Memtest86+ v2.11a Fixes AMD Display Errors


Jun 6, 2006

I stumbled upon this while looking to see if there was a fix yet for the horrible memory speed/timings display errors in Memtest86+ 2.11 (like showing my memory at 1200mhz with 7-6-7 timings:eek: ). I burned a copy of the 2.11a iso he provided and now it correctly displays:

1. That my Phenom II is a K10 and NOT a K8 130nm that 2.11 says
2. Correctly lists the L3 cache size and speed instead of a blank line
3. Correctly lists the memory speed (the speed setting, not actual). This will show DDR800 if you use that setting even if you have raised the HT making the actual higher...but it's still a huge leap forward compared to how off the previous version was.
4. Correctly lists the first four memory timings. The tRC is really off however, and was saying 38 when it was 22.

It looks like all of these changes are going into the future 2.12.:)