Microsoft Exec Sees Autumn Release For Windows 10

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer, Windows 10 will be coming out early next fall. By a show of hands, who plans on upgrading?

Microsoft Corp expects to have its new Windows 10 operating system on the market by autumn 2015, slightly later than previous comments had suggested. Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner told Japanese news service Nikkei on Wednesday that the new system would be released "early next fall."
I haven't seen any features that lead me to believe I will like it more than Windows 7 (or XP for that matter!).

My mother's laptop came with the Windows 8.1 virus so maybe she'll get an upgrade.
Me, but it's really because I'm planning on replacing my entire system and I don't want to go with 8.1 if 10 is close. I would rather do a complete build and start fresh with windows 10.

Believe it or not but I built my current system at the end of 2009 right when windows 7 came out (original i7, dual ATI 5850's, 12G ram, SSD for OS) and it still is holding up but just barely so to say that i'm itching to build a new system is a massive understatement.
A long way to go, lots of technical and logistical details yet to be revealed publically but this looks like a Windows release that's going to get fast adoption. While the pricing details are critical as to whether or not Windows 10 is an adoption hit, there's almost certainty that there will be free OEM versions of it for cheap devices like Windows 8.1 today which all but guarantees better initial adoption than Windows 8.

The other critical part of pricing will be upgrade price for existing supported versions of Windows. Free upgrades from Vista on up probably guarantees the fastest adoption rate for a version of Windows ever. Then there's the rumors dealing with subscription based monitization of at least parts the OS that would probably kill that momentum. I think the best path would be to do what's being done with Windows 8.1 now and free consumer upgrades for existing users with the idea of getting more revenue from the store and other services. I don't think any other way is going to work without headache and complaints, except perhaps a very low upgrade cost.
I don't really have any problems with 8. The benefits outweigh the drawbacks. I've gotten used to it.
Meh, if I buy a new computer and it comes with Windows 10, I guess I'll get it. It kinda depends on the stuff I have now being broken though and I'll only get a new thingy if there's no subscription costs, not any forced Microsoft account stuff or mandatory cloud junk, and even maybe not then since I have had lots of good experiences with Linux Mint (and lately Knoppix too) that make Windows not really relevant.
I am one of the few that haven't had issues with Windows 8. I haven't used the start menu since Vista as I find it to be a waste and as such I haven't used the start screen much in windows 8. However I do find the start screen to be 5x more useful than the worthless start menu. I have yet to move my home machine over to the preview of 10 yet but plan on doing on here soon to give that a try. Will probably move to the retail release once it comes out.
I don't really have any problems with 8. The benefits outweigh the drawbacks. I've gotten used to it.

I'd argue that the drawbacks easily outweigh the benefits, especially for the business world.

That's why I'm still running Windows 7 at home and in the office.
I'd argue that the drawbacks easily outweigh the benefits, especially for the business world.

That's why I'm still running Windows 7 at home and in the office.
What drawbacks?

Just go to the desktop and use it like Windows 7. :rolleyes:
I'll upgrade, for the heck of it.

Havent really used 8 or 8.1, mainly because I simply haven't encountered it.

My old Core2Duo laptop is due for a SSD upgrade, so it'll get that and then Win10 when it drops.
It needs to at least look nice and not force having an online account for updates.
Give us the option of making it look better than a 20 year old OS.
Otherwise Win 7 it is.

I support Kyles view on Win 8.
So much misinformation it's embarrassing. Online account required for updates?
I'd argue that the drawbacks easily outweigh the benefits, especially for the business world.

That's why I'm still running Windows 7 at home and in the office.

The only drawback is "People can't find shit". Once you figure that out, it's really the same OS only faster.

Yeah, no, I don't buy 8 for my users.
So much misinformation it's embarrassing. Online account required for updates?

Bit early to call it out as embarrassing :rolleyes:
This will clear it up, I didnt see the later update.
The Windows 8.1 update isn’t available in Windows Update. Instead, it’s part of the Windows Store

Update: We’ve been informed by a Microsoft employee that, while the update does indeed appear in the Store, it does not require a Microsoft account to download. We were apparently wrong here — in our defense, the preview version of Windows 8.1 required a Microsoft account to download from the Store and nothing else in the Store functions without a Microsoft account.
I'm in. I've grown to like the speed of Windows 8.1, and even though it took some (needless) work to configure it, I have a nice well-organized menu of my apps that works just as well as the Windows 7 one. I even like a couple of the Metro apps, too.
Windows 10 should build on that, and I like what I've seen from the videos and screenshots.
Windows 8.1 + my new Crucial MX100 SSD has been an absolute blast for me coming from Windows 7 + WD Blue drive. Windows 8.1 with Start8 will pretty much cure you issues with it. The under the hood benefits of the newer OS is great! IE11 works much better in Windows 8.1 even though I'm more of an Opera user.
Like some of the others I have never had an issue with Windows 8. Just use Start8 (I can totally understand the argument that we should not have to use a workaround that we have to pay for, and I totally agree, but once you have it installed it's pretty awesome).

Use Windows 8 with and SSD in a modern PC and you have a blazing fast PC!
I just hope they fix the update woes that Windows 8 has...We have 3 laptops/tablets with Windows 8 on them and 2 out of the 3 have update issues...not cool. I got my friend a new laptop last year and he can't even install the spring helped nothing and he doesn't want me to reload to a fresh state...blaahh.
I am already running the Tech preview on all my machines at work and home.


