Microsoft Buys GitHub Confirmed


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Yesterday's rumor has turned into today's confirmation. Microsoft has purchased GitHub for $7.5B. Obviously those guys are smiling because the community is so happy about this.

GitHub will retain its developer-first ethos and will operate independently to provide an open platform for all developers in all industries. Developers will continue to be able to use the programming languages, tools and operating systems of their choice for their projects — and will still be able to deploy their code to any operating system, any cloud and any device.

Microsoft Corporate Vice President Nat Friedman, founder of Xamarin and an open source veteran, will assume the role of GitHub CEO. GitHub’s current CEO, Chris Wanstrath, will become a Microsoft technical fellow, reporting to Executive Vice President Scott Guthrie, to work on strategic software initiatives.
I don't think things will change drastically or much. Github was failing to generate a revenue with their existing business model so that may be shored up, but MS's new embracing of all things dev (linux, cloud, VS, Xamarin, etc) has been positive and well done.. no reason to see this going down in flames.
I don't think things will change drastically or much. Github was failing to generate a revenue with their existing business model so that may be shored up, but MS's new embracing of all things dev (linux, cloud, VS, Xamarin, etc) has been positive and well done.. no reason to see this going down in flames.
Skype. Nokia. Etc.

Certainly no one gets it right all the time. *shrug* Plenty of other successes, and I wasn't seeing much option for github.. either roll the dice on IPO or continue plotting along and not making a profit after ten-plus years.
A lot of Microsoft teams were already using gitHub in house for their work. I doubt they will want to change too much add features sure but make drastic operating changes.
Commence the mass migration to other services. Scumbags at Microsoft probably won't even wonder why it is happening.
Hard to blame the former GitHub owners. Sounds like they got a decent payout. Should current users of GitHub be concerned, sure. Panic? Not yet. Prepare alternative plans, of course. Wonder how long before Microsoft requires a Cortana enabled account to access GitHub? The whole brand synergy thing?
I'm so pleased these guys got paid for their hardwork.

I am further glad that we use bitbucket at work so we don't have to have a GD Office365/Live account to login to Github.
I tried to pretend to be upset for the open source developers who might have to jump ship because of their principles, but if MS offered me 7.5B for something that I owned I'd sell too. I don't see how a single developer could be upset with the owners.

I disagree. This is very much akin to changing one's mind with regards to FOSS. I see no difference. Maybe all of FOSS (ideology) is up for sale?
I disagree. This is very much akin to changing one's mind with regards to FOSS. I see no difference. Maybe all of FOSS (ideology) is up for sale?

GitHub is/was a commercial endeavor, not all aspects of it are free.
I’m still at a loss of why they would buy a company when they already had complete use of what they offer? There is no way any kind of money they may save on subscription fees are going to to ever total that amount.
I’m still at a loss of why they would buy a company when they already had complete use of what they offer?

It was for sale one way or another, someone was going to buy it, most likely Google if not Microsoft.
I’m still at a loss of why they would buy a company when they already had complete use of what they offer? There is no way any kind of money they may save on subscription fees are going to to ever total that amount.

If the objective isn't money you can be sure it will be to fuck users over.
It is going to be hard to pay back $7.5 Billion with a $140 Million annual revenue.... This is purely a vanity purchase, and honestly with Microsoft's "commitment" to open source, why not. It is an on brand move.

Happy that the site owners and maintainers got paid. Sure it will just turn in to Microsoft's new CodePlex (which they turned "read only" last year), but at least they will be able to say that they temporarily own a major host for open source software. That is probably worth a lot.
Does this mean Microsoft get access to the code in the private repositories? Plenty of MS competitors use github.
probably means the Alphabet Agencies get access to everything and everyone responsible for it.

This is probably so when people come up with tools to bypass European government's restrictions, Microsoft can be compelled to 'shut it down!'
Ya, the way github was burning money, would have been out of business in a year or so. This is a good fit, people just like to freak out about big bad MS. Free doesn't pay the bills.

