ME2 - Last Mission (SPOILERS)


Limp Gawd
Feb 27, 2006
I just finished the game and Im very curious to know if its actually possible win the game without losing anyone on the team

I personally think its not, one way or another you will end up loosing at least 2

The guide said that your specialist had to be loyal to you in order to survive the tunnels. guess what it dosent work that way because I sent the medic guy which was loyal to me from early stages of the game and I spent most of the time talking to and he still died

fuck Im pissed, I understand that I should get punished for not getting my squad at 100% but this was not the case as I did all the freakin missions and upgraded the whole ship but still people were dying randomly at the last mission without me able to at least try to do something to stop it from happening

In my case I had 3 deaths the 2 minimum by the mission plus Jack since she was not loyal, yeah I preferred getting ass over her loyalty , lol
i only loss 1 on final mission. and that was my only loss for the game. loss my reptile assasin.. had a feelign i might i wanted to save tali since i was banging her.
so maybe its possible to finish the game with 0 kills???


need to replay that last mission
Yeah, finished the game with zero loss. Did everyone's side quest, so they were all loyal except Jack (cause I didn't side with her).
I lost 6 on the last mission. Beat that, bros.


Yea, I Screwed up. I didn't do everyone's loyalty missions. I lost Jacob,Garrus, Legion (I had him Loyal though, don't know why he ate a rocket to the face), Jack, Thane, and Mordin
I lost 6 on the last mission. Beat that, bros.


Yea, I Screwed up. I didn't do everyone's loyalty missions. I lost Jacob,Garrus, Legion (I had him Loyal though, don't know why he ate a rocket to the face), Jack, Thane, and Mordin

wtf does that leave u with lol i assume u loss 2 on the specialists and then rest just abandon u> i never lose peopel since they all beceom loyal to me( uber paragon type char)

tali, miranda, and the justicar?

oh and on side note the salarian Mordin voice acting was best in game he was hilarious
i had a interesting ME 1 result I played as a good guy the entire game with a few exceptions i let the genophage continue and at the end i chose to not save the council... but I did allow the archni to live and got some interetsing notes abotu them in ME2 saying they would return the favor someday in the future.

when I started ME 2 is told me I had basically given the humans the ebst case scenarios power wise yet I was never a xenophobe char. that said the fact You never once get to talk to the council in ME2 was a big disappointment. the cut down citadal aswell was sad.
I lost no one. Everyone was loyal, all ship upgrades purchased.

Here are my choices for the last mission.

Ducts: Tali
1st Alt. Squad Leader: Garrus
2nd Alt. Squad Leader: Garrus
Shields: Samara
Escort: Jacob
Oh man I replayed the last mission got everyone except Jack she was not loyal to me because of miranda fight

I say fuck it, Im not gonna miss her bitchy ass at ME3
only lost legion, i didnt spend enough time getting to know him i guess. he was the last guy i unlocked

i thought miranda was gonna die for a sec when she got hit but was fine.

I watched a youtube video about everyone dieing and that made me :(
only lost legion, i didnt spend enough time getting to know him i guess. he was the last guy i unlocked

i thought miranda was gonna die for a sec when she got hit but was fine.

I watched a youtube video about everyone dieing and that made me :(

have a link of that?
have a link of that?

I do not have it with me, im at work for 4 hours.

you should be able to find it with

"mass effect 2 sheppard dies"

its split into 2 parts and is about 8-9 mins total 1080p i think too
i lost two, both who were loyal and i had talked to quite a bit.

ducts - tali, failed love interest - took a rocket to the face.
1st squad leader - zaeed
2nd squad leader - shot at the door.
shield - jack - love interest
escort - thane - no casualties.
Ducts - Tali/Legion. Anyone else will die.
1st Squad Leader - Miranda/Garrus/maybe Jacob. Anyone else will get ducts person killed.
2nd Squad Leader - Miranda/Garrus/maybe Jacob. Anyone else will die.
Shield - Jack/Samara. Anyone else gets someone in your squad killed.
Escort - Get out of jail free card.

This is all that matters. You don't need to buy every character-specific upgrade. Loyalty may play a part, but in my game both Zaeed and Miranda weren't loyal and they survived.
Lol I cant even imagine how he made Shepard die. I lost that robot and the doctor. 2 most useless characters in my opinion so I didn't care.
It is completely possible to save everyone. You simply have to do all their loyalty missions, or at least the ones you make leaders in the final mission. Upgrade at least the SR2's guns and shields, but the more the better.

