Medal Of Honor Airborne demo out FP!! (screenshots inside) mini review

After seeing this latest version (or optimized build) of UE3, it makes me wonder how Gears of War or Unreal Tournament is going to be on an 8800. I was expecting say... 30fps for this 'next-gen' game, instead I had to look at my monitor while playing and was like "Why the hell is it so smooth??" Game runs smoother than well, anything that came out in the last year or two -- game even runs smoother than Quake 4 on my 88 gtx... now I dunno if it's just me, but i think that's pretty sad and wicked at the same time. Hopefully Crysis can match this performance, cause if so, who needs a 9800 GTX?
Epic just rules at game engines. They set the standard for high end graphics quality and make it scalable and stupid fast at the same time. Oh, and don't forget the top-notch modding support.
well after playing that demo i have to say i don't like it, the player movement just feels too clunky and i hate the weapon behavior. also the AI is really dumb for whatever reason.
that makes no sense. besides, ur a nub with an old dx9 card, pls. move on.
AHH, 2900 in the sig.. Don't feel stupid, and get defensive about your purchase, it's still a nice card but.. The way the tech handles AA means running it gives garbage performance which won't be fixed until a refresh of the hardware(if possible) or r700.

I wasn't insulting him, just wondering why he would buy the worst performing AA card when he bases the purchase of a game on AA support.

its v- damn it >.< when well devs learn

no single player

no no they dont AA does not work and every UE3 game so far as messed up widescreen

he is talking about game engines and the UE3 engine is fantastic, 60+fps at 1920x1200 that is fantastic, and you don't even need AA with the amount of texture and lighting/shading detail

I fixed my SLI issues and at friggin 1680x1050 100+ fps !!!! holy shit totally RAPED!!!!

but my native res is 1920x1200 :p
I like this game and I shall buy it, I think. It's basically CoD2 with some motion blur, but that's no bad thing, really.
I like this game and I shall buy it, I think. It's basically CoD2 with some motion blur, but that's no bad thing, really.

Yeah because cod 2 had totally non linear levels, weapons upgrades, ability to land wherever you wanted in a level, non scripted ai.....:rolleyes:

Besides the fact its set in ww2 this game is nothing like cod2. Cod 2 was the same on rails experience everytime you played, something that this is not.
I never really liked MOH, so I wasn't surprised that I ended up quitting out of the demo after about 10 minutes in. The textures looked nice, but that's about all I enjoyed of it. The AI was downright depressing and aside from the minor new things it felt like the same WWII shooter I've played 1000 times. Kinda puts this in the same league as EA successfully selling the same sports games every year. Maybe I've just been spoiled by Bioshock.
I never really liked MOH, so I wasn't surprised that I ended up quitting out of the demo after about 10 minutes in. The textures looked nice, but that's about all I enjoyed of it. The AI was downright depressing and aside from the minor new things it felt like the same WWII shooter I've played 1000 times. Kinda puts this in the same league as EA successfully selling the same sports games every year. Maybe I've just been spoiled by Bioshock.

the AI in bioshock is nothing to talk about either... but I do admit they need to fix the AI...they had the right idea...just didn't polish it up
People complaining about the ai is putting me to sleep, has no-one noticed that whe the level is loading the loading screen shows a scale of combat effectivness and the enemies you face in the demo are ranked as the least effective?

At the end of the demo when the germans show up your co tells you that "unlike the itai's these guys know how to put up a fight" or words to that effect.

So what would these two facts tell anyone with half a brain...that the full game will come with tougher smarter enemies....:eek:
I liked the demo.. however like the OP said.. the AI at this point is dumb. There were times where I walked up to enemies and stood next to them shooting other enemies. chaotic nonetheless. Definitely reminded me of COD2.. but COD's demo was a lot more immersive to me.
My quick mini review

To me the game feels a bit more old school with health packs, and less checkpoints. The health packs make the game more difficult as you cant just wait in cover for your health to return.

