Microsoft 2007 business launch - free Office 07 for IT professionals.

I'll be at the Sac conference...
Woohooo Free software... Been going to these for years... This is how i go the full version Vis Studio 2005... The conferences are a bit dull but the software is well worth the wait.. Some times we go watch a movie then come back and grab the goodies...

Just bring an old jacket to put down in the chair when you leave. Comeback and you still have your seat.
I'll be at the Sac conference...
Woohooo Free software... Been going to these for years... This is how i go the full version Vis Studio 2005... The conferences are a bit dull but the software is well worth the wait.. Some times we go watch a movie then come back and grab the goodies...

Just bring an old jacket to put down in the chair when you leave. Comeback and you still have your seat.

I used to goto these as well. Going to the rochester one in feb
I will be at the one in Indy tomorrow. WOOT! for free software.
Yes, you can register. They don't really have any way to check you work in the field you say you do. You might be bored as hell for 4 hours, though.

FYI, there is a developer track and a manager track, too.
I did this when they launched Office 2003, do you know if you need to stick around all day to get the voucher or just check in and come back at the end?
They always hand out a "How did we do form" you can always ask for it when you come back then fill it in later. At the Vis Studio 2005 release you had to have these forms to get the software. They told us this in the beginning on the conference so we had to stay all damn day.
You can take off pretending to talk on your cell phone. talk to a MS rep outside and say you have a Family or Network emergency and you'll be back.. They are really cool about stuff like that and let you back in when you come back.

You can pretty much pull any social hack and walk away with the software.

I did this when they launched Office 2003, do you know if you need to stick around all day to get the voucher or just check in and come back at the end?
Yes, you can register. They don't really have any way to check you work in the field you say you do. You might be bored as hell for 4 hours, though.

FYI, there is a developer track and a manager track, too.

I'm doing the developer track. Hope there's some useful info. I want the software (hopefully this will allow me to avoid the taxes I'd have to pay if I got it via the earlier online promotion), but I'd kinda like to learn something useful too. Too bad they aren't giving away a copy of the latest Visual Studio too.
I hope that anyone who tries to cheat MS out of basically free software(since they are trying to give it away basically free (four hour commitment for 450$ + software)) gets a flat tire in the parking lot on their way out as they smile about their 'social hack/lie about being an IT professional'

Anybody who does this SUCKS cause they will ruin it for EVERYBODY else.
Signed up for the Dev. track in Sacramento.

My office is going to try and stay with win2k until Vista sees a service pack or two but it'll still be interesting to see what Microsoft has up its sleeves now.
Ahh you are a true and noble man. A dieing breed.
A good conscious is a happy conscious.

Go forth and be happy with you my man.

I hope that anyone who tries to cheat MS out of basically free software(since they are trying to give it away basically free (four hour commitment for 450$ + software)) gets a flat tire in the parking lot on their way out as they smile about their 'social hack/lie about being an IT professional'

Anybody who does this SUCKS cause they will ruin it for EVERYBODY else.
Vista is pretty damn solid.. We are holding out due to only a few custom apps.
We are porting everything to C# .Net ver. 2.... By years end all should be finished...

Have you setup a test environment to to run all your apps and so on? If not, Vista is free for 180 days and if you have a software rep somewhere and they have good connections you can get free copies of vista for testing purposes. Join Technet Plus or the MS developer network to get free access to all the goodies also..

Signed up for the Dev. track in Sacramento.

My office is going to try and stay with win2k until Vista sees a service pack or two but it'll still be interesting to see what Microsoft has up its sleeves now.
Sweet I'll be at the Quest Center on Thursday... 'Bout time Omaha got some love :D
And free Office for me yay! :cool:
Ive been signed up for the San Ramon, CA event for a bit now.. I was secretly hoping we would get a copy of Vista instead. Oh well.. office 2007 will do.
I and two friends attended the one in Des Moines, IA yesterday... Worked out great... Cold as hell outside though. Saw a few interesting tidbits... they did a nice job with it.. Will be installing it to review on my laptop tonight...
Hello gents, for those that go to these events and recieve free software i will purchase it from you or trade you high end hardware for it, Dual and QUAD Core Extreme CPU's, 8800GTX video cards, High End Memory, Raptor Drives, Dell 20-24-30 inch LCD screens etc..

Hit me on PM once the launch starts

:) :)
The first 2 parts of the developer presentation were pretty good (and didn't really deal with office). The last part, which was all office, was a bit boring to me.
I'd say it was a pretty decent conference, however it was my first but I will for sure attend again. Mike Benko definitely kept the show rolling and even though the Office part did get a little dry here and there I did enjoy all the information that he covered, So far i'm pretty impressed with Office 2007 and I think it integrates with Vista rather well so far. That and .net 3.0 should be pretty nice for all those Devs. and IT guys out there. That and you cannot beat free Cookies and Dewskies! Truly a [H] event! :D
is ther an easy way to do this? I managed to burn the 2 disks to cd, but I'd like to have the installer know my Key, since it seems possible I might lose it at some point (though I guess I could lsoe the CD as well).


