memory question


Apr 21, 2006
i was thinking of doing a quick, dirty upgrade to my machine to tide me over for another year or so while i wait for the dx10/vista stuff to come out. right now, i have 2x, or in other words, 4x512 mb of ddr pc3200 kingstson value ram. because of my mobo (, the ram runs at 333 mhz instead of 400. if i go this, would i notice any increase in performance? would it be worth it?

thanks for your time
Honestly, your motherboard should be very capable of running memory at 400MHz in dual channel since it is an Nforce 4 chip. What's making it run at 333?
I'm honestly a little surprised that your RAM isn't running at 400. Have you tried to increase from T1 to T2 to see if that would make a difference?

But, it any case, if your motherboard will defintely not run the RAM at DDR 400 then you would see a slight increase in preformance going from DDR 333 -> 400. It wont be night and day however.

So, depending on what you're doing, if you're just doing office apps, I honeslty would say it's not worth it. If you're a gamer then I'd say sure.
yeah, its a fault with the mobo that i didnt find out until after i bought it. it is possible to raise the speed back up to 400, but the system can become very unstable. and yes, i am a gamer, so it seems like it might be worth it :D
Raptor_007 said:
Honestly, your motherboard should be very capable of running memory at 400MHz in dual channel since it is an Nforce 4 chip. What's making it run at 333?
chipset has nothing to do with memory, memory controller is in the cpu.

the difference between 4x512mb at ddr333 and 2x1gb at ddr400 is NOT NOT NOT worth the price. especially since most of the time you can bump the 4x512mb back up to ddr400 ;)