Microsoft kills the Zune... long live the Zune

Joe Average

Ad Blocker - Banned
Apr 6, 2008
Well, this IS a surprise but, I suppose it was bound to happen. Nothing is 100% confirmed yet but multiple sources are reporting Microsoft has pulled the proverbial plug on the Zune hardware program, so... there goes hopes for a Zune HD 2:

Damned shame, I suppose. Guess I should look for a Zune HD to go in my box of collector's items along with PocketPCs, a Diamond Rio, my Rio Karma, and several other classic gadgets... :(
Fair well zune. How we loved thee.

My refurb zune 30 is still going strong. If nothing else the zunes were a nice break from ipods (seriously, we need more brown gadgets).

It makes sense though, what with windows phone 7. I almost wonder how much longer standalone mp3 players will be available. Most phones can play mp3s.
I still love my 32GB Zune HD, and I do think it's a better PMP compared to the iPod, as long as a huge amount of apps aren't one of your requirements. I was hoping we'd see new Zune hardware, perhaps even using the WP7 OS, but it seems like that won't be the case anymore. I'm almost tempted to get a 64GB HD, if the prices come down some, but I don't know if I will. I have about 8 GB free on my 32, but I've removed quite a few videos I had on it.
If I can manage a good price on a Zune HD 32GB or 64GB I'll most likely grab one at some point. I know Microsoft will leave the Zune site up for a while so I grabbed the latest version of the software for safe keeping just in case, and the latest update installers as well.

It's a shame but, it happens.

I'm going to assume that the Zune Pass will live on, however, since the Zune audio/video functionality in Windows Phone 7 devices will still be a draw for new users. Let's hope so.
i need to get my 30 refurbed i love that little mp3 player, it was very tough
Unfortunate, but I am not all surprised since Apple essentially owns the mp3 player market. It seems like that market in general is getting less relevant since mp3 playability is built into everything. I've even been thinking about selling my iPod. I can only really see missing it on long drives or plane flights, and I rarely take either.

But still unfortunate.
Microsoft said even before the Zune HD that it wasn't staying in the standalone mp3 hardware market, the Zune HD was a proving ground for Windows Phone, really nothing more. They might licesnse the OS out to third parties to build devices however.
Not sure if there's much market for mp3 players anymore period. With today's superphones and apps you have a much nicer mp3 player than any standalone player, even the ipod. Like combining Winamp on pc and Android and wick syncing and what not.....I have no desire to carry and charge a second piece of hardware.
This news is somewhat disappointing to me. I love my Zune HD (have had a Zune since the first ones launched) and have no plans to EVER comingle my PMP and my cell phone.

I have an HTC Evo and while it can play music and whatnot, it sounds NOTHING like my Zune HD does and honestly, I'd rather keep those two devices separate, as I have my Zune HD hardwired into my car and mounted in the dash.

Yeah I could buy a WP7 device, but I don't want to. I'm pretty used to Android for my phone and Zune for my PMP, and am not ready to switch my mobile OS or combine my phone and PMP. The latter will probably NEVER happen unless there are just no devices separate from phones one day, which I hope isn't the case.
Microsoft said even before the Zune HD that it wasn't staying in the standalone mp3 hardware market, the Zune HD was a proving ground for Windows Phone, really nothing more. They might licesnse the OS out to third parties to build devices however.

hmmm, I wonder if MS and Cowon are listening :D
do you take your phone with you? i set mine on the seat, plug it in if i want to listen to music on it

Sure, but I might to do other things on the phone, GPS, etc. and I just find it more convenient for me to keep that separate, plus the Zune is 32GB totally dedicated to music and nothing else.
Found a 64GB Zune HD in excellent condition earlier, with the AV dock + cables + remote too, and the current owner is letting it go for $150 cash. I told her I'd have the money by the weekend and she said no problem so... let's hope I can manage to scrape it together. ;)
I love my Zune60 (hah). and Zune HD... they both work well...

I stole a 60gb HDD from a broken iPod classic and stuck it in my Zune30... apparently it was too big by a few mm so it bulges out a bit. But now I got 50GB of music in my car without spending any money. Got the Zune30 originally from club live, and the 60gb drive was free too. :D
Echoing everyone else, this news is too bad. It's not surprising, what with the WP7 OS and all, but still, it stinks to here. I love my Zune HD and aside from the billing issues with Zune Pass, love that service. Way better then the crap Apple peddles IMO.
This was posted by Dave McLauchlan, Senior Business Development Manager for Zune, at the message board:

ALL consumer electronics products have a lifespan, and the Zune HD is 18mo old. We were completely frank about this year's Zune hardware being the WP7 phones, and we continue to both sell and fully support the Zune HD line of products. And as I've promised – we continue to bring new apps and games to the platform. More of those are in the works, I promise you.

His post was actually quite a bit longer, and you can see the whole thing by clicking here.
I was hoping for a Zune/WP 7 type alternative to the ipod Touch. Does anyone know of any rumors or indications of such a device?
Unless you get a manufacturer to make a an MP3 player using only WP7 I doubt it. Samsung has some nice android mp3 players though.
I love my 80gb zune
only thing i HATE about zune is having to use their proprietary software to transfer my music over, they need to change that