Mass Exodus From Facebook

Maybe they're the smart ones,and the rest are like sheep following the flock? Sites like Facebook and Twitter seem too much like ego trips to me. It's hard enough keeping your privacy these days,is it worth increasing the risk for vanity's sake?

of course, i havent seen it any other way....have never understood how it makes any good sense to put your personal life on the internet, hell, i dont tell anything to my own family and closest friends....whats wrong with people these days?

what is the big deal really? why does everyone seem intent on distributing their lives to every tom dick and harry with an internet connection via twits tweets or whatever......

are you all really that full of yourselves, or perhaps too empty, that you have to let everyone know you farted a few seconds ago?

locally, and i mean 5 minutes from where i live there were recent home invasions and robberies, guess how the perps knew it was safe to proceed...because the mindless idiot sent out a tweet or facebook message letting all her "friends" know she and her man were leaving on a crazy wild vacation!!! yay!!!>>>>
of course, i havent seen it any other way....have never understood how it makes any good sense to put your personal life on the internet, hell, i dont tell anything to my own family and closest friends....whats wrong with people these days?

what is the big deal really? why does everyone seem intent on distributing their lives to every tom dick and harry with an internet connection via twits tweets or whatever......

are you all really that full of yourselves, or perhaps too empty, that you have to let everyone know you farted a few seconds ago?

locally, and i mean 5 minutes from where i live there were recent home invasions and robberies, guess how the perps knew it was safe to proceed...because the mindless idiot sent out a tweet or facebook message letting all her "friends" know she and her man were leaving on a crazy wild vacation!!! yay!!!>>>>

Sounds like you're the one with the problem. Living a bit of a lonely existence there in your basement? Believe it or not, some of us do know people we actually like and want to talk to. Facebook makes it easier to communicate with people.

For example, I'm currently 3000 miles away from my college on an internship. Sure I could individually call or email my friends, but Facebook makes it a lot easier to keep up with what's going on in my circle of friends, even though I'm not actually there.
They may wish to consider migrating to Diaspora, which was reported on last week.
The problem is install base...
When nobody I know is there, why would I switch? I sure couldn't convince a couple hundred people (I limit my friends list to people I actually know) to switch along with me. That along with the fact Facebook has iPhone apps and whatnot... Hard to compete with it.

Facebook is better because people only need to know my name in order to find me; and perhaps more importantly because I alone decide who can and cannot contact me.

Facebook, when locked down, works well... If I don't have you as a friend, you can't talk to me on there. Whereas with email, you get it from EVERYONE. If you're sick of getting emails from businesses, either you can unsubscribe only to have them not honor it or something... Or on Facebook, you remove them from your pages, and no more messages.
It's really superior in a way, because it's one huge "whitelist".

And some people, I might see every week. I might have their number. I might have their email. But guess what? When most people are communicating on FB nowadays... It's a ton easier to contact someone on that. Especially when most people don't even check email every day, but they'll check Facebook every hour.
Maybe they're the smart ones,and the rest are like sheep following the flock? Sites like Facebook and Twitter seem too much like ego trips to me. It's hard enough keeping your privacy these days,is it worth increasing the risk for vanity's sake?
People seem to forget, that if they personally don't put something on facebook their privacy is secured. Let me ask them, how many people that you consider friends might be talking about some of your personal issues . People love to gossip. Shoot your whole dirty laundry list and skeletons from your closet could be circulating all over the web. Old girl friends people from your past all of a sudden are there passing around those delicious tidbits about yourself. I don't think I need to say anything more. Once your on facebook or any network your open season as they say.
Ya really, WTF is wrong with facebook providing a completely free service which is not mandatory to use in way shape or form.

Don't like it, don't use it... Some people think they are deserving of everything for nothing
That's like saying Google is free. If they're making money from you visiting their site--oh, and they certainly are--it's not free. Your information has value.
Good luck finding another social networking site that won't try to harvest your personal information.
That's not the problem as much as their willingness to share that information with third-parties. By default.
Here's the thing: Facebook, as it is (with the exception of the privacy policy weaknesses), is a well-made and well-designed social networking site. The name has a ring to it, the website interface looks simple, solid, and "perfect." There's nothing wrong with it... except for the privacy policies being weak and corrupt.

