Microsoft Exec Says Google is 'Failing' in the Enterprise

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Executive from company #A says that company #B is a stupid head. Company #B will respond tomorrow claiming that company #A is a liar, liar, pants on fire.

Raising the stakes in its war of words, Microsoft today said Google simply doesn't understand what businesses need and is failing at pushing its way into the enterprise.
Well, folks like Google, since they're trying to sell you ads, will scan your data and they keep your data. We don't scan your data. We don't keep your data. If you want your data back, we'll give it back to you and we'll delete it out of our data centers.

Achievement unlocked: You acted like a fanboy!

You can't prove anything about what Google does, and neither can they about you. And if you honestly think that companies are going to quit using local copies of Office in favor of cloud based ones, kill yourself.

Cloud computing is a novel idea....if internet service never ever eeeeeeeeeeeeeever had problems.
Microsoft today said Google simply doesn't understand what businesses need and is failing at pushing its way into the enterprise

So true.....they do however know what PEOPLE need. I love Google. There plan for world domination is my favorite.
Actually, they will both grow into Skynet and kill us all. It's true, I saw it in a movie :D
There aren't enough lines of code that could be written to come anywhere near something like human AI. Skynet fail.
Actually they're right to a degree. From a personal life standpoint Google is great and I use it. From a business standpoint they just don't get it.
steve, in the years ive been reading you since hypothermia.

this was the best headline you've come up with yet.

totally cracked me up =p
MS BPOS vs Google Apps
$120/user/year vs $50/user/year
virtually identical features

tell me how is google failing in the enterprise space
Why can't they get together and build on something they both can agree to. Apple sucks.
MS BPOS vs Google Apps
$120/user/year vs $50/user/year
virtually identical features

tell me how is google failing in the enterprise space

if Google and MS have the same number of paying clients... then yes, GOogle must be failing.

Just like MS gets 25mil+ people to pay up for their xbl gold service (including me), while Sony keeps it free.

Yet MS is 25mil*$ richer over Sony...
True, but then again the company I work for also helps MS sell BPOS. And it's pretty much impossible to sell it to anyone who heard of Google Apps, so I'd reckon they have the numeric advantage over MS there.
For small businesses google apps is great/. We use it here but as we start using more and more advanced features we are finding that google apps does not have what we need.

So I can see Microsofts points. Also if your a non profit or government agency you can get microsofts stuff for cheaper or just as much as google apps.
Coca Cola Exec is a Poopie-Head and has the taste buds of a cockroach.

Pepsi Rulz!
The overpaid Suits at MS can't handle that they are losing (or soon to lose) to google in every market that google IS in, so they brag about winning in a game where the other team didn't even show up

winning by default isn't really winning

personally I don't want my employer to be able to remotely wipe my android phone at any time they wish (a must-have feature for the enterprise)
Think there's ANY coincidence that today's WSJ reports Google getting the humongous Fed contract for email with GSA? Nah...M$ would never be so petty
Having used Google Apps at a small business, it worked fine.
Using it at a much larger enterprise level? Nope, the offering just isn't there.

Using Google Apps off the web? Sure, it works with a nice connection, but try having 500 people use it on a 10Mb pipe? Good luck with that.

There are more costs than just using cloud computing to save money.
Hey, lets move our data to a colo and keep it safe and of course lower our power bill. What do you mean we need a 10Mb burstable pipe, our current internet works just fine, why not use that.....

And seriously, you want to explain to me how Google's butchering of Postini as their spam filter is better than a sonicwall or barracuda where you can blacklist or whitelist for everyone at one time? Thats right, you have to allow that email under each google apps user.

Smaller orgs, they benefit most from GAFYD, but ones with Exchange/AD/etc are not going to move that easily.
From the article:

Google is akin to Microsoft maybe 20 years ago.

This guy NEEDS to be fired. Google is kicking their asses. Andriod proves it. And there is no reason Andriod can't be moved to desktops. MS has plenty to offer, but his kind of thinking gets you into the realm of Novell.
I've had 2 separate clients really dislike Google Apps. They'd rather have Outlook Web over the Gmail interface any day of the week. To say there's some things that Google "doesn't get" isn't very far from the truth, at least in my experience.
We use Google Apps for e-mail, calendar, and a few other tasks. We use Office for writing documents. It works great!

Why can't we all just get along?
As someone said, Google is on the enterprise? I thought they used the LCARS setup, but it's nice to know they'll be here a few hundred years from now. (May get some stock! hehe)

(Sarcasm off) :D
Another Microsoft out-of-touch comment.

Just more proof THEY don't know what's going on.

