Mass Effect question


Apr 1, 2008
I have went back and reinstalled Mass Effect to play something I enjoy after being crushed by the steaming pile of unrunnable code known as FC2. I figured this time I would mess around with the graphical settings in the Nvidia console some since I already have the game maxed out. I went in and added the Mass launcher exe to the list of programs in the Nvidia console and enabled AA to 16Q and a few other settings. The thing is, when I go back in to play the game, I'm not seeing any AA. There are still all the jaggies especially in the Citidal.

So my question is this: Did I add the correct EXE to the Nvidia console or is there something I missed?

Any help would be really appreciated. Its been a stressful day at work and Im looking forward to going home and mopping the deck with the Geth but I'd like to do it with the best gfx settings possible.
what OS?

go back into the Nvidia control panel and make sure it is still there..

when i was on my 8800GTand vista it wouldn't save my custom profiles.. i had to either use Nhancer or just set it as global. It was a bug under Vista that may still be around..

if you're on XP shouldn't matter but just doulbe check and make sure that custom profile is still there.
Vista 64bit Ultimate.

I will try making it a global setting when I get home in about an hour and see if that helps. Thanks for the tip! :)
I had this problem too but I think updating my Nvidia drivers fixed it. I'm not sure though since I don't play the game that often.
This taken from

Antialiasing Support: Just as with other games based on Unreal Engine 3.0, such as UT3 or BioShock, Mass Effect doesn't necessarily allow for normal use of Anti-Aliasing to smooth out jagged lines. There is no in-game Anti-Aliasing option, so at present there are three main ways to apply Anti-Aliasing to the game:

If you run a GeForce 8 series card or newer you can force AA through the Nvidia Forceware Control Panel using the Mass Effect game profile in the latest Forceware. However note that for it to have any noticeable impact, you will need to change the Transparency Antialiasing option to Supersampling. This will reduce jagged outlines, though some jaggedness in other screen elements will still remain. The performance drop is also quite noticeable.
An alternate method is to rename the MassEffect.exe file found under the \Program Files\Mass Effect\Binaries\ directory to BioShock.exe, and use the BioShock profile in your graphics control panel to force antialiasing. Once again the performance impact will be noticeable and the reduction in jaggedness is not consistent across all screen elements.
You can apply a brute force method called Supersampling - which works on pretty much any game - to reduce overall jaggedness. You can use a utility such as nhancer to set 'AA Compatibility mode 45' for the game profile. This is generally not recommended, as it has a major performance impact and can also cause visual glitches.

In general, since Antialiasing doesn't seem to completely eradicate all jaggedness and subsequent shimmering in the game, I recommend that before turning to AA you first attempt to raise the resolution and/or consider the use of the Film Grain filter and Motion Blur options where possible, as these can cover up jaggedness with much less of a performance hit.