Memory problem?

Oct 8, 2005
I have the G.SKLL F2-8000CL5D-4GBPQ, but the thing is even if I loosen the timings and up the voltage to 2.2 it wont even POST at 500Mhz

The max it will post is around 475-485 in which it is memtest stable, so this really confuses me. The rest of my system is:

E6300 right now @ 7x443
Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 rev 1.0 BIOS F12
BFG 8800GT 512
Corsair 520 HX

I thought maybe my mother board is just being gay, because even though 7x443 is completely stable, using 7 or 6 multiplier I can't even post above 450FSB. That would almost have to be the mobo since 6x450 is only 2700 which my CPU can do easily.

Now, I really have no idea why or IF the motherboard could cause the memory to not post at its set speed. I have tried many componations.

400FSB 2.5 mem multi
330x3 which is 990 but wont post :(

Would RMA'ing the memory perhaps fix my problem? It isn't 'defective' by any means but it wont reach specified clock

Thanks in advance
You need to find the max speed FSB your motherboard will do as that is the most likely reason you cannot go higher.

Reduce the CPU multi to as low as it will go and set your memory speed to as slow as it will go.
Then up the FSB until it is unstable and that is the max the board can do unless you tweak its timings/voltages.

It looks like you have already established the motherboard cannot go high enough, I posted the above so you were clear on the procedure.
You cannot expect the memory to run at a higher FSB that the PC can actually run at.

If you cannot get the memory to run at its rated speed on Auto memory settings at default CPU speed then the memory also has a problem and may need returning.
Well the cpu multi can only go down to 6

The thing is if i set my memory to run 3.33 x the FSB and use a 6x295 CPU clock that would set my memory at DDR2-982 or 491mhz.

It doesn't post at 295, although it does at 293x3.33

But at 6x295 I know the CPU isn't being stressed, and since I can run a 24/7 stable OC of 7x443 I know the motherboard can go higher.

The only factor I can think of is the memory since it can't hit its rated speed

Tried adjusting the DS3's High Speed DRAM DLL settings from option 1 to option 2 but that does absolutely nothing.
The memory has an SPD chip which contains the timings it should use for different memory speeds.
When you change the memories timings from Auto to manual, the timings that are then used will be those for the speed you were running at only.
Once you overclock, those timings may be too fast and the memory wont work.

Change the Rams timings to very slow or preferably use Auto for the rams timings to see if you can get it to run at its full speed.
Try using just one memory stick at a time and see if its just one thats at fault.
At least if one stick works and the other doesnt you will know for sure it needs returning.
Frack man, I tried 1 stick which would post at 999(499.5) ONCE, then when i tried to go to 1002(501) it wouldn't post, so I reboot and it then could only reach ~ 492

Now my comp wont post > 420x7 when usually it runs fine 443x7

I had thought the 1 stick was the answer, because my other stick only went to ~ 461

Going to do some more testing later

I now am back to where I started

I could get each stick to 1000 but only at lower FSB speeds, and high memory multipliers. If I tried say 400x2.5 that would not work.

Must just be my motherboard :(
could be either your mobo or your cpu not liking the higher fsb. i wouldn't worry about it, since upgrading to get a better overclock is kinda silly imo :p