Meteor Strike Caught On Camera

Yeah, as soon as I saw the video I knew it was Russia. Only there do you have everyone with dashboard cameras going constantly to avoid accident claims, so yea perfect place to have an event like that get recorded.

lol you answered the one question i had about the video because i was wondering why is there so many people with dash-cams :)
For the record, it is an asteroid that is passing by the Earth at the moment. It would, however, become a meteor, if it were to pass in to the Earth's atmosphere. Somebody has to split hairs around here...;)
can you imagine the hysteria this would generate if today was 12/21/12.
That one was an acorn.


It might have been an acorn, but where did it come from?! It could have fallen from the sky holding uping machine that is malfunctioning and making acorns instead of holding up the sky!
lol you answered the one question i had about the video because i was wondering why is there so many people with dash-cams :)

Youtube has quite a few hilarious/scary accident videos from there.

Makes me wonder how much these things cost, they can't be too expensive overthere.
Why are people call thing this a meteor shower, I thought shower implies multiple?

That was really sick though, I thought it was just a bunch of shooting stars. Now, if only it can hit congress, while it's in session or some other head quarters...
Is KIIS-FM the only radio station in Russia or something?

Anyways, in a couple of those videos it looked like the meteor was heading straight for the camera. I would have pulled over to the side of the road and shit my pants, but not in that order.
Why are people call thing this a meteor shower

It's a meteor shower because people brought gifts, and there was the "guess the composition of the rock in the diaper by smell" game. Don't be mad because you weren't sent an invitation...
There would have been an entire subdivision built from all the shit bricks I'd have dropped
Kinetic energy increases with the square of the velocity, so an object doubling it's velocity increases it's energy by a factor of four.

If anyone is interested in science, there is a college lecture series on YouTube which is hosted by U.C. Berkeley. Titled, "Physics for Future Presidents", it teaches the most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events.

The first lecture in the series begins by discussing meteors, "Physics 10 - Lecture 01: Atoms and Heat".
I'm just glad Russia didn't fire their missiles.
This wouldn't have happened if we would just all learn to drive a chevy volt. I think all the CFC's from hairspray and deodorant made it happen faster.

To those of you who have just discovered that Russians and Eastern Europeans all have dash-cams to deal with rampant insurance fraud (in the form of people leaping in front of cars or forcing cars behind them to rear-end them), you can find a collection updated several times a week at

One news site is now saying that the Ministry said "1100 sought care, 48 hospitalized". The sorts of injuries from the shockwave that require hospitalization are going to be serious, mostly people standing at windows wondering what just happened, and then BANG the window shatters in your face, shards of glass in your eye before you can blink. Not cool.

Lots of info and videos collected here:
Estimates are around 33,000 miles per hour, or roughly somewhere around Mach 40.

Nope, the destruction was all due to the shockwave of it hurtling through the atmosphere.

Somehow I doubt that a shockwave made a large portion of the roof and upper wall of a brick walled factory collapse.

Oh, not to mention the other half of the meteor now remains in the lake bed and is to be later retrieved.
Somehow I doubt that a shockwave made a large portion of the roof and upper wall of a brick walled factory collapse.


why would you doubt it? with all of the other damage in the area, i have no doubts whatsoever that the lack of building codes in that part of the world led to it just falling apart with the meteor shockwave.
Somehow I doubt that a shockwave made a large portion of the roof and upper wall of a brick walled factory collapse.


It's brick. In an earthquake, brick buildings are always the first to go. I'm sure the same rules apply to supersonic booms.