Microsoft Has Sold 55M Xbox 360 Consoles

Do they know how many of those 55M ended up with red rings?

I'll buy one when I can fold with it. On that note where is my Blu-Ray less PS3 I can afford to buy ten of just to fold with! :)
Joking aside I really want to know this and believe strongly M$ should publish this information.
Ditto. I've heard estimates of 20-33%+ and batches that had over 2/3 failure rates. That and having to pay a fee to play online kept me from buying a 360.
PS2 has had a phenomenal run.

Yes! In japan at least there are still games being produced for it (and in the US with sports titles). Though, its continued sucessful sales run is probably why most the PS3's weren't given BC.
One GTX460 out folds 10 PS3s
Nooooooo!!! You've gone and broken the myth that PS3s are somehow ultra-powerful and produce wicked graphics when in reality, everything on the PS3 looks aged and dated! Some PS3 Fanboy heart was just crushed!
Yes! In japan at least there are still games being produced for it (and in the US with sports titles). Though, its continued sucessful sales run is probably why most the PS3's weren't given BC.

No BC makes no sense. At this time, Sony should have stopped producing PS2 hardware and just be producing PS3 hardware with BC. That way when someone's PS2 breaks, they can only pick up a PS3 to replace it.

Luckily I have a BC PS3 and get all the Japanese PS2 goodness I want. Although, I still own a Japanese PS2, since my Beatmania controller doesn't work on the PS3. Converters have lag and it's not something I want with a rythmn game.
Major Nelson says that Microsoft has sold 55 million consoles around the globe and, not only that, the company says sales have increased 29% while other consoles have leveled off or fallen.

maybe because they keep breaking?

I wouldnt be surprised if replacement consoles are counted in those 'sale' figures
Keep in mind these are only US sales where the 360 is the strongest. Sony is doing much better in Europe, not to mention Japan.

Nooooooo!!! You've gone and broken the myth that PS3s are somehow ultra-powerful and produce wicked graphics when in reality, everything on the PS3 looks aged and dated! Some PS3 Fanboy heart was just crushed!

It was ultra powerful. For a PC to be as powerful back in 2006 you had to pay a lot of money. Of course it cannot compete with modern PC hardware, anything else would mean there is no technological evolution.
Ya, it's really not all that surprising. A PS3 has a what? 7800 GTX in there?
I'm on my second. Actually sort of impressed with the 2nd revision of XBOX (revised board, not this new slim thing), I've packed it in luggage and shipped it with me across the continent and it survived without incident. Unfortunately, my launch console had RRoD'd and been repaired so many times it just gave up on life one day.
You mean the Falcon board? Where they shrunk the cpu, slapped a heatpipe and small heatsink to the gpu heatsink, then glued the cpu and gpu down to the board?
You mean the Falcon board? Where they shrunk the cpu, slapped a heatpipe and small heatsink to the gpu heatsink, then glued the cpu and gpu down to the board?

Yeah the Falcon. I've dropped it, gotten discs stuck behind the drive tray (drunk Halo, don't ask), and mangled the HDMI output and the thing still functions perfectly. My first one required ritual dances and prayers to the Sun God to get it to load a game successfully.
The Falcon is barely any better than the original. It'll still get the RROD, but less frequently. I'd like to replace my old style Xbox with the new slim model, but then I can't use my faceplate on it.
Keep in mind these are only US sales where the 360 is the strongest. Sony is doing much better in Europe, not to mention Japan

In Denmark, where I live, PS3 games outsell the 360 ones almost between 3:1 to 2:1 (looking at 2010 sales). The Playstation brand is still quite strong in Europe, but it doesn't help that MS is still very US centric about their features and services on their console. (having a movie rental service in europe without any subtitles - english or regional - is just one of the many examples. It may not be important to the US rentals, but for Denmark - and a lot of other countries - it's essential).
Overall though, MS should be pleased with Xbox360 sales performance, but imo, if they want to perform better in europe (outside UK), they have to provide better services for countries, where english isn't the first language - I don't think it's an accident that Playstation 3 just happens to be a stronger brand here.

I have an Xbox360, though. As a pure gaming machine, I consider it a tiny bit superior to the PS3, although lately that advantage has diminished.
Ya, PS3 has a lot of extra features in different countries. New Zealand and S.Korea both have DVR capabilities. I can't remember what countries in Europe have DVR and movie rental services. 360 has Netflix and Hulu. WTF am I suppose to do with that outside of the US?

For gaming, both have things I want, thus I have both. Nowadays, more games are multiplat though. When they are multiplat, I go with the PS3 games. It don't want anymore RRODs, so I don't put as much game time on the 360 as I do the PS3.
Yeah the Falcon. I've dropped it, gotten discs stuck behind the drive tray (drunk Halo, don't ask), and mangled the HDMI output and the thing still functions perfectly. My first one required ritual dances and prayers to the Sun God to get it to load a game successfully.

Sun god? You had it easy, I had to pray to Khorne... blood to the blood god and all that jazz.
Sadly that is how MS rolls , their hardware is as flawed as their software and no one ever says the word unacceptable ...
That's just the Xbox. I've had no problems with my MS Sidewinder mouse. Well, aside from the like paint peeling off. Which is normal for like a 4 year old mouse.
And yet everyone dogs Sony about terrible sales numbers. Microsoft had a year headstart along with the RROD billion dollar mistake. The only thing that has ever kept them going is Live. It sure as Hell is not their exclusive, Microsoft couldnt get one of those to save their lives.
I should also mention globally they are close. Major Nelson should ne bragging about kinect sales instead of 360 sales.
Keep in mind these are only US sales where the 360 is the strongest. Sony is doing much better in Europe, not to mention Japan.

That graph was only for the US. The PS3 had been slowly catching up. Of course now that PSN has been down for so long, and it seems that Sony is getting hacked almost daily, will that harm PS3 sales in the long run?
That graph was only for the US. The PS3 had been slowly catching up. Of course now that PSN has been down for so long, and it seems that Sony is getting hacked almost daily, will that harm PS3 sales in the long run?
Possibly, but we're approaching the zenith of this generation's gaming consoles (if that point has not already passed), so I would imagine that it doesn't affect PS3 sales as much as it would if this had happened a few years ago. I bet it'll still hurt, though.

Scrolling down my Facebook news feed last week, I learned that an acquaintance of mine had just purchased a PS3, with the intention to play online with his friends. Now, regardless of whether or not the servers are fine now (I don't know, I don't keep up with PS3 news on a daily basis), I would still hesitate to buy one in light of recent events...but that's just me.
Wheres the PS3's year 6 sales???

PS3 hasn't been out as long as the Xbox 360, that data might not be available yet.

Wow, look at the Wii. No comparison whatsoever between 360 and Wii, when the Xbox was selling 4 million the Wii was up over 10 million.