Memtest error-Bad ram or?


Limp Gawd
Feb 9, 2004
Ran Memtest for a day and it showed 1 error. Does Memtest always indicate a bad stick of ram or can the error be something more temporary and not necessarily indicative of a stick that needs to be replaced?
If it's just one error after an entire day, I wouldn't worry, if your system isn't being used for mission-critical work.
Yeah I am not super concerned right now as, other than some recent temporary odd BIOS behavior, I have not had any issues at all. Just curious about if it is indicative that there is a problem with one of the sticks or if it could be something else.
Unless the mobo has bad capacitors or you can prove that there was a power glitch, then the memory is either bad or was run out of spec. I'm going to say that the memory is bad because lots of memory is bad.

Which MemTest did you run? Because I've never had an error reported by MemTest+ 1.xx or 2.xx, only by MemTest86 ver 1.xx, 2.xx, and 3.xx. Similarly, Gold Memory 5.07 has shown errors, but 6.xx never has.
One error in 24hours of testing over multiple passes could easily have just been an anomaly. Personally, I would just check that voltages, speed, and timings were correct for the ram in the bios, re-seat the ram, and run Memtest again over night. If it came back error free, I would not worry about it.
Corsair service technician told me that when they test memory for errors they run it 3 times. In 24 hours you probably completed at least 40 completions of memtest86.

So I'd think the memory is ok.

Was the error after 24 hours of testing?

If your machine is unstable or crashing then I would get some new ram.