Memtest - printing passing results on paper as proof to the customer?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 13, 2000
So I was thinking of selling batches of RAM and I was wondering if there is any memory testing application that can print a report of the passing results on paper to go along with the order invoice. I can see how anyone can say that my memory failed after I tested it as 'passing' grade and dispute the charges.
If you use the windows memory diagnostic utility included with Vista/7/8, you could just copy and paste the event log.
If you use an KVM-over-IP, you can screenshot it and print the screenshot.
If you use MemTest86+ and you have a digital camera... photograph the results and as long as they're readable they're good enough IMO. Doesn't have to be professional.

A few tips tho -- LCDs are better for this (if you know how a CRT works you know why). Sharper images and all that. Also (I am NOT a pro photographer, rather significantly to the opposite!) on my old Kodak camera, an EasyShare DX7630 (it's 6.1MP FFS :eek: ) it works best to use the Night Portrait mode (icon of a dude with a star next to his head) with the flash turned off. It's blurry as heck but that's because my hands aren't steady and my tripod is one of those eBay things that is never the right size ;)
I realize I'm dating myself (still run XP here) but what about:


(ducking ensuing flames)
That works when you're in an OS... like Windows or Linux (IIRC Mac uses a slightly different key combo) but I don't think most memory testing utilities are going to have that in them -- or support for a printer (at least in the usual sense) to begin with. Even if they did (highly unlikely) it's going to be more like the old DOS response to the PrtSc key -- if there's not a compatible printer plugged in and turned on and not busy (and the driver loaded, properly!) then it just freezes everything and you have to reboot. OTOH if you DO have all that stuff ready-to-go, it immediately dumps the contents of the screen out onto hardcopy... or freezes anyways out of sheer spite that you DARED to press that key :p

Realistically speaking... MemTest86+ either won't recognize that key combo or has repurposed it to do something else. Either way it ain't gonna spit to a printer.
Memtest+ is one of the preferred ways to test RAM and providing a screenshot of the results is a good way bolster prospective buyer confidence that the RAM you are selling is working properly in your system. Please note the last three words are in italics.

Be aware that every on-board CPU memory controller, while may be from the same series or lot, is different. The settings which work for your system may not work for theirs. As such, any knowledgeable buyer would be cognizant of this.
If you use an KVM-over-IP, you can screenshot it and print the screenshot.
Not a bad idea, I might have access to one soon.

That's the thing ACE, there's so many issues you can experience as being a seller on eBay. Would the whole memtest thing hold up during an eBay dispute? It would be such a pain in the ass.

I would ultimately have to mention the make and model of the OEM system it was pulled from to be very specific for the buyer. All in all though, a server motherboard with 8 DIMM slots would be awesome to have right now...

The pulls come from an OEM motherboard with only two DIMM slots.
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Does anyone know where I can find a memory tray that can hold both SODIMMS and DIMMS at the same time? I know they sell some that fit both, but once you hold sodimm, it blocks off room for dimms.
Does anyone know where I can find a memory tray that can hold both SODIMMS and DIMMS at the same time? I know they sell some that fit both, but once you hold sodimm, it blocks off room for dimms.

Search eBay for SODIMM adapter
Memtest+ is one of the preferred ways to test RAM and providing a screenshot of the results is a good way bolster prospective buyer confidence that the RAM you are selling is working properly in your system. Please note the last three words are in italics.

Be aware that every on-board CPU memory controller, while may be from the same series or lot, is different. The settings which work for your system may not work for theirs. As such, any knowledgeable buyer would be cognizant of this.
When I had random crashes, Windows Memory Diagnostics tool didn't catch any errors but Memtest86+ did.
Frankly nothing will win you an EBAY dispute as a seller. If this is all to insure against it don't go to all the trouble.
^^ I'll have to take your word for it. This shit could be more of a pain in the ass than what its worth. Damnit.
Frankly nothing will win you an EBAY dispute as a seller. If this is all to insure against it don't go to all the trouble.
Unless you have ranked up hundreds of thousands of positive 5/5 reviews. Then you're invincible on eBay.