The ability to land your parachute anywhere you want is actually really nice. Once you die you may decide you want to attack an objective a bit differently this time, so you land on the opposite side of the building. If you don't pick your spots carefully you will die before you even get up off your feet. (assuming you botch the landing) Sometimes you will actually see friendlies parachute right behind you in a effort to keep pushing the enemy backwards.

The sound in MoH isnt nearly as good as in CoD. There could be more chatter between the AI and the cracking of bullets.

I didn't get the sense of an ongoing struggle between both sides. Something I feel would make the game much more immersive.

-Cooking the grenades
-Ability to land wherever you want
-Fighting alongside friendlies. (although they can be somewhat stupid at times)
-Choose your loadout before a mission
-Multiple paths to objective
-Powerups (Dual magazine = faster reload)

-Seemed like I was shooting an airsoft gun at times. After playing CoD these guns don't seem to be that powerful
-Character feels bulky
-Grenade explosions
-Enemy AI (Should be a different story in the real game)
-Not as much atmosphere as Call of Duty
-I'm not a big fan of the crosshair

After playing games that take advantage of cover (Gears of War, Rainbow 6) I would have loved to have the ability to control my character a little bit more. I always felt exposed behind cover in the demo. Some German must have been itching to get a headshot on me. Blind fire would have been a nice addition as well.

Overall the demo was fun, but far from impressive. Its a good no nonsense shooter that is simple and easy to pick up. The learning curve is relatively non existent if you've played CoD. As far as innovation goes, there is not much. The only thing I would consider new is the ability to land your parachute anywhere. I will probably pick it up once it drops in price as it seems like it will be a fun play for however long the campaign is. My only worry is that it feels repetitive after playing CoD 1-3.
My quick mini review

To me the game feels a bit more old school with health packs, and less checkpoints. The health packs make the game more difficult as you cant just wait in cover for your health to return.

The ability to land your parachute anywhere you want is actually really nice. Once you die you may decide you want to attack an objective a bit differently this time, so you land on the opposite side of the building. If you don't pick your spots carefully you will die before you even get up off your feet. (assuming you botch the landing) Sometimes you will actually see friendlies parachute right behind you in a effort to keep pushing the enemy backwards.

The sound in MoH isnt nearly as good as in CoD. There could be more chatter between the AI and the cracking of bullets.

I didn't get the sense of an ongoing struggle between both sides. Something I feel would make the game much more immersive.

-Cooking the grenades
-Ability to land wherever you want
-Fighting alongside friendlies. (although they can be somewhat stupid at times)
-Choose your loadout before a mission
-Multiple paths to objective
-Powerups (Dual magazine = faster reload)

-Seemed like I was shooting an airsoft gun at times. After playing CoD these guns don't seem to be that powerful
-Character feels bulky
-Grenade explosions
-Enemy AI (Should be a different story in the real game)
-Not as much atmosphere as Call of Duty
-I'm not a big fan of the crosshair

After playing games that take advantage of cover (Gears of War, Rainbow 6) I would have loved to have the ability to control my character a little bit more. I always felt exposed behind cover in the demo. Some German must have been itching to get a headshot on me. Blind fire would have been a nice addition as well.

Overall the demo was fun, but far from impressive. Its a good no nonsense shooter that is simple and easy to pick up. The learning curve is relatively non existent if you've played CoD. As far as innovation goes, there is not much. The only thing I would consider new is the ability to land your parachute anywhere. I will probably pick it up once it drops in price as it seems like it will be a fun play for however long the campaign is. My only worry is that it feels repetitive after playing CoD 1-3.

well in reference to you saying the guns don't sound powerful, real guns don't sound anything like they do in games (most games such as COD).... (I have fired plenty)
I think this is a large step towards cinematic realism, it's not exactly a simulator as far as realism goes but it certain feels more real because of the cinematic nature, the motion blur and the characters movements when reacting to bein shot and to falling off ledges.

