Massive Censorship Campaign at Digg Uncovered

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Because the liberal.. oops, I mean the "progressive" media NEVER buries stories.. Like, never ever

Oh, wait
Just what journalism course did the author of that story learn that a "group of 100" equals "Massive censorship"??? Man, many of you need to take a little calm down pill over this. Sensationalism over sensationalism about sensationalism.

all it takes is ONE person in the right position to cause a breakdown like this. That has been proven time and time again. Suppression and manipulation of a scathing story from either side of the fence, is wrong, contrary to what other's have posted. No it is not illegal, no it is not against the bill of rights. IT IS JUST PLAIN IGNORANT THOUGH. It seems more like fear on their part though, if the masses stay ignorant than they have won in their eyes. I mean c'mon.. they're using SARAH "EMPTY SHELL" PALIN as a spokesperson for the so called people's movement. That broad couldn't lead a horse to water, she needs to write her notes on her hand for a NATIONAL TELEVISION INTERVIEW. I would like to think that someone who would possibly have their hand on the button could take the time to memorize the talking points. ( like their not just more of the same old tired BS lines that have been fed to us for decades now).
The glorification of ignorance in this nation is sickening, the constant smoke and mirrors game is old ( Bird Flu, the "massive" immigration issue, can't move the Gitmo prisoners to the states. shit i'm going to run out of characters if I keep listing the blatant obfuscation of the real issues at hand)
Open your eyes, YES the right is trying to manipulate the population and using the things that people hold dear as ways to the means (ie. religion, race, economic class, sexuality) The sooner the majority acknowledges this the sooner we can move on and actually start solving problems.
Until then.. there's nothing to see here.. pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (unless it's a brown man then you should all panic) /s
sometimes I feel that this country does not deserve the service that our young men and women are giving them, hell most of the time I feel that way now, and it sickens me to no end to even think that my service was all for naught.
No joke! Kind of like the liberal media blitz to bury ALL things negative about Obama and Rev Wright b4 his election right? If you are going to blast one side at least dont be slanted enough to ignore the fact the left does it just as much.

cause God knows.. the Rep candidates have NEVER been associated with questionable characters right? C'mon man that is weak. you need to come up with something a hell of alot more substantial than the man attending a church where the reverend is racist. How can that possibly compare to leading the country into a war upon false pretense, or negotiating holding Americans prisoner in a hostile country to seal the election,

Yeah the Dems have given us some gems, no doubt. But what they have done is no way near as evil and downright immoral that what the republican party has been doing pretty regularly since the end of the Eisenhower administration. At least the Democrats in general have tried to put into place systems that HELP people rather than kill them.
But that is history and factual, so there's just no need to acknowledge that right? Facts shmacts.:confused:
and again, here we go. What they are doing is not wrong or illegal, Read the first amendment to the constitution, it pertains to the government making laws prohibiting free speech, and only the government.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It applies only to the government, not your boss, your neighbor, your friend or your dog as a matter of fact. Your boss can tell you to stfu and it's not a violation of your freedom of speech. In fact, most of the constitution it all about what the government cant do.

Who ever said this was illegal? Not being illegal and not being right are two different things. Not all cities have laws against picking up after your dog, does that mean that you want somebody to let their dog come up on your pourch and take shits all over it every day?

If you are fine with what is going on over there then go ahead and keep getting your news at Digg. But some people might like to know that the news that they will get from there is one sided and that they won't be able to ever get all sides of a story and might want to switch to a site that gives every side of a story.
Ah yes, "history and factual". . . you do realize that your perspective is partisan and that people who are partisan on the other side see your "systems that HELP people rather than kill them" as systems that demean people, make them wards of the state, further weaken the family structure (especially in african american communities), and leave them wallowing in perpetual poverty. . .

Funny thing about "history" and "facts". . . those who seem to feel the need to outright declare they have all of them on their side rarely seem to have either.

But, to be honest, I stopped taking you seriously when you made the internet-tough-guy declaration about you and Glenn Beck alone in a room. Puh-f'ing-leaze.