Everyone made it back on my first play-through:

Ducts: Legion
1st Squad: Garrus
2 Squad: Miranda
Shields: SuZe
Escort: Mordin
Ducts: Thane dies at end with rocket through door
1st Squad: Justicar all live
2 Squad: Garrus all live
Shields: jack all live
Escort: Justicar all live

everyone was loyal
It's possible to have everyone alive and loyal at the end, including your non-party crew. The amount of people who die in your ship's crew depends on how much you do between the IFF mission and the last mission. If you only do Legion's loyalty mission and nothing else between IFF and the last mission, then you'll save all your crew. If you do pretty much anything else inbetween, at least one person will die, and it will always be Yeoman Chambers first, which puts a big cockblock on the romance option in the epilogue game and you miss out on a chance at seeing her donning a rather ridiculous outfit and dancing like one of the asari club dancers.

Saving all your party is not just dependent on having them loyal. I'm not sure what is required for each part, it may be post-loyalty mission talk or just choosing the right person for the right job. I'm not sure. For instance I had everyone loyal (including both Miranda+Jack and Tali+Legion; you can do this easily if you have enough renegade or paragon), but chose Thane for the fire team and he died. I loaded up a previous save and chose Archangel instead and he survived. It could've been either that I didn't talk to Thane post-loyalty mission enough or that he was just the wrong guy. I'm somewhat leaning towards the later. Thane, with his breathing problems, wasn't a very good choice for endurance firefights whereas Archangel starts out the game by holding off three Merc companies singlehandedly for days.

I had every ship upgrade, all loyal. Legion in the ducts, Miranda leader, Justicar shield, Jaeed escort, Archangel firefight.
Ducts - Tali/Legion. Anyone else will die.
1st Squad Leader - Miranda/Garrus/maybe Jacob. Anyone else will get ducts person killed.
2nd Squad Leader - Miranda/Garrus/maybe Jacob. Anyone else will die.
Shield - Jack/Samara. Anyone else gets someone in your squad killed.
Escort - Get out of jail free card.

This is all that matters. You don't need to buy every character-specific upgrade. Loyalty may play a part, but in my game both Zaeed and Miranda weren't loyal and they survived.

Pretty much this is the key. Also, try to get everyone loyal.

I got through on my game with no deaths using

Ducts - Tali
1st - Miranda
2nd - Jacob
Shield - Samara

For the ducts/shield, I'm pretty sure the game makes it so that only the pure members (e.g. adept, engineer) can make it through alive. The half tech or half biotic (e.g. vanguard, etc.) will die for those parts since their expertise in that field isn't high enough. At least that seems the safer route although other characters probably work.

I have no idea how Chambers, Gabby, etc. can die, though. That didn't happen in my game. Is it really from taking forever after the IFF? I think I did scout around for a long time but just going to various stores, not doing extra missions.

Also, did anyone actually manage to kill Shepard with firsthand experience? If so, how? And did anyone not upgrade the Normandy completely? What are the effects of doing that?

For the people that are not loyal, how does that manifest itself? They die or they leave your party or what?

Edit: Just saw the Youtube clip above with everyone dying. That is quite epic. I laughed for a long time.
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ya i saw the cutscene someoen posted where they loss shepard at end when only joker was left to pull him up and couldnt.

not sure how that save game works. in ME3

apprently u can choose samaras daughter instead aswell bang her and then u die lol
I managed to do it the first time with everyone surviving but then restarted the last mission so that I destroy the base rather than keep it and Mordin died that time.
apprently u can choose samaras daughter instead aswell bang her and then u die lol

I got curious and tried that "romance" option after finishing the game. Survived the boss fight but died due to some alien sex. lol!
I used Thane in the pipes. He died.

Then I used Jack to make my bubble and Samara to lead the other team with a bubble. Samara died. Then just before we all made it to the checkpoint a swarm of bugs grabbed Garrus and I was mad pissed. I'm going to redo it later and try to save everyone BUT Jack. I freaking hate her.
I did not realize you could save more of the crew if you went straight into the mission sides Legions. All of my crew died except the doctor.
Lol I cant even imagine how he made Shepard die. I lost that robot and the doctor. 2 most useless characters in my opinion so I didn't care.