That's the problem. Why does a system that is so close to "perfection" HAVE to have a catch (aka privacy policies being purposefully weak and corrupt)?
They make their money from advertising. Advertisers pay more when they know their ads are targeted to (presumably) more interested parties. This requires that profile details be made available to whatever application serves those ads.
Social Networking WILL NOT WORK if you use your real name, real location, real birthdate and tag photos.

When registering, instead of using "John Smith", use J0ohnn Smm1tth.
Instead of using your real age, your age is 32, use 28..

Simple instructions. If you are dumb enough to use your real info, you deserve to have your job lost and your reputation ruined for posting those tagged lewd photos of your Las Vegas drunken orgy on your supposedly sick day off work.
As HOCP4ME pointed out, this is completely contrary to the whole point of Facebook, which is to reconnect with people you know. Facebook WILL NOT WORK for John Smith if people can't figure out if he's the one they know from high school, university, etc. Same for LinkedIn.

What you are talking about is called MySpace. Or Second Life.
People seem to forget, that if they personally don't put something on facebook their privacy is secured. Let me ask them, how many people that you consider friends might be talking about some of your personal issues . People love to gossip. Shoot your whole dirty laundry list and skeletons from your closet could be circulating all over the web. Old girl friends people from your past all of a sudden are there passing around those delicious tidbits about yourself. I don't think I need to say anything more. Once your on facebook or any network your open season as they say.
You can't prevent people from posting pictures of you in them or saying bad things about you short of suing them. Whether or not you are on Facebook. What you can do is to keep them off your wall:

Friend Request > Ignore

Profile > Friends|View All > X (Remove Connection)
I just checked out the privacy settings. You have full control over what anyone sees and what information your applications have access to, or if they have access to anything at all.

Aside from facebook having the info, I'm not concerned. All that comes up in a name search of me is my picture and one of the networks I'm in, nothing else.
Hai guyz what am I missing here? Plz enlighten me.

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As far as Facebook using your information to help target/tailor ads to you, this isn't anything new. Google and many others already do this.

Here's a link to the privacy policies:
And brief explanation here:
^^^ I'd agree...

The issue is that Facebook turns that crap on by default. I remember some time ago, when Facebook introduced new "features", they always turned it off by default. It's the flip of that now, they enable the privacy-compromising features, and leave it up to the user to disable (and let's face it: most people won't do this).
Sounds like you're the one with the problem. Living a bit of a lonely existence there in your basement? Believe it or not, some of us do know people we actually like and want to talk to. Facebook makes it easier to communicate with people.

For example, I'm currently 3000 miles away from my college on an internship. Sure I could individually call or email my friends, but Facebook makes it a lot easier to keep up with what's going on in my circle of friends, even though I'm not actually there.

i guess i fail to understand why people feel the need to be involved in other people's lives, whom live 3000 miles long as my family is taken care of, thats all that matters

i guess you do get a little cynical over time, with age, after being really really down on your luck and in a really bad place, finding out what a true friend is, or even a true family member, i have friends who are better at being family who live thousands of miles away than family that lives 5 minutes away......go figure

suppose seeing the value in knowing when someone farts 3000 miles away is not enough to keep me entertained, i mean, someone i know that lives 3000 miles away could tell me their mother just died, and i'd be like, sorry to hear that, and move on, really, what else are you going to do?
i guess i fail to understand why people feel the need to be involved in other people's lives, whom live 3000 miles long as my family is taken care of, thats all that matters

i guess you do get a little cynical over time, with age, after being really really down on your luck and in a really bad place, finding out what a true friend is, or even a true family member, i have friends who are better at being family who live thousands of miles away than family that lives 5 minutes away......go figure

suppose seeing the value in knowing when someone farts 3000 miles away is not enough to keep me entertained, i mean, someone i know that lives 3000 miles away could tell me their mother just died, and i'd be like, sorry to hear that, and move on, really, what else are you going to do?