You need to calm down dude. It's an internet discussion forum on a computer hardware site. Nobody really gives a shit that you seem to think you're on the side of the angels and everyone who disagrees with your politics are downright evil, serving up only "death" since Eisenhower. Sweet merciful crap. . . people need to get a grip on their internet ponficications. There aren't enough rolling eyes emoticon in the world. . .
Who cares? Judging conservatives because a few wackos are doing something stupid doesn't mean conservatism is wrong. Christians have waged war in the name of Christ, Muslims have waged war in the name of Allah, whites have killed blacks, Germans killed Jews in the name of Christ. Not to mention all the scientists who were killed during the ages for witchcraft by the leading minds of their day. What does this teach us?

All it teaches us is that there are a bunch of idiots in the world who are all too willing to cross the line in defense of what they believe is right. An idea may be represented by an irrational idiot, but that doesn't invalidate their idea by simple nature of the idiot who holds it.

Ideas need to be judged on their own merit.
All kinds of stupid crap from varying topics makes it to digg's front page and I think digg was initially a tech-oriented site but now anything from Daily Mail and Lady Gaga shows up on the front page so either the original audience has totally vanished or these sites are 100% gaming digg.
The "progressives" do the same crap. Both sides "game" whatever soapbox they can get their hands on. This shouldn't be news to anyone, but I am not surprised.


People are so caught up in rooting for their team they never examine the sport.
Sounds like "Conservatives" i.e. Republicans.

I'm a conservative and I'm not a republican. That has been a very large misnomer and the two might be synonymous, but more in name only at this point. However, if this is true it's deplorable thing to do. I would rather have my conservativism to be fought on the basis of the ideas and ideals rather than shutting down opposing voices. That's not what conservativism is about and they should be dealt with harshly in my opinion. Opposing points of view should be fought and dissuaded in the marketplace of ideas rather than through covert suppression. Only governments can censor, not individuals, so I would rather call it a massive suppression campaign.
Hey look its another little punch and judy show between elephant puppet and donkey puppet!
It always keeps the people occupied while nothing much really changes apart from the occasional minor tweaks to the amount and manner by which you get screwed.
Ah yes, "history and factual". . . you do realize that your perspective is partisan and that people who are partisan on the other side see your "systems that HELP people rather than kill them" as systems that demean people, make them wards of the state, further weaken the family structure (especially in african american communities), and leave them wallowing in perpetual poverty. . .

Funny thing about "history" and "facts". . . those who seem to feel the need to outright declare they have all of them on their side rarely seem to have either.

But, to be honest, I stopped taking you seriously when you made the internet-tough-guy declaration about you and Glenn Beck alone in a room. Puh-f'ing-leaze.

You need to calm down dude. It's an internet discussion forum on a computer hardware site. Nobody really gives a shit that you seem to think you're on the side of the angels and everyone who disagrees with your politics are downright evil, serving up only "death" since Eisenhower. Sweet merciful crap. . . people need to get a grip on their internet ponficications. There aren't enough rolling eyes emoticon in the world. . .

pontifications:The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

Hey guess what, the internet tough guy line works both ways.either way, I really just don't give a fuck about your opinion of me.
..and more to the point here.. this is a political topic. am I just supposed to ramble on about the hardware that uses? or should I just pretend that there isn't a persisting problem here and just let others do and say something about it, You seem to think that that is the way to go.

fact: the world was mislead about the reasons to invade Iraq, that has led to the deaths of now thousands of Americans and countless Iraqis.
fact: the hostages were held in Iran till the very moment that Reagan took the oath of office in exchange for weapons.
those were the examples I gave..
am I missing my facts? have I misread history? Or is it just that you reject my reality and feel that you should substitute you own.

