Microphone Recommendations for Headphones


Jun 29, 2005
I've been using this mic - http://www.amazon.co.uk/SteelSeries-Siberia-Microphone-Black-PC/dp/B0035JL2LO

It picks up everything in my room. My keyboard sounds ridiculously loud to everyone on skype, no matter where I put it (desk, shirt, chair, ceiling, etc...). Everyone I read about says to get this one - link but I'm pretty sure it's gonna pick everything up just as loud. Are there any mics I can get to attach to my headphones or sit on the desk that wont amp up outside noise?
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I use a modmic. Had a Zalman once, ditched it for similar reasons to what you're describing with the Steelseries.

Yes, it costs a fair bit more than one might expect for something so simple, but the thing just straight up works, and I haven't had any mic troubles since I bought it.

Here's a youtube with lots of audio samples from both the modmic and other more expensive mics.

Pretty cool review... Is it me or did the ModMic actually sound the most natural? (I'm listening on my tablet so my impression could be skewed)

I've been meaning to try it for a while now even tho I find my Zalman clip on to be rather decent, background noise pickup is occasionally distracting but hasn't bothered me enough to spend $30 on the MM (then again I guess I don't listen to myself enough to be bothered by it!).

I wish someone would do a similar review to that one and compare the Modmic to a cheap Zalman, perhaps with and without background noise.
Not a standard one that I know of like the zalman. It does pick up background noise.

bluestar snowflake mic is about $30-40 and is the only other one I know of that works well. it is usb btw.