For those interested, if you start the install process, then go to doc/settings/%user name%/temp you'll find a 2 folders with the install files (the names are some what random, as I recall, but you can either clear the temp dir or sort by date to figure it out).

The one with tons of sub directories can be burned to the root directory...I burned the other directory there too as well as putting it's contents to the root directory of the CD.

The installer must remain running, or the directory with most of the programs will be erased.

Do the same thing with the second CD, but in my case that was copied to a directory on my other HD.
Do the same thing with the second CD, but in my case that was copied to a directory on my other HD.

What second CD? The one with the Vista slideshow? Or the Install of MS Groove that you can download as well?
There are 2 downloads for Office. I didn't grab groove. I'm just not certain what I'd use it for at home and if htey want to use it at work, they'll get it/install it.
For those interested, if you start the install process, then go to doc/settings/%user name%/temp you'll find a 2 folders with the install files (the names are some what random, as I recall, but you can either clear the temp dir or sort by date to figure it out).

The one with tons of sub directories can be burned to the root directory...I burned the other directory there too as well as putting it's contents to the root directory of the CD.

The installer must remain running, or the directory with most of the programs will be erased.

Do the same thing with the second CD, but in my case that was copied to a directory on my other HD. can also extract the files from the downloaded executable using Winzip
signed up as well, wanted the IT professional track but it was full, so i took the developer track as I do that from time to time. I am curious about the new software and yes i am actually going to learn

Pittsburgh, PA show on the first, if anyone else is going let me know so i have someone to talk to. can also extract the files from the downloaded executable using Winzip

Really? I don't have it....generally speaking winrar and/or the built in zip program will unzip them...but that didn't work for me with at least one of the files.
signed up as well, wanted the IT professional track but it was full, so i took the developer track as I do that from time to time. I am curious about the new software and yes i am actually going to learn

Pittsburgh, PA show on the first, if anyone else is going let me know so i have someone to talk to.

you can almost certainly just walk into the IT track if you want to, though it looked like the other presentations were closer to capacity than the developer track (but our room was probably 2x as big as those rooms).
yea once your in the main hall i don't think theyhave any way of telling which Track you end up in... well besides the surveys :cool:

I must've been one of the last people to get signed up for the IT Pro Track here in Omaha... Told some friends who are in IT and Dev. positions and they were unable to sign up... I had fun though great learning experience too. :D
The first 2 parts of the developer presentation were pretty good (and didn't really deal with office). The last part, which was all office, was a bit boring to me.

They botched the Secaucus NJ developer show quite a bit, they had two black screens of doom (the crowd chanted "At least its better than the Blue Screen of Death!") and the Early Tech Evangelist fumbled through her presentation quite badly. Worst showing ever for MS and I've been to quite a few.

The good news was I asked them what time they would start allowing people to line up to get their CDs as I wanted to be out of there early as possible to get to class, and they gave me my CD immediately so I guess I got to see the cool tech demos and skip the later exchange based ones, bonus!

signed up as well, wanted the IT professional track but it was full, so i took the developer track as I do that from time to time. I am curious about the new software and yes i am actually going to learn

Pittsburgh, PA show on the first, if anyone else is going let me know so i have someone to talk to.

Hey, I too am going to this one. Nice to know that at least one other [H] user will be there. And I will also be in the Dev one.
I went to the one in Columbus, OH on the January 25th. It was pretty cool and I learned a little more about the software. For those of you wondering, at the beginning of the show when you check in they hand you a "How did we do" form and a black bag that has a t-shirt, a notepad, a pen, and a ticket that you redeem for the CD-Keys for Office 2k7 Pro. You don't actually get the media, you download the trial off the MS website and the key you get unlocks it to full version. Make sure you check your bag thoroughly. They accidentally put two redemption tickets in my bag so I redeemed one when I got out of the show, waited ten minutes and redeemed the second ticket. Now I have a legit copy for my computer and my wife's computer. Thanks Microsoft. :D
Just got back from the dev track in Utah. As soon as I got there they told me the presentations were full and gave me the goodies (including the software keys). I peeked in the dev presentation and sure enough, every seat was taken. I snuck in and stood in back for about an hour then decided there's no way I'm standing up for 4 hours. What I did catch seemed like good information.
I went to the one in Columbus, OH on the January 25th. It was pretty cool and I learned a little more about the software. For those of you wondering, at the beginning of the show when you check in they hand you a "How did we do" form and a black bag that has a t-shirt, a notepad, a pen, and a ticket that you redeem for the CD-Keys

The pen is kinda cool....push the clicker and it lights up. What sucks is the T-Shirt is GIGANTIC. I think mine was XXL. WTF. I know we're supposed to be a sedentary bunch, but come on. Most of the people I've worked with are not that big.

Needless to say, I doubt I'll wear ever wear the shirt, though I suppose it's possible I"ll pack on a couple hundred pounds before I die :rolleyes:
Did anyone try the Vista Ultimate Launch Preview disk yet? One guy on here said it installed fine and ran Windows Updates OK. Can anyone confirm that this is indeed a working "retail" version?