Metal Gear Solid 4 - thoughts from long time fans....


Limp Gawd
Mar 21, 2006
what do you all think about metal gear solid 4....snake is really old, corporations control most of the worlds armed forces.....please watch the entire mgs4 trailer on
Let's hope the game is good. I absolutely loved the first Metal Gear Solid. I think I played that game a dozen times through. Metal Gear Solid 2 on the other hand was a big letdown for me. I played it for a few hours and decided I should take a nap before I played so I wouldn't fall asleep during the cutscenes. And who knows, maybe pot would help me understand the confusing storyline. I never played MGS3 because of how much I didn't care for two, but maybe i'll find the time and force myself to play 2, then 3.

I just hope MGS4 has a great storyline to go with those trailers that don't show any gameplay.
MasterShredder said:
Let's hope the game is good. I absolutely loved the first Metal Gear Solid. I think I played that game a dozen times through. Metal Gear Solid 2 on the other hand was a big letdown for me.

Yeah I'm a huge fan of Metal Gear on NES.
Awesome game for its era.
MGS was great too.
MGS2 was dumb. Way too many cutscenes. What a retarded story.
I passed on MGS3. I hope part MGS4 is better.
Metal Gear Solid (I had the PC version) was awesome.
MGS2 was horrible.
MGS3 was "ok."
This one has some excellent graphics but who cares, gameplay is what matters.
I had more fun with MGS1 and the NES vesions than playing MGS2 and MGS3.
Meh, I lost interest after MGS. The story gets too whack for its own good.

How many here have played the original Metal Gear? If you haven't, you should. Then you'd see that MGS was really just accomplishing what MG tried to do with 8-bit hardware and carts.
the original metal gear was excellent :) however, i thought that mgs is also very good, 2 sucked but 1 was good and i also enjoyed 3
Metal Gear was one of my favorite games on NES.
I remember reading about the game before it came out.
It met all my expectations, and despite the controversial changes (mainly the difficulty) I thought it was perfect. Very satisfying to beat.
It is genre defining game. I'm glad I was around to play it.
Am I the only person who thought MGS' 2 storyline was good? I mean I know its confusing but take some time to think about it and its a very well thought out story. It's just that Hideo was too ambitious and gave too much credit to us ill-educated Americans.

Also MGS3 shouldn not be avoided because of MGS2, it doesn't have the confusing storyline but helps MGS2 make a little more sense.

MGS4 though seems to be continuing the plot about the patriots from MGS2.
Back when MGS2 came out. That was stunning. I had the demo that came with ZoE and we'd play that for hours and experiment like crazy with all the new gameplay.

When the actual game came out, it was one of the best at the time. It still is. MGS3 was great too.

MGS4 looks to continue the series' high caliber.

PS. The nano-machines work like viagra for oldman Snake.
I read in a magazine a few months ago about the sounds the new metal gears make. It is designed to pysch you out. At least for Japanese gamers, the sound it makes sounds very much like an animal in Japan kids commonly see on TV or come in contact with and is harmless.

So the theory is japanese players are going to hear the sound and maybe let down their guard.
I really cannot wait for this game. I am so excited to see the continuation of the story behind the patriots, and what's happening with Liquid Snake through Ocelot! Nothing makes me feel better than to hear Liquid yell "Hello, Brothaaa" in his English-esque accent and then hear snake kind of raggedly yell "LIQUID!"

I tell ya...nothin' gets me more pumped! :p

In all seriousness, I am totally psyched to see the story continue, and likely end.
I was kind of pissed when I found that only about 1/8th or less of MGS2 was with Solid Snake, but I became content when the story started to unfold and Solid Snake came around more and more. It was kind of like you were pushing Solid Snake's story along simply using another character, and I didn't really mind.

Haven't played MGS3, but I read up on the whole story of it just to be "enlightened" :)
I just hope they keep the camera options from Subsistence. The free-movement camera completely dominates the static camera in all other Metal Gear Solid games and makes the game so much more fun to play.
K600 said:
I just hope they keep the camera options from Subsistence. The free-movement camera completely dominates the static camera in all other Metal Gear Solid games and makes the game so much more fun to play.

yeah, the static camera made playing MGS3 a burden.. unlike MGS and MGS, MGS 3 didnt have a radar.. so it made it really difficult to spot enemies that were farther than the field of view of the static camera. To combat this, you had to switch to first person view. I really didnt like that. They need to bring back the radar.. heh
Of all the games that I'm anticipating (PC included), MGS4 tops the list. I want to speculate about so many things, but I'll sit tight and let Kojima surprise me later.

Looking forward to seeing MGS4 at TGS. ;)
Well I don't know about 4, for some reason I think it is going to have some crazy story like 2. I was hoping that they would do another game based off of 3. For some reason I would also like to see one based with the original boss from 3 in WW2.
well I prefer my games with serious themes to not spoonfeed me the story and themes so I'm hoping for a complicated story like 2

I have played MGS 1 - 3 and would have to say that I am not looking forward to 4. Sure, the graphics may be good, but I think several other games out there may be much better "games" not cut scenes and minor gameplay.

I want something new, not another continuation of a game that well, hasn't been very good in its last 2 iterations.

I am looking forward to assassin's creed more, to spore more, to zelda more, to too human more.... and the list goes on and on. I just don't think it will be that good.