Metro 2033 $5 on STEAM!


Jul 8, 2005
Metro 2033 is $5 on STEAM. Figured I'de pick it up, but won't play it until I get new hardware:eek:

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this comes with the ranger pack right? wasn't that for free for all pc players?
Darksiders is $13.33. I recommend it. It's mostly like Zelda with a touch of God of War.
Darksiders is $13.33. I recommend it. It's mostly like Zelda with a touch of God of War.

I'd hold off and see if it gets a 75% off sale throughout the week. Buy it on the last day of the THQ sale if it doesn't.

I'm hoping for a Homefront sale. Haven't heard much good about it, but $5 for a COD clone doesn't seem terrible.
I'm hoping for a Homefront sale. Haven't heard much good about it, but $5 for a COD clone doesn't seem terrible.

Homefront is $19.99. Waiting on that to drop to around $10 and I'll buy it

Generic game was generic. But then again, the FPS genre is pretty uninspiring right now. So I guess that isn't really saying much.

Campaign was pretty short.
Bit on this one. I hope its halfway decent. For $5 you cant go wrong!
Gah, can someone run wireshark in the background and see if this game generates any suspicious traffic?

What I mean is, I have a very weird worry that games made in Russia come with a backdoor or something for the FSB to snoop on people's computers. Don't ask me why...
Was just talking to a friend yesterday who suggested I get it after I finish Fear and Stalker:CoP. Looking forward to getting to it soon.
You can get the THQ pack to include Darksiders, Dawn of War II, Homefront, Metro 2033, Titan Quest and Expansion pack, Company of Heroes and Expansion and a few others for $50.

Thinking I am about to bite on this pack.
Just finally got around to playing and finishing this over the weekend. The SP took me about 9 hours but I enjoyed pretty much every minute of it. Something about it gave me the same vibe I got when I first played through FEAR.

Definitely worth the admission @ $5.
The ranger pack was just in a later patch for the game. Since Metro 2033 uses steamworks, all copies have this as Steam autoupdates the game version.
Been waiting on this to go back on sale for a while... now I'm too busy to play and I doubt my now outdated laptop could do it justice. Still going to buy it thought :D. Thanks for posting this!
Curious, did they ever fix some slow downs? I've always had slow downs in some places in the game.
Generic game was generic. But then again, the FPS genre is pretty uninspiring right now. So I guess that isn't really saying much.

Campaign was pretty short.

It also has virtually no players left for multiplayer. It's not even on the top 100 Steam games list anymore, so that pegs it around the 200 concurrent player mark at best.
Want to buy but I have soo many games that need playing - I haven't even installed steam since my SSD upgrade ..... :(

stupid work
Great game! Bought it for more than this (regret not buying it last time it went on sale). Get it for $5! It's a steal
bought, installed, it's a very demanding game, High settings with no AA and fps dips to 30 on occasion on a gtx580.. I just can't enjoy a game that does that, and I can't enjoy a game without AA either, I'm gonna leave it in the backlog and wait for the new series of cards before I bother with it