mesh shaping


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 24, 2001
wondering how to get modders mesh to make "indentations" for example, the centurion log here you can tell the mesh has been pushed back so the logo is flush.

That not my exact use, i'm using it for a blowhole cover for an xbox, but I want the mesh to stick out of the hole so it's flush with the top of the xbox. The technique for shaping/bending ought to be the same though..
well does it matter if its partialy sheet aluminum for the walls of the indentation? or do you want it to be completly mesh, kuz if your not concerned with the sheet aluminum, or anything you can cut it to fit, another option is to cut a squair and bend the mesh out to make a backing. but if you dont have a bending tool to get exact bends its gonna look sloppy, so i suggest making a piece out of sheet metal as a frame around where it is to be indented, then just take the mesh and put it on the backside of the sheet, kinda confusing to explain since im tired from work :( work 13 hours today :: crys :: thats probably why this sounds so s-ped :D
im not quite sure how that would look. It's just a circle, so if i can somehow find a way to hold a can or something to it, I can use the can as a guide when I bend it.

Heres another (closer) example of what i'm trying to do..
here and here

Exept the protrusion will be a little more extreme so that the mesh is flush with the top of the xbox.
I think you'd have to use some type of mold to force the mesh into shape. One piece of the mold would be under the mesh and the other would be on top. I've got some ideas on how to create such a mold, but it wouldn't be easy.
Most machine shops have rigs that would bend that in a pass or two... If I'm not mistaken you just want to apply some curve to it so it sticks out on the Xbox's chassis instead of being flat inside the hole no?

Should be able to do it by hand unless you're using some really strong mesh tho, just go with your idea of bending it around an object of roughly the same proportions (or slightly smaller ones). Just bend slowly, easier to give it a few whacks for 20 min than to overbend it and have to toss it out.

If you wanna give it a more spherical shape then just bend it around a baseball or something like that...