MicroATX that can overclock with correct straps?

Sep 12, 2007
I was just curious, is there a MicroATX C2D motherboard that can overclock with correct straps?
For example, say I have an 800FSB CPU and I overclock to 1066FSB by simply changing the FSB frequency in BIOS, it will still use the 800FSB straps. This will overclock the NB/SB by 1.33x, the PCI from 33MHz to 44MHz, PCIe from 100 to 133MHz, 333MHz RAM to 443MHz, etc. It gets even worse when trying to run an 800FSB CPU at 1333FSB (won't even boot).

A board that uses correct straps would essentially do the same thing as the BSEL mod, but in BIOS.

The mATX boards that work with BSEL mod are few and far between. I have a Foxconn G9657MA-8EKRS2H w/G965 chipset that works great with the BSEL mod so I can run my E4300 @ 2.4GHz, but I wanted more so I decided if one Foxconn works, maybe another will as well. I bought the Foxconn G33M (G33 chipset) and sure enough, it does work with the BSEL mod, even the 1333FSB BSEL mod (boosting E4300 to 3GHz with nothing else oc'd), BUT this board has a slightly annoying double-boot issue with the BSEL mod in that when first powered on, it turns on to a blank screen (all drives spinning) for about 6-seconds, then shuts off for 4-seconds, then turns back on and boots normally. I can live with that, since adding 10-seconds to the boot process isn't a huge deal, but if there's an mATX board out there that OCs with correct straps, I'd be interested.
if you have a chipset with locks ( as most do these days) the PCI & PCI-E freqs shouldn't be affected by increasing the CPU fsb.
I haven't found an mATX board with PCIe/PCI locks. Is the Intel G33 chipset even capable of it?