Not to mention both of their stock, which pretty much displays whom knows what....

Google is for consumers (and the "people" it seems anyways.....not greedy, big, out-of-touch companies like Microso... oh wait.)

NASDAQ:MSFT - Dec 2005-2010 = 3.9% loss
NASDAQ:GOOG - Dec 2005-2010 = 36.66% gain
Another Microsoft out-of-touch comment.

Just more proof THEY don't know what's going on.

Not to mention both of their stock, which pretty much displays whom knows what....

Google is for consumers (and the "people" it seems anyways.....not greedy, big, out-of-touch companies like Microso... oh wait.)

NASDAQ:MSFT - Dec 2005-2010 = 3.9% loss
NASDAQ:GOOG - Dec 2005-2010 = 36.66% gain

NASDAQ:MSFT - Lifetime = 6,361.53% gain
NASDAQ:GOOG - Lifetime = 462.43% gain

MSFT = 181.76% / yr avg
GOOG = 38% / yr avg

Compare the two charts. Once you achieve a certain size gains slow down. Let's see what Google does over the next 10 years.
Really laughable.

Yeah, Google is really failing. I really did LMAO when I saw this.
Achievement unlocked: You acted like a fanboy!

You can't prove anything about what Google does, and neither can they about you. And if you honestly think that companies are going to quit using local copies of Office in favor of cloud based ones, kill yourself.

Cloud computing is a novel idea....if internet service never ever eeeeeeeeeeeeeever had problems.

Read the last several paragraphs. Microsoft said they will never kill local workspace while bringing us to the clouds while Google had already done several times.

Office 365 is awesome. I'm in the process of moving my company's aging 2003 SBS and Exchange server to their BPOS Exchange Online service. It's cheaper and efficient in the long run. Our employees are project managers and construction managers scattered across the country and a localized Exchange server will be no different to any of us than an Office 365 Exchange Online service. Instead of purchasing Server 2008 with thousands of dollars worth upgraded software like Exchange and SQL 2010 with several hundred CALs, I'm moving users to Exchange Online at $5 a month per person.

Office 2010 does a fantastic job of synching data between Sharepoint Online, Office Web, and Exchange Online. I say Microsoft Office 365 is just about ripe for mass adoption.
I've had 2 separate clients really dislike Google Apps. They'd rather have Outlook Web over the Gmail interface any day of the week. To say there's some things that Google "doesn't get" isn't very far from the truth, at least in my experience.

Yep. My old company ran a gmail pilot. It was all of those people who REALLY dislike Microsoft and wanted to try anything to get rid of them. Thirty days in, they all were back using Outlook or Entourage.
There aren't enough lines of code that could be written to come anywhere near something like human AI. Skynet fail.

Unless you were being sarcastic, I'd add the words 'Yet'. Singularity anyone? I'd argue that you could make something equivilent to the human-mind or human-AI in roughly 30 years. Initially, it might not be as 'fast' as the human-mind if ran on a local home desktop computer. Infact, it might be like a 3% emulation speed. Double the speed of computer processing power each year and that 3% rapidly becomes 3000%.
Achievement unlocked: You acted like a fanboy!

You can't prove anything about what Google does, and neither can they about you. And if you honestly think that companies are going to quit using local copies of Office in favor of cloud based ones, kill yourself.

Cloud computing is a novel idea....if internet service never ever eeeeeeeeeeeeeever had problems.

And it's a great business model for small companies to use CLOUD, big corporate offices, that are split into several other groups, with different requirements, not so good.
NASDAQ:MSFT - Lifetime = 6,361.53% gain
NASDAQ:GOOG - Lifetime = 462.43% gain

MSFT = 181.76% / yr avg
GOOG = 38% / yr avg

My grandfather has a lot more money than I do. I guess being alive 50+ more years than me helps with that competition.
MSFT is in no danger in the large enterprise of losing out to google. There is an inherent lack of control of data when you use many google services which is vital and required by federal regs this day and age.
I can understand using MS software on the desktop, possibly even on local servers, but running the enterprise* on MS software requires drinking plenty of coolaid (or more likely just being Dilbert's boss).

Read your EULA. You just gave MS the right to do anything they want with your servers. Anything.

Check the security record. You might as well post your data on wikileaks. It will eventually get there after your competitors get a peek.

I can't imagine storing my data on anybody's cloud, but that doesn't make using MS software for the enterprise any less moronic.

* I should admit that a huge portion of the US economy may be businesses too small for "real enterprise" software and think they are too big (or wish to appear big) to try something else (OpenOffice, etc.).
Dear Microsoft,

Speaking of failures: remember the Kin? lol
