Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Xbox360 for $40

... are you kidding me? They aren't remaking the original MGS?
non of these games are remakes in this collection
just HD texture /higher res and some touch up

p.s if they make mgs remake it would be standalone $60 game.
non of these games are remakes in this collection
just HD texture /higher res and some touch up

p.s if they make mgs remake it would be standalone $60 game.

Yeah, I didn't mean "remake", just still flabbergasted they aren't including MGS in this collection but they are including MGS2. Maybe that means they actually are going to remake the original! (one can hope!)
... are you kidding me? They aren't remaking the original MGS?

My thoughts exactly.. No MGS1 = no buy.. Just like the Silent Hill series.. No SH1 = no buy. What a shame Konami.
I am going to get it for PS3. But few months after release.
Not sure if it's worth it, anyone have some comparison shots? I have the entire MGS collection from it's original copies and my PS3 is an original phat with backwards compatible hardware. Lack of MGS hurts this deal for me.
In Japan, they include a voucher for the original MGS which is available on PSN. I'm okay without it here, since these games are great. MGS 2 I didn't like as much as the others, but I played 2 after finishing 3. 3 is my favorite. Peace Walker is a must play if you like MGS. I've beaten all these games but I'm planning on getting this on PS3 when the price drops. The upscaled graphics and improved frame rates look great. Can't wait to finally do the multiplayer missions on Peace Walker, which was hard for me to do on PSP since no one I knew had the game :-(

Cool didn't realize the Peace Walker was in this. I really wanted to play that on PSP but I just never got around to it since I rarely use my PSP. I wish rockstar would do this with GTA3 Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories.

Might have to pick this up in a few months when the price is a bit more reasonable for a bunch of rehashed old games.