memory problem? i think so...


Dec 10, 2007
ok i think my ballistix may be dying... im getting random lockups... the majority of them result in a mangled looking display do i assumed it had something to do with crossfire acting up so i took out the second radeon... but now im getting things like superfetch crashing and the catalyst control center crashing... i ran memtest86... and it found no errors... ran it for probably 10 hours... just kept cycling the same tests... but i have never used the app and had no idea what i was doing... it said it was running the memory at 796 mhz... couldnt figure out how to top out the speeds... but the lockups are starting to get frustrating so any advice would be nice... especially since the ram is only about a month old and i never had these issues until upgrading the ram to these... i think ill also note that im using active cooling and passive cooling solutions on the memory... the mobo im using comes with heat spreaders/heat pipes to devert heat away from the memory and i also have the geminII cpu cooler which blows right over the memory so i cant imagine heat is an issue... but i never could get it to boot at 800/1066 at anything less than 2.1v and when things started locking up i tried it at 2.2v and that changed nothing so its back at 2.1v