If you mean you lost morbin then you need to replay. ME3 without morbin is ultimate fail.
I lost Legion, who I sent into the ducts and Zaeed was carried off by insects.
If you mean you lost morbin then you need to replay. ME3 without morbin is ultimate fail.

Agreed. Morbin was easily my favorite character (close runner ups being Garrus and Tali). And his loyalty mission was very good IMO.

Jack on the other hand...I'm going to get her to be the only one that dies.
If you mean you lost morbin then you need to replay. ME3 without morbin is ultimate fail.

I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari and batarian.
I'm quote good at genetics as a subset of biology because I am an expert which I know is a tautology.
My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian.
Agreed. Morbin was easily my favorite character (close runner ups being Garrus and Tali). And his loyalty mission was very good IMO.

Jack on the other hand...I'm going to get her to be the only one that dies.

His loyalty mission was great. I think he's going to cure the krogran in me3
For renegade quest, Thane took one to the face(he was dying anyway) I didnt have legion either his ass was shipped to the illusive man. I'm hoping during my paragon run they all live.
Yes. If you want everyone to live and the crew to be saved in time it's important that you do every quest and get every ship upgrade at least before the "get on the shuttle" segment which ultimately leads to making the jump to the Omega 4 relay and the last act of the game.

You don't want to waste a lot of time in between the time the crew returns to the Normandy after Joker and EDI save it and making the jump through the Omega 4 Relay otherwise you start losing crew.

Once done, I found in my case that I used Miranda as second team leader, Legion to the Ducts, Tali and Garrus were with me on A Team, Samara was my biotic protection, and Grunt as muscle guard to lead the rescue crew back to the ship. Everyone was loyal. Everyone was maxed out.

I have max Paragon and about 60 percent Renegade. I doubt these matter in and of themselves. It just matters that you get things done as best you can before that whole "get on the shuttle" routine.
Mass Effect 3 is going to be nuts depending on the decisions you made in 1 and 2 now..

You are going to have, potentially, Krogans with no genophage on your side and even some pure tankbreds led by Wrex, the "good" Geth with Legion, Tali and the flotilla, the Rachni doing who knows what, I kept the Collectors space station so you'll have whatever comes from what -- plus everything else. I'm looking forward to some crazy space battles.

What was sort of disappointing to me was that after the game was over, you could fly back to the Citadel and all you had was the same ol same ol dialogs with Anderson. No "hey, man, just found a crazy ass space station, found out what happened to tens of thousands of human colonists, and oh - by the way -- we're getting invaded by 100+ Soverigns."

Felt like the Citadel had no point, other than just being there for some side missions. I kept hoping there would be a quest involving the Keepers, as I got that mail talking about how they were genetically altered like the Collectors and every 50k years they get a message sent to them, which is just about now, and something happens. Oh well, we'll find out in ME3.
Felt like the Citadel had no point, other than just being there for some side missions. I kept hoping there would be a quest involving the Keepers, as I got that mail talking about how they were genetically altered like the Collectors and every 50k years they get a message sent to them, which is just about now, and something happens. Oh well, we'll find out in ME3.

Actually, that's sort of a "joke". Every 50,000 years the Keepers signal the Reapers to come and destroy all sentient life. Since you defeated Sovereign in ME1, that delayed their plans a bit.

The email was 2 years late. But at least it confirms that the Alliance/Citadel are looking into it and don't believe Shepard is crazy after all.
I just finished the game and Im very curious to know if its actually possible win the game without losing anyone on the team

I personally think its not, one way or another you will end up loosing at least 2

The guide said that your specialist had to be loyal to you in order to survive the tunnels. guess what it dosent work that way because I sent the medic guy which was loyal to me from early stages of the game and I spent most of the time talking to and he still died

fuck Im pissed, I understand that I should get punished for not getting my squad at 100% but this was not the case as I did all the freakin missions and upgraded the whole ship but still people were dying randomly at the last mission without me able to at least try to do something to stop it from happening

In my case I had 3 deaths the 2 minimum by the mission plus Jack since she was not loyal, yeah I preferred getting ass over her loyalty , lol

I didn't lose anyone my first playthrough. Wasn't hard....
I did not realize you could save more of the crew if you went straight into the mission sides Legions. All of my crew died except the doctor.

I lol'ed

I wonder how your ME3 will play out with only shepard surviving