Bitbucket is solid, but definitely not as social or polished as gh and gitlab has had some uptime issues of their own and still uses Azure anyway, although I hear they want to move to Google cloud.
probably means the Alphabet Agencies get access to everything and everyone responsible for it.

Probably, but I get the feeling that shit's happening anyway. I'm more concerned about MS, a company with a recorded history of appropriating the work of others, getting access. We've seen what they've done with access to the public repos. Who knows when what they're going to do with access to the private
Those competitors shouldn't have their trade secrets open to github to peruse then.
Those competitors shouldn't have their trade secrets open to github to peruse then.

I don't disagree with you, but sadly the push to cloud means it's often not in the people who should be making the decisions hands. Github aren't a company who are selling software like Microsoft are and, lets face it, Microsoft haven't proven themselves to be trustworthy in this regard in the past.

edit: I guess anyone who does know the answer isn't posting it here. I know I'll be moving my private repo's quick smart.
From CEO to reporting to an EVP. I assume the guy will be rich from this, but that's a slight step downwards.
Wandering and caring are two different things though. :LOL:

So Microsoft shouldn't have done this deal and let Google of Facebook or whomever buy GitHub because some guys on the internet hate Microsoft. That's literally what the anti-Microsoft crowd here is saying.
I disagree. I think Jesus was good.

Jesus didn't have 7.5 billion, not to slam Jesus, ways of the world and all. So for those who don't like this transaction, assuming GitHub was going to be bought and not remain an independent concern, who with the cash would you rather have seen bought them? Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple? There aren't tons of players out there with that kind of cash were this acquisition would make sense for billions.
That sucks. Spent half my day getting all our source code off there. Fun while it lasted. Not going to wait for Microsoft to screw it up.
Microsoft never wrote off Skype so totally unequal comparison. GitHub is a perfect match for Microsoft's cloud business where things are anything but a dumpster fire.

Well to be honest Skype was the bees knees when it came to communicating on the internet for quite awhile. Everyone I watched on Twitch from its birth in 2011 used Skype. Most used Skype when Twitch was called After MS changed and altered Skype it was never the same. Rarely do I ever fire it up nowadays. It should be the Discord of today instead of MIA.

So that's why I lumped it with Nokia. I know that it is more tailored for business today, but it should have been much more. :)
Well to be honest Skype was the bees knees when it came to communicating on the internet for quite awhile.

Not really sure where folks get that Skype was all that back in the day, I used it back and the and now as much as ever, great for conference calls over the computer when working at home. Seems to be a lot more reliable to me now for that and video calls. A lot more comm options these days though. At any rate, GitHub fits in well with the Microsoft development tools, Visual Studio has worked well with GitHub for years now and with the overall concept of Azure. Microsoft makes a lot of mistakes sure, but I'm thinking this is more like the "ribbon" mistake that Microsoft made with Office. People swore up and down and still do this day how horrible the ribbon is and over a decade latter Office is as strong as ever especially with O365.

It gets easy to hate on your least favorite tech company but a lot harder to admit when what they do makes perfect sense like this acquisition. Cause GitHub was going to get bought, just pick your favorite or least favorite big tech company.
I tried to pretend to be upset for the open source developers who might have to jump ship because of their principles, but if MS offered me 7.5B for something that I owned I'd sell too. I don't see how a single developer could be upset with the owners.

Remember our company plan, guys! Start up, cash in, sell out, bro down
That sucks. Spent half my day getting all our source code off there. Fun while it lasted. Not going to wait for Microsoft to screw it up.

And here I thought most skilled devs were impressed/aware of MS's push to integrate open source products with windows and how they have been pushing their code to public git repos.... I can get the blind hate from basic (non-tech) users crying about win 10. But when people in the actual industry are jumping on the blind hate wagon, that is pretty pathetic.... I don't even need to run a separate linux VM anymore for devops tasks that can't be run on windows now that they brought over multiple varieties of linux shells. VS code is by far the best editor available, and most devs at our office have switched from atom. MS may have dropped the ball with win10 by following apple/googles insane mining for data, but they are making huge progress in the devops/development world.