Matrix Online comments


Limp Gawd
Jun 24, 2004
Having read some reviews, it would seem that most people either love or hate this game. Can anyone comment on the retail (non-beta) play?

Also, many people have mentioned the awesome end of beta event in reviews. What did they do?
The BETA was pretty sad. I love the movie series but the game just ruins the whole experience. The graphics and gameplay blow big ones. BTW, I'm not big into MMORPGs anyways.
have nothing but bad things about it, beta and final release

not gonna last long
My comments are based on the beta, so take them with a grain of salt, but i doubt the overall game was changed since the stress test beta.

I played it for about 4 hours after i downloaded it, that was about all it held my intrest for. It just didnet seem very fun. i had great hopes about this game, but it just is sorta meh all around :(
Played for a few weeks in like the second phase of beta, than again in one of the final betas when they were letting like 2500 people in a week.

The game truly sucks arse. The quests are SO boring, nothing new or genuine about them. Text/chatting sucks, did I mention the quests are boring? :p

Go play WoW and you'll never think about MXO(matrixonline) ever again.

WoW is freaking awesome, blows MXO out of the dam water. I stopped playing WoW because of spring break with the kiddies, and resumed my nightly 1-2hr playign with my wife, and its great to come back and just pick up where ya left off.

Its an awesome game, oh and MXO is boring :p

Elias said:
Having read some reviews, it would seem that most people either love or hate this game. Can anyone comment on the retail (non-beta) play?

Also, many people have mentioned the awesome end of beta event in reviews. What did they do?,2101,67088,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2

That's a review from Wired. They hated it too. It truly does suck. I always feel bad for developers that have to toil away to create something that in the end just sucks.
Interesting that wired article mentions the learning curve as being steep.

I have NEVER played a MMORPG, yet I have had little difficulty with the learning curve. I can even doing the complex tasks as coding, which is not that hard.

As for the UI, I do not find it difficult. He refers to the use of elevators, I wonder how you would do it differently? Now I do get annoyed with the elevetor when someone jumps between u and the keypad and u end up clicking on them instead.

As for the MxO not bringing anything new and rehashing the whole Crafter, Wizard, Fighter classes. Well do not all of the big MMORPGs basically do this? The only one I can think of that is different is maybe Eve Online, but I have not played that only read about it. Seriously though you have your people who can "make things", people that can "heal and damage from distances", and your "brawlers".

As for content and missions, I have found them to be rather good and they are currently teasing us with leadins to content. I would only assume as the game continues the content will only get deeper.
m1abram said:
As for the UI, I do not find it difficult. He refers to the use of elevators, I wonder how you would do it differently?
In City of Heroes you just click on the elevator once, and your cahracter auto-enters. Then the character auto-exits on the proper floor and that's that.
Scalpel said:
In City of Heroes you just click on the elevator once, and your cahracter auto-enters. Then the character auto-exits on the proper floor and that's that.

What if you did not want to go to the mission floor? Or wanted to go to different floors, also some missions have multiple floors.
m1abram said:
What if you did not want to go to the mission floor? Or wanted to go to different floors, also some missions have multiple floors.

I do think its funny that you have to double click to exit the elevator though. :D
Direwolf20 said:
I do think its funny that you have to double click to exit the elevator though. :D

Actually not really, because many of the mission start right out of the elevator. I often am waiting for my team in the elevator. If it opened then I would be target practice.
m1abram said:
What if you did not want to go to the mission floor? Or wanted to go to different floors, also some missions have multiple floors.
The other floors of the building are not accessible, since they'd be full of... nothing. For multiple-floor missions, there is a second bank of elevators someplace else on the level that goes up another floor.

I'm not arguing it's the best system or the most realistic, I'm only giving the information since somene asked how other games deal with the elevator issue.
Scalpel said:
The other floors of the building are not accessible, since they'd be full of... nothing. For multiple-floor missions, there is a second bank of elevators someplace else on the level that goes up another floor.

I'm not arguing it's the best system or the most realistic, I'm only giving the information since somene asked how other games deal with the elevator issue.

And i am not saying it is a bad system. However in MxO there are things on the other floors in most buildings. In fact they try to make everything seem open and accessible, the downside is a bit more complex UI.

However once you use for just a bit of time it becomes second nature and you do not even think of it. I never thought the elevators where an issue, with the exception of someone blocking the buttons, but that happens in real life too.
Ive been playing retail since a month after it came out (I LOVE IT!!!) ... im lvl 45 in the hostile server and lvl 48 in the non hostile server... method or whatever its called now.

definately recamend the hostile server tho (more fun when you hit lvl 50)