Im glad we're moving away from games with perfect movement with instant acceleration and AI that can see you through walls or when you're beside/behind them even though they're in a firefight.

People shouldn't confuse bad AI with some of the actions occuring in the game, if you've snuck up behind an enemy who's in combat with someone else, in real life that person is goin to be practically in tunnel vision with their target and wont sense you beside them not if theres lots of noise from gunfire etc.

I'll be getting the full thing I reckon, unless something daft happens. Lack of AA in the Unreal engine games will hopefuly be fixed with a driver release from nvidia soon.
well in reference to you saying the guns don't sound powerful, real guns don't sound anything like they do in games (most games such as COD).... (I have fired plenty)
It wasn't the sound that was a problem to me it was the stopping power. Granted I don't know much about guns but when I hit a guy with an M1Garand I expect him to be down.
Unless its the drivers I am using (163.44) this game does not support SLI I get worse fps in some cases with SLI on

I went poking in the readme and saw this:
If you have an NVIDIA SLI or ATI Crossfire video cards setup, we
recommend you not use the “Force Split Frame Rendering” option.
This option actually degrades performance in Medal of Honor Airborne Demo.

NOTE: NVIDIA SLI and ATI Crossfire modes are not supported
in Medal of Honor Airborne Demo.

So yeah. I still enjoyed the demo too, though. Good mindless action-y fun.
This game is good but apart from its amazing lighting effects and character models it looks mediocre sometimes. Nothing impressive as far as level design. Alot of the textures happen to be quite bland. I can't really judge it till I've seem the daylight levels though.

It looks like it's going to be a great game. But the enemy AI is just dumb, and there seems to be a little issue with the hit detection. It's like sometimes you shoot a enemy dead in the head or chest and somehow the bullet misses.

Good game though, they need to keep rolling out new games for the PC that look good and have good gameplay.
Pretty cool. So I assume the AI "sucks" in the demo because they are level one enemies?
Oh, fileplanet is making me wait 35 minutes so it'll be awhile for me...
That mod is sick.

Jumping from the plane I landed on the roof in front of the gov'nur's mansion (lol).
An enemy soldier saw me and tossed a grenade onto the roof next to me! Then I was promptly killed by the machine gunner in the tower of the mansion.

Crazy stuff.
That mod is sick.

Jumping from the plane I landed on the roof in front of the gov'nur's mansion (lol).
An enemy soldier saw me and tossed a grenade onto the roof next to me! Then I was promptly killed by the machine gunner in the tower of the mansion.

Crazy stuff.

I landed on a house's roof and a few seconds later a grenade was flung up there! I did notice a few times the AI became stuck/looped but it did seem to be a nice improvement as, overall, the enemies were quite responsive. I played it on normal so I didn't have to worry about my health and could observe the enemy troops.

Oh, and let me add that I saw a ton of grenades being flung and it was awesome. :)
Yeah because cod 2 had totally non linear levels, weapons upgrades, ability to land wherever you wanted in a level, non scripted ai.....:rolleyes:

Besides the fact its set in ww2 this game is nothing like cod2. Cod 2 was the same on rails experience everytime you played, something that this is not.

Being able to do things in the order you choose is just about the only thing that's different, besides the sprinting/jumping animations. The upgrades are gimmicky to the point of being silly. Nice to get them, but they seem to make bugger all difference.

But really, it is almost a direct rip of CoD2. Compare the old MOH games, and look at the direction they've taken now that they've seen what CoD2 did. Even the stupid little quotations, the cinematism, the use of friendlies - all stuff that was missing from previous MoH stuff. The only difference is that this isn't "on rails", but that's not to say it's better, since CoD2's rails were solid gold, and polished with the foreskins of Cherubim. Innit.
wow.. those screens shots the OP posted don't look anything like mines. but i'm running dx9 w/ 1024x768. hes running close to double the size. hahaha
Being able to do things in the order you choose is just about the only thing that's different, besides the sprinting/jumping animations. The upgrades are gimmicky to the point of being silly. Nice to get them, but they seem to make bugger all difference.

