Microsoft Introduces the HoloLens 2: Twice the View for $3,500


Aug 20, 2006
Microsoft has returned with a new iteration of the HoloLens, the company’s mixed-reality headset effort. Available for preorder now and shipping later this year, the $3,500 sequel improves upon its 2016 predecessor with 2K displays offering a 52-degree FOV, eye-tracking sensors, and better comfort. It also features superior battery life, having switched out Intel’s Cherry Trail parts for an ARM-based Qualcomm Snapdragon 850.

We have more than doubled the field of view in HoloLens 2, while maintaining the industry-leading holographic density of 47 pixels per degree of sight. HoloLens 2 contains a new display system that enables us to achieve these significant advances in performance at low power. We have also completely refreshed the way you interact with holograms in HoloLens 2. Taking advantage of our new time-of-flight depth sensor, combined with built-in AI and semantic understanding, HoloLens 2 enables direct manipulation of holograms with the same instinctual gestures you use to interact with physical objects in the real world.
It is interesting to see their mixed reality business push. It makes sense, but I am guessing it will be too expensive for almost all companies in the near term.
It is interesting to see their mixed reality business push. It makes sense, but I am guessing it will be too expensive for almost all companies in the near term.

We're saving shit tons of money on hololens.
So many companies will buy them, but consumers ? don't think so.
I really can't think of anything I'd "play" or use it for at home.
double to 52FOV? that still seems really really low

Yeah, the problem with the first Hololens was the FOV was mailslot sized and once people demo'd it they wanted no part of it. I remember Phil Spencer admitting years ago that they'd probably never be able to solve that meaningfully due to physical limitations of the tech.

Regardless, this will pretty much be business/enterprise only.
This is never going to really take off if they can't get those prices down... People are talking work place, yes maybe fortune 500 companies but most are going turn and walk away at that price. MS needs to come back to earth with their pricing structure on all their hardware. Ripping people off on hardware is Apple's job!
I'll buy one as soon as its like the ... what ... second or third season of Sword Art Online? I don't remember except it was where people in RL were fighting monsters in RL. When its like that, parents will buy it for their fat children.
Lordy lord.. I so want one.. Granted 'direct to companies/factories' is the current pricing.. I would like to see something cheaper for the rest of us indie devs... that or I may need to get a Hololens1 on fleabay to plan a heist for a Hololens2!
Yeah, the problem with the first Hololens was the FOV was mailslot sized and once people demo'd it they wanted no part of it. I remember Phil Spencer admitting years ago that they'd probably never be able to solve that meaningfully due to physical limitations of the tech.

Regardless, this will pretty much be business/enterprise only.

Yeah, it is really weird. Like a floating invisible window a few feet in front of you, making you stare straight while you move your head around. It is not natural at all.

That being said, it is still really amazing to experience and I can see the potential.
Very cool - Was part of the original push for the first one (Got one for folks to test out at work) and have to say the only thing I didn't like was the FoV. It wasn't tooo heavy but it was a very very cool piece of tech. Will have to let the same folks know about this edition - with twice the FoV it'll offer and even more of an amazing experience! And of course... more that are developed the cheaper it gets. As I understand it, other companies have the tech licensed out so you can purchase non-Microsoft versions (for cheaper).

Very cool indeed
I tried out the original HoloLens and thought it was pretty cool. However, I the tech is too expensive and niche. For me, the second version with be more of the same I'm sure.
Heck, I'd rather get VR before AR. I've been on the fence about that - mostly because my current system is on the edge of being able to run it well.
Hololens 2.0, the "Our project still has money to burn before we get cancelled!" edition
Hololens 2.0, the "Our project still has money to burn before we get cancelled!" edition
Somewhat true. It's more like let's make something that matches the original concept we got the buzz about and even is we only sell a few hundred the program will stay alive hoping that progress solves the cost issue.



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I'll buy one as soon as its like the ... what ... second or third season of Sword Art Online? I don't remember except it was where people in RL were fighting monsters in RL. When its like that, parents will buy it for their fat children.
That kind of tech would destroy this world. You see how addicted the shit we have now.
3rd Party folks are already working on Hololens tech and there's been concept demos with a Hololens user interacting with somebody using a Vive (HTC and MS have been working together as well). I don't think this tech is going away (3rd party are looking at various price ranges, including down were the current VR headsets are). The first generation Hololens, even with its very small FoV really does a great job as to what you can do with the tech (and it's impressive). Keep in mind that this is almost nothing like VR systems. The entire system is contained in the headset. No wires. maybe you can use the mouse "clicker" thing if you want - but it's not necessary (though nice if you do click around a lot. Good arm workout if you don't use it). And you don't have to have a room set up specifically to use it and it tracks your movements pretty dang well. I haven't been much part of the original program but MS was actively trying to find it's limitations - like recording 3D location information - I.E., use it in your house. Place 3D models, web browsers etc. around in different rooms, on different floors etc. and when you walk around... all your stuff is where you placed it - no "see through wall" hacks (lol). You leave a room and you can't see the stuff unless you're at a spot where you can actually 'see' the location through an open door. They tested it to certain sq/ft but were looking to see how well it works on large areas... or even outside! it's really pretty amazing and one of those things where you have to try it out to see what it is. A light and very mobile (but powerful enough) version of this stuff with a good FoV (which is the hardest part to get over on the first version) will be simply awesome. SO many things you can do with mixed reality - very excited about VR and Mixed Reality and it's future. Like... all the cool Sci-Fi stuff we watched in 80ies movies coming to light :)