My feelings about Beck go so far beyond political differences. He is encouraging division amongst the population based upon outright lies and causing disagreements just as this one to escalate to a point that is starting to border on outright dissension . Personally I feel the man should be held personally accountable for each and every racist and slanderous thing that his created "tea party" has put forth as a reason for hating a man who was thrown into a world of shit by those very same people who committed those treasonous acts listed above.
If you think that he is "fair and balanced" than you need to take a real good look in the mirror and actually think about what he says. If it still seems reasonable to you, then go into the bathroom, empty every pill bottle you can find into a glass of whiskey and drink up johnny, cause in that case, you are in fact part of the problem and not part of the solution.
I am very grateful that my life is not so shallow that I cannot feel such passion for something bigger than myself. Nor just let others do something about it for me.I hold my head high knowing that I believe in the greater good of the nation and not my own personal stake in it.
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cause God knows.. the Rep candidates have NEVER been associated with questionable characters right? C'mon man that is weak. you need to come up with something a hell of alot more substantial than the man attending a church where the reverend is racist. How can that possibly compare to leading the country into a war upon false pretense, or negotiating holding Americans prisoner in a hostile country to seal the election,

Yeah the Dems have given us some gems, no doubt. But what they have done is no way near as evil and downright immoral that what the republican party has been doing pretty regularly since the end of the Eisenhower administration. At least the Democrats in general have tried to put into place systems that HELP people rather than kill them.
But that is history and factual, so there's just no need to acknowledge that right? Facts shmacts.:confused:

I find it hard to believe you actually think that Democrats care about the people. Both parties are the same. They cater to special interest groups, spend insane amounts of money, flip flop on issues, and keep chopping up the Constitution.
Hey look its another little punch and judy show between elephant puppet and donkey puppet!
It always keeps the people occupied while nothing much really changes apart from the occasional minor tweaks to the amount and manner by which you get screwed.

Exactly. Both parties keep pointing fingers at each other and nothing ever gets done.
I find it hard to believe you actually think that Democrats care about the people. Both parties are the same. They cater to special interest groups, spend insane amounts of money, flip flop on issues, and keep chopping up the Constitution.

is everybody missing those words "in General" should I put them in this font next time?
I clearly stated that the Dems have dropped a few gems on us. The funny thing is what most people attribute to the democrats (ie. NAFTA, Bank bailouts, market deregulations) was often signed into law during a Rep administration and only went into effect during the next administration, which is generally the dems as people get sick of being lied to eventually (read my lips, no new taxes).
This little bit of history is NEVER reported on accurately by the sensationalist news. Before you go and jump down my throat and say "but oh the liberal media is sensationalist too , you're watching the same thing" I don't watch television. I have a TV, the only plug going into it is from my HTPC, and there is not a tuner anywhere to be seen.
Television is for the sheep. I prefer to be the wolf.
So.. How about those Red Sox huh?
Not a bit surprised. I gave up on Digg a long time ago.

Yea i agree there... was an interesting idea... but like anything open as digg was... it was going to be abused eventually... not shocking at all...reminds me of the Amazon customer communities.. people dont like what someone says.. they group together and vote it down so the post doesnt show unless you click it and want it shown...and on a discussion no less... defeats the
Exactly. Both parties keep pointing fingers at each other and nothing ever gets done.

Without labels and finger pointing.. more people would actually understand that republican.. democrat... doesnt matter.. they are all skumbags...there is no difference... and 99% of them should probably be put down like a mad dog that bites its master...
Sounds like far-right republicans. You'll do as they say or get the f--- out.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I guess the liberals/progressives have not shoved anything down anyone's throats in the past 18 months.
I'm a conservative and I'm not a republican. That has been a very large misnomer and the two might be synonymous, but more in name only at this point. However, if this is true it's deplorable thing to do. I would rather have my conservativism to be fought on the basis of the ideas and ideals rather than shutting down opposing voices. That's not what conservativism is about and they should be dealt with harshly in my opinion. Opposing points of view should be fought and dissuaded in the marketplace of ideas rather than through covert suppression. Only governments can censor, not individuals, so I would rather call it a massive suppression campaign.