There's cynical and there's pathologically anti-social.
There's cynical and there's pathologically anti-social.

we visit with friends locally on weekends, sometimes at our place sometimes theirs, other than that we spend time as a family doing things, but that's it, i feel it's perfectly normal to be this what end should i be involved in someone's life who i happened to go to school with 15 years ago who lives 3000 miles away and has a life (hopefully) of their own?

where is the value here? who does this benefit? why do i care to take time out of my day to find out that Suzy over in Idaho saw a bunny and thinks it's cute?
Thank you for clarifying the options Cerulean. There's definitely no shortage of control over who can see what.
we visit with friends locally on weekends, sometimes at our place sometimes theirs, other than that we spend time as a family doing things, but that's it, i feel it's perfectly normal to be this what end should i be involved in someone's life who i happened to go to school with 15 years ago who lives 3000 miles away and has a life (hopefully) of their own?

where is the value here? who does this benefit? why do i care to take time out of my day to find out that Suzy over in Idaho saw a bunny and thinks it's cute?

You don't have to care, if Suzy didn't post it on your wall then what does it matter? If she did, disable her ability to post on your wall for all it matters, seriously.

Why do people get in such a fucking knot over this? If you don't want to know, change your settings accordingly or just don't use facebook.
Why do you need a special to leave something you hate? Just leave if you hate it that bad. This wont even be a blip on Zuckerbergs radar anyways.
we visit with friends locally on weekends, sometimes at our place sometimes theirs, other than that we spend time as a family doing things, but that's it, i feel it's perfectly normal to be this what end should i be involved in someone's life who i happened to go to school with 15 years ago who lives 3000 miles away and has a life (hopefully) of their own?

where is the value here? who does this benefit? why do i care to take time out of my day to find out that Suzy over in Idaho saw a bunny and thinks it's cute?

Many of my friends travel the world... Many of my friends go out of town on trips... Many of my friends have moved...
Facebook is a nice medium to keep up with all of them.

Just because I don't see them every week, doesn't mean they are no longer friends.

Facebook isn't Twitter... I think that's what you guys are getting confused here (in which case, why are you talking about something you have no idea about??). Twitter IS, IMO, pointless... It's just the Status Update piece that's been pulled out of Facebook.
I left because I was sick and tired of not even logging in to facebook, and while visiting other sites, I would be logged in to automatically like something. Fuck if I am not logged in, in the first place and their sister or afil sites can see my info, what else does everyone else see. Screw facebook.
I left because I was sick and tired of not even logging in to facebook, and while visiting other sites, I would be logged in to automatically like something. Fuck if I am not logged in, in the first place and their sister or afil sites can see my info, what else does everyone else see. Screw facebook.

Fucking hate this about facebook.

Seriously folks... Facebook isn't that BAD. You can actually make it private. It's just unforunate that they make you seek out to do that, versus making it private by default.
over half the users on face book are dumb girls who think security means a condom, Thus most facebook users don't know or care about security.

the people who do care about security likely have little reason to be on facebook in the first place.

Seriously folks... Facebook isn't that BAD. You can actually make it private. It's just unforunate that they make you seek out to do that, versus making it private by default.
Actually, that would be logical. If Facebook had it off by default, new users would be WTFing themselves as to how to find other people/friends/etcetera, a percentage of which would give up without exploring the menus and taking the time to configure the technical backroots of their account.
Despite offering a free service, it isn't unusual to demand an emphasis on security. Their privacy beliefs are backwards. Facebook is nothing without its users. While most services and companies put privacy first, facebook has privacy settings because it's customary. In an ideal world, or when Google and facebook take over Earth, facebook would have no privacy options. Facebook does what is and only is best for facebook. It's understandable to care only about the money and not the information security, but facebook believes it best to release pervasive changes and features and see how its users react, then adjust accordingly.
Actually, that would be logical. If Facebook had it off by default, new users would be WTFing themselves as to how to find other people/friends/etcetera, a percentage of which would give up without exploring the menus and taking the time to configure the technical backroots of their account.

I don't buy that. When you create an account, the first thing Facebook does is introduce you to their privacy settings. People can't take the time to check out the simple privacy setting, but they read mile-long EULAs bitching about Facebook's privacy policies? They're just looking for fault just like any other alarmist group do.
I dont understand. So you go on the internet and create a profile that includes a bunch of information about you so the web can see it (and potentially add you as a friend). Then all of a sudden you get all pissy because all this information about you SOMEHOW GOT ON THE INTERNET AND WHATS WORSE IS THAT YOUR INFO MIGHT BE USED FOR MARKETING PURPOSES!!! OH NOES!!!

If you dont like it just delete your profile. I think everybody is getting sick of all the facebook privacy shit that floating in the internet right now.