Microsoft considering Ad-Ware?


Oct 20, 2004
Anyone get the print edition of The Wall Street Journal?

Section B, page 1, today, is an article about how Microsoft is considering partnering or buying Claria, the company formerly known as Gator. They want to try to compete with Google but are having a hard time working around Google's patents, and they think this might be a way to do that.

Pretty disturbing news. I don't get the online version of the Journal so I don't have any links to reference this, you'll just have to look for yourself or find a print version.
OMFG your kidding me..
i hate spyware as it is m$ is gonna invest in it.....kill em alll
Maybe, they bought out the company to shut them down and kill the adware that is making a mockery of most windows computers... If MS was ever that benevolent... (I'd check Gates' pulse if it happened)

If so, this is a start. If it is for the obvious reasons, then I am that much closer to linux!

Grab your TinFoil Hats everyone!!1o1no1o1neer :eek: :eek: ;)
Yeah, I'm sure infecting everyone's computer with spyware is Microsoft's # 1 priority. :rolleyes:
I really wish Microsoft would concentrate on making an operating system. The fact that they include so many frivolous programs with the operating systems they do make gripes me to no end. If they left the junk out, they wouldn't face so many security issues. They are going to keep screwing around until open source really does eat their lunch. They seem more interested in everything else, from teaming up with Intel to kill copying, to killing Google. Fat chance on both counts.
It will be interesting to see if their Antispyware program sill detects Claria if they go ahead with this.
apHytHiaTe said:
Maybe, they bought out the company to shut them down and kill the adware that is making a mockery of most windows computers... If MS was ever that benevolent... (I'd check Gates' pulse if it happened)

If so, this is a start. If it is for the obvious reasons, then I am that much closer to linux!

Grab your TinFoil Hats everyone!!1o1no1o1neer :eek: :eek: ;)

that's what I'm thinking... this is one market where MS could do some good by buying these companies out and driving them into the ground.
cuemasterfl said:
It will be interesting to see if their Antispyware program sill detects Claria if they go ahead with this.

Obviously It will not! This is M$ we're talking about.

Also, I posted before I read the article about it... My original idea is unlikely. M$ is seeing dollar signs, and has just officially went into "Fuck AntiSpyware" mode.

If they're buying out spyware companies to shut them down, then fuck, I'm starting a spyware company right after I click Submit Reply.
Stang Man said:
that's what I'm thinking... this is one market where MS could do some good by buying these companies out and driving them into the ground.

Fat chance. :D
Stang Man said:
that's what I'm thinking... this is one market where MS could do some good by buying these companies out and driving them into the ground.

Fat chance. They might like to have a monopoly of spyware, though. :rolleyes:

apHytHiaTe said:
Obviously It will not! This is M$ we're talking about.

Also, I posted before I read the article about it... My original idea is unlikely. M$ is seeing dollar signs, and has just officially went into "Fuck AntiSpyware" mode.

Firefox wouldn't play a part in that decision, now would it? ...assuming you meant spyware, not anti-spyware. :D Otherwise, they are doing the open source community the greatest favor imaginable, and then it's a good thing. :)

GJSNeptune said:
If they're buying out spyware companies to shut them down, then fuck, I'm starting a spyware company right after I click Submit Reply.

I hear you brother. ;)