You sir are most likely a libertarian. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
You sir are most likely a libertarian. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

No. I'm pretty conservative. I have some libertarian ideals, but I'm primarily a conservative. An idealist at that, but you have to be one sometimes to sell the ideas that you believe are right. If Jesus could do it with his gospel, I don't see why I can't do it with conservativism. And no, this is not now a topic on religion. I just used it as a comparative for thoughts and ideas as a function of spreading the word.
Hey look its another little punch and judy show between elephant puppet and donkey puppet!
It always keeps the people occupied while nothing much really changes apart from the occasional minor tweaks to the amount and manner by which you get screwed.

The need for diversionary tactics are no longer necessary. They will just fuck you right in your face, with your eyes wide open and your family looking on.
No. I'm pretty conservative. I have some libertarian ideals, but I'm primarily a conservative. An idealist at that, but you have to be one sometimes to sell the ideas that you believe are right. If Jesus could do it with his gospel, I don't see why I can't do it with conservativism. And no, this is not now a topic on religion. I just used it as a comparative for thoughts and ideas as a function of spreading the word.

Jesus is a liberal.
The conservatives are finally doing what the liberals have done for decades.

YAY! Equality at last!
is everybody missing those words "in General" should I put them in this font next time?
I clearly stated that the Dems have dropped a few gems on us. The funny thing is what most people attribute to the democrats (ie. NAFTA, Bank bailouts, market deregulations) was often signed into law during a Rep administration and only went into effect during the next administration, which is generally the dems as people get sick of being lied to eventually (read my lips, no new taxes).
This little bit of history is NEVER reported on accurately by the sensationalist news. Before you go and jump down my throat and say "but oh the liberal media is sensationalist too , you're watching the same thing" I don't watch television. I have a TV, the only plug going into it is from my HTPC, and there is not a tuner anywhere to be seen.
Television is for the sheep. I prefer to be the wolf.
So.. How about those Red Sox huh?

In general, both parties suck pretty fricken bad, your "OPINION", is that the Dems suck less. But, it is just that, an opinion. Others disagree. If you want to start tossing historical evil around, the dems will lose, (reconstruction through 1960's southern democrats). If only, because they have been around longer. Then again, even evil is a matter of opinion in many cases. Things you may consider great, I may consider bad or even evil, and the reverse is prolly also true.
All this covert warfare stuff, just start another civil war and fight it out like real men. (sarcasm)
Look at how the liberal propaganda network (aka mainstream news) buried stories about how anti free speech Kagan was.

It's amusing to hear mainstream media described as a voice for liberalism. Did you forget that the largest, highest rated cable news channel is a conservative mouth piece?
pontifications:The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

Hey guess what, the internet tough guy line works both ways.either way, I really just don't give a fuck about your opinion of me.
..and more to the point here.. this is a political topic. am I just supposed to ramble on about the hardware that uses? or should I just pretend that there isn't a persisting problem here and just let others do and say something about it, You seem to think that that is the way to go.

fact: the world was mislead about the reasons to invade Iraq, that has led to the deaths of now thousands of Americans and countless Iraqis.
fact: the hostages were held in Iran till the very moment that Reagan took the oath of office in exchange for weapons.
those were the examples I gave..
am I missing my facts? have I misread history? Or is it just that you reject my reality and feel that you should substitute you own.

My feelings about Beck go so far beyond political differences. He is encouraging division amongst the population based upon outright lies and causing disagreements just as this one to escalate to a point that is starting to border on outright dissension . Personally I feel the man should be held personally accountable for each and every racist and slanderous thing that his created "tea party" has put forth as a reason for hating a man who was thrown into a world of shit by those very same people who committed those treasonous acts listed above.
If you think that he is "fair and balanced" than you need to take a real good look in the mirror and actually think about what he says. If it still seems reasonable to you, then go into the bathroom, empty every pill bottle you can find into a glass of whiskey and drink up johnny, cause in that case, you are in fact part of the problem and not part of the solution.
I am very grateful that my life is not so shallow that I cannot feel such passion for something bigger than myself. Nor just let others do something about it for me.I hold my head high knowing that I believe in the greater good of the nation and not my own personal stake in it.

