a good long game dammit!! I'm tempted to buy PS3 for MGS4 and GTA4 :(
I have an Q6600, 2gb ram, and 1800XT and the game ran well enough at 1680x1050, but sometimes there were glitches with shadows etc during dialog. When I picked up the game at Gamestop the clerk told me that the game was really long. I was kinda let down when I completed it with doing many of the side quests and thinking I was less than half way through. Only took me 15 hours on normal difficulty first time through and reached level 45. Very fun though.
Similiar build, game ran like crap for me. Borrowed a freinds copy, jaggedy lines to the max, coudltn properly play on 1280x1024. Not fun. In light of that, the sotry seemed awesome. Ill buy it and play it when AA is enabled in game/new v-card. The lack of AA killed it for me.

You can enable AA in ME with nHancer.
I can't, its an x1900xt, nHancer works only for nvdia cards right? I know ATI enabled AA in UE3 games (it works in gears), but i dont get why the other ue3 titles don't get affected.
I'm going to pick up a copy from Best Buy Saturday while its still one sale I think. I'm not really into RPG's, but this one looks like it might be ok, plus the graphics look so great I just want it for that. I would think that my sig rig should run it nearly maxed.
I'm going to pick up a copy from Best Buy Saturday while its still one sale I think. I'm not really into RPG's, but this one looks like it might be ok, plus the graphics look so great I just want it for that. I would think that my sig rig should run it nearly maxed.

ME is more of a 3rd person shooter with RPG elements.
The graphics to performance ratio is poor with this game. The game is very poorly optimised. Even Crysis ran smoother FFS!

The lack of AA is disappointing once again, major jaggies without. Sadly the Unreal 3 Engine is piss poor in this respect. I wish devs would stop using it.

I have forced AA to run with nHancer but the performance hit is massive, framerate at least halves and causes graphically corruption

Graphics are also very very glitchy, shadows on faces constantly shift/shimmer. It looks very unrealistic. Looks broken to me

5 out of 10 for graphics, good thing the story is fun!
I find the game good, graphics are great, those shadows on faces don't really affect me. Good story line too.

And I live in the same place Bioware is from! woot!
I have an Q6600, 2gb ram, and 1800XT and the game ran well enough at 1680x1050, but sometimes there were glitches with shadows etc during dialog. When I picked up the game at Gamestop the clerk told me that the game was really long. I was kinda let down when I completed it with doing many of the side quests and thinking I was less than half way through. Only took me 15 hours on normal difficulty first time through and reached level 45. Very fun though.

If you did all the side quests you should have hit lvl 50 and had almost 30 hours into the game when you beat it. Me thinks you skipped quite a bit.

Btw, the shadows on faces is in the console version too.
The graphics to performance ratio is poor with this game. The game is very poorly optimised. Even Crysis ran smoother FFS!

Not on my rig. I play ME at native (1680x1050) maxed out with an ini setting for much better shadows. Crysis was smooth as 1280x800.
ive had zero performance issues, when it runs. the content and gameplay itself is very polished, but the stability? not so much.
I dont have a performace issue, but i do have a sound issue - such as in a dialogue scene sometimes the voice will cut out when another sound is heard, and when in a big shootout the only sound you can hear is the music. not sure why this is happenin, already checked for new drivers and there are none out yet for my system in spec. - EAX hardware is turned off of course since i dont have a creative sound card.

any suggestions?
1280x1024 res
Seems to run very well, however i've been having ongoing problems with my PC so i'm going to reformat. I got about two hours into the game...does anyone know where the save files are?
It wasn't running for me for more than a couple minutes without locking up for a few days. I tried different configs and nothing worked. Finally I just uninstalled every unused program I had and was able to run it awesomely. Someone on the Mass Effect forums mentioned killing a Powerdvd program running and I know that's one of the programs I uninstalled so I'm not sure if that was it or not.