Maxtor 320GB SATA $60

take back what i said 'bout it bein' in stock in Fishers, Indiana...very bad experience there as well...probably gonna stick to their website from now on...
I'm going to pick up one or two after work at the B&M for the same price.

These "300GB with bonus 20GB" drives are Seagate 7200.10 models.
Same :) Going to try out RAID-0, if I like the performance boost I'll keep it like that - if not I'll setup RAID-1.

From what I've read, RAID-0 really doesn't give any benefits to the average desktop system. And it increases your probability for data loss.

I'm def going RAID-1 because I've never really been good about backing stuff up....and then any performance boosts will be a bonus.
I broke down and bought one despite my dislike of Maxtor drives. Apparently a person can fill up a 120GB drive with pron. :)
I just got back from Fry's, they were sold out or so they thought, a little sleuthing and I was able to find ten or so that were mixed in with some PATA drives. They gave me the one per household but I got through with two of them.

Hmmm put them in as a RAID setup or keep them as storage and keep using my 80GB Raptor for OS/APPs...
I'm a raid newb too :)

The two that I also got were 7200.10 - but I haven't opened up the anti-static bags they were in yet. I am not sure if I am going to keep them. I was initially going to setup raid1, but lately my system has been going through a ton of changes. Mobo will soon be swapped, Q6600 (already got a B3 but I'm selling it), etc.