Max Payne 3 FPS Question


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 15, 2007
I just got the game and fraps is showing fps at 30. This is constant regardless of the settings I select. Is there some sort of "FPS unlocker" that I need to activate?

I'm running the updated version and the latest version of fraps. Thanks for the help.
If you have the retail version, it seems you might not get accurate readings. I've seen some say that if you use a cracked .exe it'll work properly, but then you have no multiplayer. You could also try Afterburner and see if it's FPS counter is any more accurate.
Some folks are at least getting varying figures above 60fps. Mine is constant at 30 which made me think its limited or locked to 30fps like some other games.

Is this something that affects the patched version or the original as well?

Game still runs smoothly at very high settings.
I can assure you the game is not locked at 30FPS. I don't run an FPS counter because I like to play my games, not stare at a number, but I was definitely getting 60 average for a majority of the game. In the larger setpieces towards the end my frames did drop but that's to be expected.
Yeah, frame rate is NOT locked...the system in my sig gets a constant 100-200fps.

It may be that the counter is wrong...does it FEEL like its running faster than 30fps? I couldn't imagine them locking the framerate. Oh, could it be v-sync?
Yeah, frame rate is NOT locked...the system in my sig gets a constant 100-200fps.

It may be that the counter is wrong...does it FEEL like its running faster than 30fps? I couldn't imagine them locking the framerate. Oh, could it be v-sync?

Thanks. Re-installed the video driver and frame rate appears to be correct now, ranging from 40-60 depending on the scene.
Thanks. Re-installed the video driver and frame rate appears to be correct now, ranging from 40-60 depending on the scene.

Thats all? I mean, yeah my system is faster than yours, but I would think you would get more than 40-60fps...I'm running MAX settings @ 1080p with 4xAA and I've never seen anything lower than like 90fps. Average being what you're getting plus 100fps :p
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Thats all? I mean, yeah my system is faster than yours, but I would think you would get more than 40-60fps...I'm running MAX settings @ 1080p with 4xAA and I've never seen anything lower than like 90fps. Average being what you're getting plus 100fps :p

In that case, I'm not sure if fraps is giving me an accurate reading. I just restarted the game and its back to 30 again...strange. Runs smooth though, so hopefully it's just misreading the actual frame rate.

Out of curiosity, what resolution are you running at?
I'm running at 1080p.

I'm starting to think that maybe my FPS readings aren't correct.
I'm running at 1080p.

I'm starting to think that maybe my FPS readings aren't correct.

I'm running on a 30" @ 2560x1600 so naturally my frames aren't correct. Regardless of what the correct reading is, the game is running smoothly at everyone on max with MSAA turned off.
Ahhh the resolution difference might be whats making such a large gap in the FPS! Naturally...
Why does Afterburner fps counter show 90/100 fps, when I have both Vsync in Nvidia Control pane and also in-game as well enabled.
So with afterburner 60 fps feels like 30, just like fraps shows.

With 120 fps in Afterburner it feels fluid just like 60 fps.

I'm at 2560x1600 on a 670 GTX, all maxed including 4x AA.