Medal of Honor PC beta starts June 21 (preorder required)


Limp Gawd
Feb 14, 2010

The Medal of Honor PC beta starts June 21 if you have pre-ordered the game. It will consist of two multiplayer maps.

The beta offerrs the "intense and close quarter combat" mode Team Assault and the objective based Combat Mission in "two maps inspired by real world locations: Helmand Valley and Kabul City Ruins," each with support for twenty-fou players.

If you pre-order and also own Bad Company 2, you get early access to the beta starting Thursday and also get early access to the M24 sniper rifle when the game releases (see

I'm really tempted to pre-order this but there are a couple of things holding me back. First, it's $60 (yes, the PC version). Second, the multiplayer portion of the game is also developed by DICE and runs off the exact same engine as BC2. While the footage I've seen so far has a different, more realistic visual style, I don't want the exact same type of gameplay and rather sluggish response that Bad Company 2 has.

You can pre-order the game through Steam here: link:
Steam app link: steam://advertise/47790

Thoughts? Do you plan on pre-ordering to get into the beta?
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Hmm...didn't know this would be $60.

I don't see how this can be different (and better) than BC2, but I'll wait and see. I'm certainly not pre-ordering though. If it was an open beta, I would give it a shot and buy it (at $49.99 tops) if it was any good. Has it been established if there will be dedicated servers? I see they said "24 players" which makes me wonder about that...

Worst case, I'll do what I did/am doing with MW2: I'll get it down the road on sale for the single-player which looked decent and cinematic once the price drops significantly.
Has it been established if there will be dedicated servers?

Ever keen to dig at Activision over the furor and frenzy that arose due to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's lack of dedicated server support on PC, EA boasts that the Medal of Honor's multiplayer--handled by Bad Company 2 dev DICE--"delivers world-class action and dedicated server support."

Still, BC2's dedicated servers kind of suck...
I agree that the dedicated servers on BC2 kinda suck still. I still have lag issues while entering battle after a fresh install.
I don't think I can justify pre-ordering a Medal of Honor game just for the beta...I mean I love BC2 but the MoH track record really scares me. Also, I don't want it to be exactly the same as other DICE stuff either, so I'll just wait and see what people say.
This should be an open beta, or at least free for anyone who bought BC2. If I can plop $5 down @ gamestop and get a beta key, I'll try it. I'm not paying $60 when it pops-up on steam to get beta access like I did with BC2 because frankly I hated the BC2 beta. The real game's good though. :D
I logged into the Gunclub however it says I'm not a BC2 VIP member. What the shit. I've played plenty of it online. Any other BC2 PC player having this problem?
I'm pretty sure we should all be VIP members...? But it doesn't say I have VIP, wtf? I bought the game before it even released on steam, collector's..
Relax guys, they just launched the site. I'm sure they'll work everything out in the next day or two.
You can put down zero dollars at amazon for preorders. I preorder there all the time and cancel my order before it ships, so no charge. I have been doing that for years. I know, I am horrible, but I will not buy any PC game ever without playing a demo or beta first.
Man, I really don't know what to think of the next Medal of Honor installment. I watched the EA press conference at E3 earlier today and the demo looks just like a very refined Modern Warfare 2. Environments, pacing, gun play all look and feel similar. At this point I think I'm going to just stick with Bad Company 2...just desperately waiting for that much needed patch. I don't want to busy myself with too many shooters.
I preordered. It looks like mw2 obviously, but with a DICE spin on it.

Should be a good time.

F that

what do they think we are stupid ass kids with a console and daddys credit card.
looking at the videos it looks like BC2 with new maps.

The original MOH was a GREAT multi player game.
I bet they will make this one exactly like BC2...I bet it IS BC2.
No wonder they aren't releasing the BC2 patch. Busy with other shit I guess?

I think Dice probably has more than one team that are working on serveral projects. They probably have guys dedicated to just BC2, MoH Multi and hopefully they have any army full of badasses working on BF3.
Well, there's a BC2 expansion coming up in the Winter. Suppose to be a Vietnam expansion pack. lol
It looks like MW2 on the Bad Company 2 engine. Which is opposite of what I want. My perfect shooter would be Bad Company 2 on the Modern Warfare engine.

Meh, no destructible terrain, no way.

MW2 engine is great on lower end machines, and there's a reason for it.
The only thing I hate about Pre Orders on STEAM is they charge you straight off the bat. I put my order in for a copy @ Amazon. They don't hit your card until it ships.
I was almost interested until I saw the red 10 glow of bling. Huge turn off, no thanks, I'll pass.

More garbage.
Looks like a funky mix of mw2/bfbc2 . I hate battlefield games which sucks cause I was so pumped up for this game.
No wonder they aren't releasing the BC2 patch. Busy with other shit I guess?

Actually they're not releasing PC stuff for BFBC2 because they're taking their sweet time.

BFBC2 is releasing an 'expansion' with new weapons, unlocks, maps, etc for a Vietnam Expansion for BFBC2 - Four maps - rush and conquest for all four maps.

I believe they are also going to release 1943 as an expansion for BFBC2. Remember that preorder of 1943 being $15 bucks? I'll almost bet money that the Vietnam Expansion will be $15 for BFBC2.

4 Maps for Vietnam, 4 Maps for 1943, plus the stock maps in BFBC2. Smart. Very Smart on their part.

So they are going to continue to 'drag' their feet on the patch and new gametypes on the same old maps until an expansion is released. It breaths new life in their game. Wise move from a business standpoint.

How else were they going to charge for DLC with dedicated servers? The only way is to have an expansion like road to rome or secret weapons was to 1942.
Looks like Medal of Honor: Modern Company. I'll pass on this. I was hoping for a true sequel to Allied Assault but I guess that will never happen.
Looks like Medal of Honor: Modern Company. I'll pass on this. I was hoping for a true sequel to Allied Assault but I guess that will never happen.

"Medal of Honor: Bad Warfare" would have got your point across more succinctly :p
this was beaten to death when MW2 pricing was announced.

And do you know why?

Because it is going to create a trend for all game publishers to do it. And guess what. We were right.