I can not wait for the release of 10... I will be pushing it out day 1
I just hope they fix the update woes that Windows 8 has...We have 3 laptops/tablets with Windows 8 on them and 2 out of the 3 have update issues...not cool. I got my friend a new laptop last year and he can't even install the spring helped nothing and he doesn't want me to reload to a fresh state...blaahh.

Don't let your friend mooch off you for tech support. >.< Unless they work for Best Buy's Geek Squad and could be bribed with breakfast but have no idea you do computer stuff for a living even though they live next door. (Seriously, that soo works to get someone else to sit through reinstalling your OS for your or replacing a hard drive in a netbook that you don't feel like taking apart.)
Tech Preview for 10 is OK.
Essentially MS just 7-ized Windows8.1 so it would be a nice desktop OS again.

The only reason I would go from W7 to W10 would be if games utilized some-thing that wasn't in W7.

But as I recall Vista was supposed to be the big deal for DX10(right?) and it was.....well less than good; plus DX 10 implementation was really, really slow if I recall.
I think he was having a number of technical issues with 8.1 that weren't UI related problems.

It was his own fault. He was making calls to DLLs and other resources that were still in 8 but disabled because it was used to make the start menu work. When they got around to removing the files in 8.1 he was stuck and he had to come up with his own. Most of the other start menu programs either needed a minor update or worked just fine.
For me it totally depends on the price. I've skipped 8 entirely (I don't like it over 7) so, it'll be time for an OS upgrade by next fall.

There's rumors of a subscription based service - I'm not really into that, not sure I'll bite if that's the case. If they offer the promo pricing like they did with 8 where <$50 buys me a 64bit pro version license - I'm in 100% on day one. If it's the normal Microsoft pricing - couple hundred bucks for a retail copy no subscriptions - I'll probably buy one license for my main rig, and continue to run 7 on my "less important" boxes - HTPC, Dual boot macbook, VMs, etc.
What drawbacks?

Just go to the desktop and use it like Windows 7. :rolleyes:

Try retraining dozens of non technical office workers.
Try replacing old custom applications that don't work on Windows 8.

"Just use Start8"

And what happens when an update or application breaks it, and 100's of people are down or have to resort to the start screen and can't even figure out how to restart the computer?

No thanks. I'll wait for Microsoft to hopefully fix the problem in Windows 10.
Try retraining dozens of non technical office workers.
Try replacing old custom applications that don't work on Windows 8.

"Just use Start8"

And what happens when an update or application breaks it, and 100's of people are down or have to resort to the start screen and can't even figure out how to restart the computer?

No thanks. I'll wait for Microsoft to hopefully fix the problem in Windows 10.

So let me get this straight.
Windows 8 is shit because:
1. we have incompetent users
2. we run horribly outdated shitty apps

TOTALLY Microsoft's fault.
Tech Preview for 10 is OK.
Essentially MS just 7-ized Windows8.1 so it would be a nice desktop OS again.

The only reason I would go from W7 to W10 would be if games utilized some-thing that wasn't in W7.

But as I recall Vista was supposed to be the big deal for DX10(right?) and it was.....well less than good; plus DX 10 implementation was really, really slow if I recall.

DX12 won't be on Win7. It'll still take a while for anything to show up for it like DX10. Also stuff like Shadowplay won't stop recording at 4GB files.

Overall, I like Win10 on my other PC.
Windows 8.1 isn't nearly as bad as people like to claim. A little tweaking of the start menu to your liking and its a fine OS. History proves that people don't like change, especially those with a lesser IQ.
I haven't seen any features that lead me to believe I will like it more than Windows 7 (or XP for that matter!).

My mother's laptop came with the Windows 8.1 virus so maybe she'll get an upgrade.

I think this is a record for how quickly this thread went south. :D
It needs to at least look nice and not force having an online account for updates.
Give us the option of making it look better than a 20 year old OS.
Otherwise Win 7 it is.

I support Kyles view on Win 8.

Considering you do not need an online account now for updates, I do not see how you would need it in 10. :rolleyes: I do not agree with Kyle but to each their own. Thankfully, I am capable of critical thinking for myself, I do not need someone to tell me how things are and are not.
Considering you do not need an online account now for updates, I do not see how you would need it in 10. :rolleyes: I do not agree with Kyle but to each their own. Thankfully, I am capable of critical thinking for myself, I do not need someone to tell me how things are and are not.

lol, neither do I which is why I will ignore you :p

If you had read more you would see the first point has been addressed.
I think this is a record for how quickly this thread went south. :D

And of course a thread about Windows 10 turns into yet another Ha8t thread. At this point you either like or hate 8 and since Windows 10 is less than year out it doesn't really matter a whole lot at this point I think.

Microsoft obviously made its mistakes with 8 but there's been some good, at least from the consumer perspective. 2014 might be the best year on record for Windows hardware in terms of quality, options and pricing. Sub $100 full Windows tablets, $200 laptops, even cheap hybrids and convertibles. And most of these devices are quite good for the money. And while many think that Windows 8 doesn't work well on the desktop, Windows 7 wouldn't have worked well on many of these devices.
History proves that people don't like change, especially those with a lesser IQ.

Ugg. This weak defense? Ok... That's why people hate it... sure. I love Windows 8, but a lot of people don't like the changes with it, not because it's different, but because the changes don't offer them anything or help them be more efficient. Personal preference != fear of change.

Let's put down (l)users that don't like Micro$oft's new OS, that'll show 'em! :rolleyes:

People can give a legitimate complaint, and some people claim "oh, you just don't like change" BS.

So Mary Jo Foley was wrong? lol

LOL! I love it!