Medal Of Honor Fraps PWN

Chuffed to see a lot of feedback from the closed beta was taken into consideration. The design of the UI and notifications is far better than I remember, the quality of the graphics looks great and the gunplay looks improved too.

I wonder why people complain about it so much, that's pretty good compared to the likes of the CoD games, and how it was before release.
Chuffed to see a lot of feedback from the closed beta was taken into consideration. The design of the UI and notifications is far better than I remember, the quality of the graphics looks great and the gunplay looks improved too.

I wonder why people complain about it so much, that's pretty good compared to the likes of the CoD games, and how it was before release.

Because unless it has/does everything they want [H] likes to complain.
Because unless it has/does everything they want [H] likes to complain.

BC2 doesn't have or do everything we want, and it's gotten some of the best reception I've ever seen here in ten years.
One of my BFF's IRL is the top melee(knife) killer in the world in this game. He did a fraps because i asked him to.

Did you just refer to your buddy as your "BFF"? You're not a 12 year old girl by chance, are you? :p Kidding, kidding (kind of).

Chuffed to see a lot of feedback from the closed beta was taken into consideration. The design of the UI and notifications is far better than I remember, the quality of the graphics looks great and the gunplay looks improved too.

I wonder why people complain about it so much, that's pretty good compared to the likes of the CoD games, and how it was before release.

I didn't play in the closed beta, so I can't speak on that. But the open beta was pretty crappy (technically and game play wise), and not much has changed since that. I didn't buy it because of my experience in the open beta, but I've played it at a friends place since release... and it's pretty much identical. It just wasn't that well executed, at least compared to other games out there. I even put Black Ops above MOH in terms of quality, and I didn't particularly enjoy COD either.

The reason the games get such a bad rap is that most people can't help but to compare them to other, better games when playing. They are alright, but relative to other games out there (such as BC2, which isn't without it's flaws) they don't really hold up. It's the "Why would you buy pork chops when you already have a steak at home" mentality. It's hard to look at a game without comparing it to other games in the same genre. Thus, people get disappointed if it doesn't stack up. However, if you don't have anything to compare it to, it's much easier to overlook it's flaws.

Simple as that.
One of my BFF's IRL is the top melee(knife) killer in the world in this game. He did a fraps because i asked him to.

Makes me wonder how he would feel if he were up against one of these: and no, I am not the guy who made the vid, merely demonstrating that the stats are all pretty meaningless since there are infinite ways to pad them. Yes, folks who are dumb enough to rage hard and put their hacks on youtube deserve to get banned.
BC2 doesn't have or do everything we want, and it's gotten some of the best reception I've ever seen here in ten years.

except as of late, but the reason its had the reception it has is that even with its flaws its still better then most of the FPS's that have come out in the last 2-3 years. but the other big reason is the fact that it had true dedicated servers that weren't limited to a single server provider and the server admins have a ton of freedom to what their allowed to do on a ranked server unlike some games i wont bother mentioning.
If DICE opened the multiplayer maps up (so every map isn't an outdoor corridor designed to reward campers and snipers), fixed the invisible walls and addressed the ease of spawn-raping, MOH would be pretty damn fun. I like MOH's added emphasis on infantry combat and the weapons sound brilliant (even better than BC2), but its problems are too severe for me to enjoy it.

Oh, and I really should say that I enjoyed the video. :)
Since the last patch sniper torso shots are not 1kill anymore, spawns have been adjusted as well altho i can still spawn rape if I really want :p I think most ppl bashed this game because it's not as fast paced as cod and because they don't like getting low KD ratios when sprinting around aimlessly like a headles schicken, I even remember one stupid noob at the steam forums saying ' i can't believe that a 20 yr old FPS veteran like me gets a 0.5 KD ratio in this game " same thing with more complicated games like red orchestra, just read the metascore user reviews.
Your BFF really opened up a can on everyone. Some very nice knife kills, and wow he just picked off the entire team. Was he trash talking that one time? haha.
Since the last patch sniper torso shots are not 1kill anymore, spawns have been adjusted as well altho i can still spawn rape if I really want :p I think most ppl bashed this game because it's not as fast paced as cod and because they don't like getting low KD ratios when sprinting around aimlessly like a headles schicken, I even remember one stupid noob at the steam forums saying ' i can't believe that a 20 yr old FPS veteran like me gets a 0.5 KD ratio in this game " same thing with more complicated games like red orchestra, just read the metascore user reviews.

I agree that since the last patch came out the game is much more enjoyable. It's a team oriented game and that's why I love playing it. Not as faced paced as BO, but the graphics are better and the sounds more intense.

Nice video BTW.