Massive problem with E8400 Temperatures - New PC build!


Apr 17, 2006
Idle, according to Core temp:
Core 0: 56/Core 1: 42

Idle, according to RealTemp:
Core 0: 47/Core 1: 32

under load, according to realtemp:
Core0: 81/Core 1: 70

I'm sure the HSF (using stock HSF) is seated properly... however, I had to reseat the thing twice, so I'm worried... maybe I damaged the thermal paste in the process?

Right now, I'm running with the side of my case open, and a real fan blowing air into it, and in Realtemp I have:

Core 0: 33/Core 1: 31

I'm extremely worried. Extreeeemely worried, as I have no thermal paste or anything to use, nor an easy way to get any without ordering it off the internet.
maybe the temp. sensor is wrong? I think realtemp is the one program that you should trust for the cpu temp. There is no way that you can damaged the thermal paste...
Okay, what I did was I applied the fan, then removed it, then applied it again, then removed it again.

The CPU temperatures, under load, are astronomically high... I'm very worried.
Right now, I'm running with the side of my case open, and a real fan blowing air into it, and in Realtemp I have:

Core 0: 33/Core 1: 31
Well, those temps are good.
It's clearly not a HSF or paste problem. You have bad airflow in your case. Time to get more fans, clean up your wiring, etc.
14C drop in CPU when you opened it with a real fan, sounds like air flow problems
Its best you read up on Wolfdale / E8400 etc temps sensors, they are only guaranteed to report the correct temp at the throttling temp (TjMax) and are NOT guaranteed to report anything else correctly.
Also TjMax is reported to be 105C when it is actually 95C.

Due to the lack of calibration at lower temps, dual and quad cores can report different temps for each core and some sensors get stuck, ie they dont report temps lower than a certain value.
The way it is I'm afraid.
Concentrate more on delta to TjMax. I make sure to stay 20C + lower than TjMax to be safe.
Decide on your own safe margin.
Found the problem guys.

I.....didn't seat the HSF properly.

Now it's stable, with the case closed, at 35/31ish
and 40-50/45ish under load
Yep, was going to say, try reseating your heatsink. 80C is too high period.

Let me guess 1 or more of those stupid push pins weren't locked all the way down! I hate those fuckers.
That is correct!

I hate that thing.. Haaaaate. HATE.

Anyways, I didn't replace the thermal paste.
But the temp seems fine... I hope I'm still okay.
After playing Crysis, realtemp said this, and this is during the day, when it's much hotter in my room :x:
Minimum temperature: 40 C/31 C
Maximum Temperature: 57 C/49 C

I sure hope I'm okay
Oh! Also, if anyone is curious as to just how hot it is where I live.. it's 105 degrees outside ATM :'(
my temps are crazy too...just got done installing everything and I am getting 5 C lol..... why the hell does the thermalright 120 extreme slide around so much....
After playing Crysis, realtemp said this, and this is during the day, when it's much hotter in my room :x:
Minimum temperature: 40 C/31 C
Maximum Temperature: 57 C/49 C

I sure hope I'm okay

Those temps are fine.
The Prime 95 temps are a bit high. Also Note Real Temp and Core temp read 10C to high on the 8400's because of the T-MAX temp. This needs to be udjusted.
I have an E8400 - just built yesterday. With prime95 running for a while I see 56 reported by smart guardian and 69/66 (36/39) (delta) reported by coretemp . From everything I read the 105 value is correct for the E8400 and these values are all 'normal' (esp given it is stock cooler)....

Did I miss something ?