Microsoft And Miele Collaborate To Create Smarter Home Appliances

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
At the Hannover Messe event today, Miele & Cie. KG, a leading manufacturer of high-end domestic appliances and commercial equipment, is announcing a proof-of-concept study based on Microsoft Azure Internet of Things (IoT) services that will help usher in the next generation of smart appliances and home cooking. The concept will allow home users to program their ovens to ensure their meals will come out perfectly cooked, providing an exceptional customer experience.
When the coffee maker can make the coffee for me, than I will consider it smart. (No interaction on my part.) Smart is not something I am first thing in the morning. :D
This is very hard to believe that Miele would get into bed with MicroSoft...
- MS itself just doesn't represent the same quality/niche that Miele dominates.

Basically... why?
After watching Miele screw up instrument washers in the dental industry I don't know why M$ would get involved with Miele. Chlorine and salt in what is used to clean metals... Something's wrong over at Miele IMO
After watching Miele screw up instrument washers in the dental industry I don't know why M$ would get involved with Miele. Chlorine and salt in what is used to clean metals... Something's wrong over at Miele IMO

The 1990s called. They want their M$ back.
Not understanding the need here. Tell me they have sensors n shit in the oven that helps it cook the food better then you have my interest.
Not understanding the need here. Tell me they have sensors n shit in the oven that helps it cook the food better then you have my interest.

My mom's LG oven has a thermometer you can stick in a turkey to measure the temp inside, when its done, it lowers the temp to keep it warm. No dry turkey.