Microsoft Kinect Turns One Year Old


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Happy Birthday Kinect! One year ago this weekend, the Kinect became available to the general consumer. It sure feels like it has been around much longer than only a year. In what initially began as an accentuation to Xbox gaming has grown tremendously into many other areas of human-device interface.
The Kinect is fun and amazing to see the applications people have put it twords.
This is awesome and all, don't get me wrong -- for a $150 device, it's incredibly capable and we're only scratching the surface. When the Windows SDK is out of beta next year, watch out.

However, input lag is going to seriously hamper the real-world, mission critical stuff. I'd rather see business and classroom presentations that are Kinnect-enabled than bomb squads using a toy for telepresence applications.
Haha, I felt the same way as Cannon Fodder...and in the back of my head I was like "damn that sounds like "where is my mind" from the end of Fight Club
Wasn't this technology originally offered to Apple first who turned it down? I bet they could have that turn back again. Either way, Kinect has indeed been incredible so far as I agree with the above poster that we are only scratching the surface of it right now. I just hope that we never get away from couch and game controller gaming though.
it has so much potential, but just no potential in the area is was designed for.

Everyone I know has one mounted above the TV from grandparents to nieces, but no one uses it anymore because while the games were fun for 5 minutes, nothing came of it... maybe that will change with the new dash if they do netflix right this time.

Myself personally I'm waiting to see it's integration with mass effect 3.
Forza? Gunstringer? There are a plenty of excellent games that use Kinect.

oh please, the only thing it has ever had going for it is Dance Central. Gunslinger wont be winning any GOTY awards either. Microsoft should release a hand controller and be done with it.
This is awesome and all, don't get me wrong -- for a $150 device, it's incredibly capable and we're only scratching the surface. When the Windows SDK is out of beta next year, watch out.

I have a Kinect attached to my sig rig and have been playing with the SDK beta, there's some great potential here. The technology exists to make Kinect much better but unfortunately Microsoft had to go cheap to make viable commercially in the console market.
oh please, the only thing it has ever had going for it is Dance Central. Gunslinger wont be winning any GOTY awards either. Microsoft should release a hand controller and be done with it.
Gunstringer is a great game and the head tracking on Forza works great. It sounds like you're just pissed because your panties are in a bunch and your T-rex arms won't reach to pull them out.