But really, it is almost a direct rip of CoD2. Compare the old MOH games, and look at the direction they've taken now that they've seen what CoD2 did. Even the stupid little quotations, the cinematism, the use of friendlies - all stuff that was missing from previous MoH stuff. The only difference is that this isn't "on rails", but that's not to say it's better, since CoD2's rails were solid gold, and polished with the foreskins of Cherubim. Innit.

well MOH:pA was way different then COD, the AI was better even though it was a linear game, atleast they used cover and if you just sit there, they would charge your ass and shove a bayonet up your ass.....

COD single player is very boring, this was actually fun and stop bashing the demo jesus Christ the game isn't even out yet....
Calm yourself down, son.

Firstly, the degree to which "x was better than y" is subjective, and thus, your claim is invalid.

Secondly, i'm not "bashing" it at all, I said I rather enjoyed it despite 90% of the new design features being lifted directly from the CoD series - but even if I was, you can get fucked telling me not to. Not your place to say whether i'm allowed to express a negative opinion on a demo. It's not like it's a beta, the demo is meant to be a selling point, representative of the game, something for people to have a taster and see if they like it.

Silly person.
I must've played too much DoD, guns in this game feel soft like CoD2's, lacking a bit of punch to 'em.
bingo I found a fix for the AI stupidity

see? damn the mod community for this game is already starting ands its only a demo!!

shit, when the real game comes out....this is gonna last quite awhile :cool:;8388542;;/fileinfo.html
You can get the AI mod here as well. You won't have to have a Fileplanet account or wait either with this link.


Calm yourself down, son.

Firstly, the degree to which "x was better than y" is subjective, and thus, your claim is invalid.

Secondly, i'm not "bashing" it at all, I said I rather enjoyed it despite 90% of the new design features being lifted directly from the CoD series - but even if I was, you can get fucked telling me not to. Not your place to say whether i'm allowed to express a negative opinion on a demo. It's not like it's a beta, the demo is meant to be a selling point, representative of the game, something for people to have a taster and see if they like it.

Silly person.

Well one level is not going to show if its a knock off of wait till the game comes out
Don't tell me what a demo is, I wouldn't have started this thread if I didn't no what it was

It seems to me you are a COD fan boy, well you go play all the COD you want, if you don't like MOH:A because you think its a knock off..don't play it..

I can get fucked huh? Be careful who you say that to bud....
What is it with people? So someone on the street tells you to "fuck off" you physically attack them? I hope you don't, why can't we just exercise a little self control?

I am simply defending myself... I am not implying I am "going to attack" anyone.

back on topic:

I tested out the AI mod and it is better now BUT the friendlies are getting killed left and right because they haven't least for me anyway.

anyone else have that issue?
AHH, 2900 in the sig.. Don't feel stupid, and get defensive about your purchase, it's still a nice card but.. The way the tech handles AA means running it gives garbage performance which won't be fixed until a refresh of the hardware(if possible) or r700.

I wasn't insulting him, just wondering why he would buy the worst performing AA card when he bases the purchase of a game on AA support.

that still does not make sense. support and perfomance are not the same thing, moron.
just finished playing the demo. its a little change of pace from the CoD series. i enjoyed it though the motion blurring while looking around made me feel kinda sick. i turned it off and didn't feel sick while playing. mouse sensitivity is not right, even if you turn it all the way up it still doesn't move faster, had to resort to upping the dpi on my G5 mouse.

i like the weapon upgrades if you use a single weapon long enough, nice touch. i liked the double clip upgrade for the MP40, the animation for it was just looked cool.

played @ 1920x1200 all medium settings on my rig in the sig.