Please tell me where Glenn Beck has lied.
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I can see how they might be frustrated. Most of these sites like Digg and Videosift and stuff are extremely left-leaning, and if someone even tries to post something with a conservative viewpoint, it gets buried instantly..

That's because a majority of Americans are left-leaning, and it's even steeper when looking at specific populations like computer users.

Beyond that, when you consider a liberal in America is like a conservative elsewhere, and conservatives in America are like fringe nutjobs pretty much everywhere else, you can suddenly see how these sites seem "left-leaning".

They're in the center. Our politics are not.
This WHOLE THREAD is about to be moved to the soap box if you guys can't get it back on track.
pontifications:The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.
Wow. . . even after I already said that the word didn't exist. Way to expose yourself as one of those internet forum pedants who thinks pointing out the spelling errors and grammar mistakes (even when already admitted) somehow helps you look less foolish.

the internet tough guy line works both ways.
Really? You're the only one begging to be put in a room alone with anyone (a thinly veiled threat of violence) and gallantly volunteering to take the fall for the country. Like a said, not enough rolling eyes emoticons in the world.

either way, I really just don't give a fuck about your opinion of me.
Odd then that you continue on below. . .

..and more to the point here.. this is a political topic. am I just supposed to ramble on about the hardware that uses? or should I just pretend that there isn't a persisting problem here and just let others do and say something about it, You seem to think that that is the way to go.
Ummmm, you aren't addressing the issues with Digg and any solutions for it. You're just rambling Olbermann talking points about how evil those people are across the political spectrum from you.

fact: the world was mislead about the reasons to invade Iraq, that has led to the deaths of now thousands of Americans and countless Iraqis.
Here's another fact: Your vaunted Democratic party supported that war. Right up until the point where it started becoming unpopular and the intelligence that everyone (including Democratic administrations and governments around the world) believed to be true turned out to be inaccurate. It's really a shame that your facts are so selective.

fact: the hostages were held in Iran till the very moment that Reagan took the oath of office in exchange for weapons.
Um. No. That is not a fact. You're conflating the Iran-Contra affair and the Iranian hostage crisis. Two separate incidents, separated by several years. The hostages that were involved in the Iran Contra affair were held by a Lebanese terrorist group. They were not the hostages held by the Iranians through much of the Carter administration that were released upon Reagan's inauguration (which, most people not utterly confused as you are above tend to believe happened because the Iranians didn't want to f--- around with Reagan as they did with Carter).

those were the examples I gave..
am I missing my facts?
Yes, see above.

have I misread history?
Again, yes. Yes indeed.

Or is it just that you reject my reality and feel that you should substitute you own.
That feeling you're experiencing now is embarrassment and shame. But I'm sure you'll twist it into rage and come back here frothing.

My feelings about Beck go so far beyond political differences. He is encouraging division amongst the population. . .
I stopped reading here. . .

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Sorry Steve, we posted at the same time. I wouldn't have posted if I had seen your warning. But at least that erroneous information conflating the Iran Contra affair and the Iranian hostage crisis got posted!
I think the one thing everyone should learn from this is don't visit digg. I haven't been to that horrible site in a fair amount of time and haven't cared since.
If you want right-leaning viewpoints with almost no left-leaning viewpoints, listen to the radio. Conservatives get the radio and Fox News, liberals get the internet. Seems fair to me.

...and MSNBC, and CNN, and NBC, and ABC, and CBS.

Shocker to be at a tech site and see the majority drool and gnash at an opportunity to bash conservatives. For years I've noticed the left-wing bent about nerds...and I've never understood it.
That's because a majority of Americans are left-leaning, and it's even steeper when looking at specific populations like computer users.

Really? Huh.

Beyond that, when you consider a liberal in America is like a conservative elsewhere, and conservatives in America are like fringe nutjobs pretty much everywhere else, you can suddenly see how these sites seem "left-leaning".

They're in the center. Our politics are not.

It's amusing to hear mainstream media described as a voice for liberalism. Did you forget that the largest, highest rated cable news channel is a conservative mouth piece?

...and what does that tell you about the demographics of America?
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